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Do you know what that's like перевод на испанский

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Why do you let them get away with, that's what I'd like to know.
Por supuesto.
Don't you know that's what it's supposed to do at a time like this?
No sabes que eso es lo que esta supuesto a pasar en momentos como estos?
Mr. Green, you're sort of heckling me. You know as well as I do, the sort that starts trouble in a place like this and the sort that doesn't, like you or me, so what's the sense of pinning me down?
Me refiero a las que buscan problemas... en lugares como estos.
How do you know that you love a man when you don't know what he's like underneath?
En otro sentido, claro. ¿ Como puedes amar a un hombre si no lo conoces a fondo?
I know we are told every day that what's wrong is fear and suspicion and lack of good will and then you do things like this to make sure that everybody has got something to be frightened and suspicious about
Sé que cada día se nos repite que el miedo, la sospecha y la mala voluntad son errores históricos, y van ustedes y hacen esto, que levantará los temores y las sospechas de todo el mundo.
Thing is that... it's easy enough like, you know, to... well to-to know what it is you don't want to do.
La cosa es que... es... es suficientemente fácil saber lo que no quieres hacer.
- Do you know what that's like?
- ¿ Sabes lo que significa?
- You talk like an old woman "a wife... a child" that's what they want to trap you. - How do you know he's dead?
La cuchillada no fue para menos.
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Sabe usted lo que es eso?
Do you know what it's like to be in a camp like that?
¿ Saben lo que es un campo de concentración?
Do you know what that's like these days?
¿ Sabe lo que es eso hoy en día?
She calls me later to tell me that she did like your style... or whatever's left of it, and you know what you do?
Me llama después para decirme que le ha gustado tu estilo o lo que queda de él, ¿ y sabes qué haces tú?
Do you know what it's like out there in that damn country?
¿ Sabe lo que está pasando en ese maldito país?
Yeah sorry I had to cold cock you like that that's okay, you did what you had to do you know maybe you could make up for it...
Hizo lo que tenía que hacer. Tal vez usted puede redimirse.
We got this big job, you know, where we go around looking for old car stereos that need to be, like, polished up and repaired and stuff, and that's what we do.
Tenemos esta gran tarea, vamos buscando reproductores de autos viejos que necesitan ser pulidos y reparados y demás, y eso es lo que hacemos.
It's just like that, that you say- - l don't know what to do with that.
Cuando dices... que no sabes qué hacer.
I run a comprehensive American values program. ln which we discuss... ethical situations... sex education, drug awareness... What do you say to young people who look around at the world... and see that it's become, you know, like, a... a sleazy country, you know?
hago un programa comprensivo sobre valores en América en donde discutimos... situaciones éticas... educación sexual, conocimiento sobre drogas... que le dice a la gente joven que ve en el mundo... y ve que se ha convertido, tú sabes, en algo, como... un país sórdido, sabes?
Do you know what it's like, man, to go to your family's storage locker day after day and just pick up one more thing that you can sell off to stay afloat?
¿ Sabes lo que es ir al depósito de tu familia día tras día y elegir una cosa más que puedas vender para mantenerte a flote?
Do you know what that's like, Jack?
¿ Sabes cómo se siente?
Like the tilt of the head and the sneer, you would just make, you know - emphasize that. You kind of almost have to do it consciously - make a decision of what you want to bring out in this person's face.
Tienes que tomar una decisión consciente... de lo que quieres sacar de la cara.
That's what I thought... that he should know what it's like... but a woman can't rape... so I thought it would be something you would have to do.
Pensé que debía saber lo que se siente. Pero una mujer no puede hacerlo. Así que pensé que lo hicieras tú.
And then this one night, we were just watchin'TV after dinner like we always do, and that's when Larry told me... that one of Mama's chores had always been to massage his you-know-what.
Entonces una noche estábamos viendo la tele después de cenar, como hacemos siempre. Entonces es cuando Larry me dijo que uno de los quehaceres de mamá era masajear sus partes.
