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That show was really about a part of my life where I'd moved in with my sister, I helped take care of her kids and my mom, and it was very important for me to do that show.
Era realmente sobre una etapa de mi vida en la que me mudé con mi hermana y la ayudé a cuidar a sus hijos y a mi mamá, y hacer ese programa significó mucho para mí.
You do that, I'll help you get off that island.
Si haces eso, te ayudaré a salir de esa isla.
" Do this. Don't do that!
" Haz esto, no hagas eso.
Why the hell would I do that?
¿ Por qué diablos haría eso?
You couldn't do that.
No podía hacer eso.
They make it look like you run out, the car almost hits you, you do that thing... "Hey!" Slam the hood and then move on.
Vas caminando, un auto casi te atropella, entonces gritas, golpeas el capó y sigues tu camino.
I try and do that all the time. I try my utmost.
Intento hacerlo siempre que puedo.
Scottish people do that so well.
Los escoceses lo hacen muy bien.
He'd do that thing where he'd come out...
Él bajaba y hacía...
They do that thing when they speak.
Tienen ese efecto al hablar.
Don't reach over there and grab that, don't do that.
No te muevas para coger eso, no lo hagas.
You can't, you can't do that, because we can't...
No puedes hacerlo porque no podemos...
You know there are professionals who do that, right?
Sabe que hay profesionales que hacen esas cosas, ¿ verdad?
Don't do that.
No hagas eso.
They don't know the pain of having to do homework with that shit.
No saben lo tedioso que es hacer la tarea con esa mierda.
That's why I do it.
Por eso lo hago.
When I heard that, I didn't know what to do.
Cuando escuché eso, no supe qué hacer.
" If you're like this first generation and you're one of the few that's doing the first of everything in your family, do something, do the first of something.
" Si tú eres de la primera generación y una de las pocas que está haciendo lo primero de todo en la familia, haz algo, haz algo por primera vez.
You guys know this area better than anybody, so, the moment that we do get a hit on her, I'm hoping that you'll come with...
Vosotros conocéis esta zona mejor que nadie, así que, en el momento que recibamos un aviso sobre ella, espero que vengáis con...
Do you get that?
¿ Lo entiendes?
And if you do get jammed up, what's gonna happen to that beautiful family you've been hiding out in the Valley?
¿ Y si a ti te encerramos, qué pasará con esa bonita familia tuya que has estado ocultando en el Valley?
What are we supposed to do, stand here and let him get away with that?
¿ Qué debemos hacer quedarnos aquí y permitir que salga indemne de esto?
Do you remember anything about how you ended up in that tank?
¿ Recuerdas algo sobre cómo acabaste en ese tanque?
Well, you just... you don't know Dylan the way that I do.
Bueno, es que... no conoces a Dylan como yo.
How do you even know about that?
¿ Cómo sabes eso?
Well, guessing is hardly scientific but I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that we've been using plain old swamp water from nearby Slaughter Swamp for our experiments.
Adivinarlo no es muy científico, pero sospecho que tiene algo que ver con el hecho de que usamos agua de pantano del Pantano de la Matanza para nuestros experimentos.
But all you got to do is make it to that finish line way over there to win a full year of therapy from a real, honest-to-goodness shrink.
Pero debes llegar a la línea de llegada allí para ganarte un año completo de terapia de un psiquiatra real.
Think whatever's inside that credenza might have something to do with how our cases get picked.
Creo que lo que hay dentro de esa credenza podría tener algo que ver con cómo son escogidos nuestros casos.
Why would he do something like that?
¿ Por qué haría algo como eso?
Much as they do the pirates that roam Wall Street today.
Al igual que lo hacen con los piratas que deambulan hoy por Wall Street.
That'll do the trick.
Eso servirá.
Do you understand that the crimes you committed are very serious?
¿ Entiendes que los delitos que cometiste son muy graves?
I admit, I had my issues with Lars Vestergaard, but I didn't do anything that would've harmed him or his business.
Lo admito, tuve mis problemas con Lars Vestergaard, pero no hice nada que lo lastimara a él o a su negocio.
As a physician, you pledge to do no harm, but that's not always possible.
Como médico, prometes no hacer daño, pero eso no siempre es posible.
What do you think our divers will find when they go to that spot?
¿ Qué cree que encontrarán nuestros buzos cuando lleguen a ese lugar?
You do understand, they created the problem that they are now dealing with.
¿ Entienden? Ellos crearon el problema que tienen ahora.
Do you understand how insane that is?
¿ Entienden cuán loco es eso?
Do you know that scene in the casino we always wait for?
¿ Vieron esa escena tan esperada en un casino?
That's the classy thing to do.
Es lo que hace alguien con clase.
Guys say that, and then you do what they want. "Don't be a pussy."
Los hombres dicen eso, y entonces haces lo que ellos quieren. " Ten huevos.
Whenever people say that, I go, " Do you understand how impressive the vagina is?
Cuando la gente dice eso, digo : " ¿ Saben lo increíbles que son las vaginas?
Do you understand how impressive that is?
¿ Entienden lo impresionante que es eso?
You can't do normal things with that voice.
No puedes hacer cosas normales.
I don't care who you are, where you are, you do not mess with the Russians because of that accent.
No importa quién seas, dónde estés. Nadie se mete con los rusos por ese acento que tienen.
What do you mean where did I hear that?
¿ Qué quieres decir con que dónde he oído eso?
However, we do have a passenger that's experiencing severe air sickness.
De todas formas, tenemos a un pasajero que está experimentando un fuerte mal de altura.
But there's nothing we can do about that.
Pero no podemos hacer nada respecto a eso.
We do not know that.
No lo sabemos.
What do you call that one?
¿ Cómo llamáis a eso?
Thank you, but how do I know you're not saying that just to be nice?
Gracias, pero ¿ cómo sé que no lo decís para ser amables?
Do you actually pay for that haircut?
¿ En serio pagas por este peinado?
do that for me 24
do that again 97
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
do that again 97
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19