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Dishonest перевод на испанский

1,028 параллельный перевод
Yes, it's too bad he was dishonest.
Sí, es una lástima que fuera deshonesto. Sí.
No, that would be dishonest of me.
No, eso sería deshonesto por mi parte.
Do you think it would be dishonest if we went through his haversack?
¿ Sería deshonesto registrarle el morral?
At night there are dishonest people around.
Por la noche uno se encuentra tanta gente deshonesta.
- Ain't it dishonest to keep it?
Sí. ¿ Es deshonesto quedarnos con él?
- Dishonest?
¿ Deshonesto?
- He's dishonest. - Quiet.
- Te digo que es deshonesto.
I've never been guilty of a dishonest act in my life.
Nunca he sido culpable de un acto deshonesto en mi vida.
There'll be some honest ones and some dishonest ones.
Habrá honestos y deshonestos.
Basta de hipocresía.
Well, don't you think that was dishonest to your employer?
¿ No le parece que era poco honrada con su patrón?
Sure it should have been killed. It was dishonest.
Seguro que hubiera desaparecido si fuera deshonesto.
It's Leo. We didn't wanna do nothing dishonest, honest.
And I always thought Jack didn't have a dishonest bone in his head.
Y yo siempre pensando que Jack no tenia un pelo deshonesto en su cabeza.
Things that are all right in peacetime - thrift and relaxation - that made many a fortune, but are plain dishonest in wartime.
Cosas como el ahorro y el descanso... que enriquecieron a muchos, pero son deshonestas en tiempos de guerra. Así es.
- That's right. - Our motto is "Business as usual", but we feel wartime ain't a usual time and business as usual is dishonest.
El lema de esta ciudad es "Los negocios como siempre"... pero muchos sentimos que en tiempos de guerra nada es igual... y que los negocios no deben ser como siempre.
who, holding in disdain the German women for some dishonest manners of their life established there this law - to whit, no female should be inheritrix in Salic land, which is this day in Germany called Meissen.
que desdeñando a las mujeres alemanas por ciertas costumbres deshonestas establecieron esta ley : Decretaron que ninguna mujer heredaría en tierra sálica que hoy se llama en Alemania Misnia.
Did anyone ever tell you you have a dishonest face?
¿ Le han dicho alguna vez que tiene usted cara de embustero?
In everything else, he's dishonest.
En todo lo demás no es honesto.
So many honest girls become dishonest women. Perhaps I'll show the opposite can happen.
Si bien, muchas chicas honestas llegan a ser mujeres deshonestas, quizás pueda demostrar que puede suceder lo contrario.
To soak it full, you'll do anything that's ruthless, selfish, dishonest.
Y para empaparla, eres capaz de cualquier cosa cruel, egoísta y deshonesta.
It's dishonest, that's what it is.
No es honrado, claro que no.
Papa says if it doesn't hurt anybody, it's not dishonest in your heart.
Papá dice que no hacemos daño a nadie, si eres honrado en tu corazón.
On the testimony of a man squinting through his shutter, you've tried to show that Camrose is dishonest.
Te basas en el testimonio de un hombre que espía... para demostrar que Camrose no es honesto.
Run away you dishonest...
¡ Corre, malnacido!
A dishonest girl who came to ruin François.
Una mujer deshonesta que vino a traer la perdición a François.
I'm a dishonest woman.
Soy una mujer deshonesta.
Are you saying that I am dishonest?
Pretendes echar sombras sobre la honorabilidad de mi empleo?
Well that's the way I feel and it would be dishonest to say anything else.
Es Io que siento y otra cosa sería mentir.
But don't do anything dishonest like stealing.
Pero no haga nada deshonesto, como robar.
As a matter of fact, i made out an itemized expense account, just so you wouldn't think i was dishonest. Comes to exactly $ 155.80.
De hecho, he desglosado la nota para que no pienses que te robo.
That dog is... is dishonest.
Ese perro es... deshonesto.
She was untruthful and dishonest.
Era falsa y ruin.
And what did she mean by boasting that she had got you to give your name, your support, to a thing I have heard you describe as the most dishonest and fraudulent scheme there has ever been in political life?
¿ Y qué quería decir al jactarse de haberte convencido de que apoyarías un asunto que tú habías tildado...
Yes — write the word dishonest.
Sí, escribe la palabra "deshonrosa".
It has taught me that a person who has once been guilty of a dishonest action may be guilty of it a second time, and should be shunned.
Me ha enseñado que alguien deshonesto puede volver a serlo, por Io que se le debe rechazar.
It is because your husband is himself fraudulent and dishonest that we pair so well together.
Su marido es un estafador, por eso pega tanto conmigo.
He's contemptible, dishonest, selfish, deceitful, vicious.
Está el Sr. Sawyer. vicioso...
That's what you get for being dishonest.
Eso es lo te pasa por ser deshonesta.
To fight against these dishonest shops.
Para luchar con esas deshonestas tiendas.
You know you are getting downright dishonest.
Te estás volviendo muy deshonesta últimamente.
Then there's my father, very bankrupt and slightly dishonest.
Arruinado y algo deshonesto.
A lot of dishonest people in this world.
Ya no queda gente honrada.
Is it not dishonest to choose that profession?
¿ No es deshonesto elegir esa profesión?
And so, here and now I withdraw as a candidate for any office, not because I am honest, but because I am dishonest.
Y aquí y ahora renuncio como candidato a cualquier puesto, no porque no sea honrado sino porque soy deshonesto.
Willie doesn't want to be treasurer either... if he has to associate with those dishonest people.
Willie tampoco quiere ser tesorero si tiene que asociarse con esos tramposos.
In a corrupt city, with dishonest officials, such a strategy would be most effective.
Es de lo más convincente. En una ciudad corrupta con oficiales deshonestos tal precaución resulta de lo más efectiva.
Miss Em, I'm not dishonest, if that's what you're implying.
Srta. Em, no soy deshonesta, si es lo que insinúa.
- You're dishonest.
Es deshonesto.
Till you rang that doorbell at Brennan's that night... you'd never done a dishonest thing in your life. Yeah.
I won't tolerate dishonest servants!
Es intolerable.

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