Really? Then do tell me what it is because as far as I know... you got Jamie his own Turbo Man weeks ago. What it looks like is that you've broken into our neighbor's house... and you're stealing presents from under the tree.
Y en la recta final para la Navidad los consumidores llenan las tiendas buscando regalos de última hora y detalles para sus amigos.
I don't know what's on your mind, Chris, but I do know a champion when I meet one, and I'm here to see that you fight like one.
No se lo que tienes en mente, Chris... pero se de un campeón cuando conozco uno... y estoy aquí para verte pelear como uno.
Do you know what it's like seeing your husband go through a thing like that?
¿ Sabes lo que es ver a tu esposo pasar por algo así?
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Sabes cómo es eso?
- Do you know what that's like?
- ¿ Sabes lo que es?
When they tease you like that... what they really want to do is pinch you, only they know it's not nice in public.
No le hagas caso. Cuando te hacen rabiar así, es porque quieren pellizcarte... pero saben que no es de buena educación en público.
That's right, like, you know, what you do.
Sí, como lo que Uds. hacen.
Do you know what it's like to find out that you're pregnant one week... and that your boyfriend is spending afternoons with the town pump the next?
¿ Sabes lo que es averiguar que estás embarazada? ¿ Y luego saber que tu novio anda con la puta del pueblo?
'Cause that's what they like to do, women, you know?
Porque eso les gusta hacer a ellas.
Do you know what that's like to be with someone who's not terrified to do that?
¿ Sabes lo que se siente estar con alguien que no tenga terror de hacer eso?
Do you know what that's like, to meet somebody who... who... do you know how powerful that is?
¿ Sabes lo que es conocer a alguien quien... quien... sabes qué poderoso que es?
But you don't know what that's like, do you?
Tú no sabes cómo es eso, ¿ verdad?
What I'm saying is, how do you know that he's not, like, using you?
Lo que digo es : ¿ cómo sabes que él no te está usando?
That's a good distance, especially a little thing like this, and you don't know if you can take a running start or how you should do it, or what the thing is, so this looks like it's going to be our weakest event for sure.
Es una buena distancia, especialmente para una cosa tan pequeña, y no sabemos si podemos tomar carrerilla. Parece que va a ser nuestro punto débil.
Do you know what it's like to have that voice inside your head all day long?
¿ Sabes lo que es tener esa voz dentro de la cabeza todo el día?
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Sabes lo que se siente?
Because her man still looks at her like that, because she's still so far from monotony, but what do you know about that?
Su hombre aun la mira de esa manera. Aun está lejos de cuando todo sea lo mismo. ¿ Tú qué sabrás?
that's what we do... is Irish music you know... that's what we do that's what we do like the Specials do ska and the and the fucking Rolling Stones do R and B you know what I mean?
Es lo que hacemos... Como los Specials hacen ska y los malditos Stones hacen RB.
I think it's bloody obvious that she's out only for publicity and like... at this stage of the game like she doesn't... she doesn't even view it like you know what I mean like she'll do anything for publicity
Creo que es obvio que lo hace por publicidad. Ahora... ni siquiera la veo como... Lo hace todo por publicidad.
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Tienen idea de lo que eso significa?
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Tienen idea de cómo es eso?
Do you know what that's like for a girl, Charlie to offer oneself and be rejected?
¿ Sabes lo que siente una mujer cuando se ofrece y la rechazan?
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Sabes lo que es eso?
Do you know what that's like?
¿ Sabes qué se siente?
Do you know what that's like? After a 20-year marriage, to feel something... for another person that is so....
¿ Sabes qué es, después de un matrimonio de 20 años sentir algo por alguien tan...?
Sometimes, I see him the way you do, from the outside, wondering what he's doing, what he's thinking... and then I also find him... then I don't know why we just can't leave each other in peace... or just like each other, I don't know why I can't do that.
A veces lo veo como tú también lo ves, desde fuera, lo que hace, lo que piensa... y también lo encuentro... entonces no sé por qué no podemos dejarnos tranquilos... o sólo gustarnos... no sé por qué no puedo.
I know what it's like to be told you can't do something. That's why I became a teacher.
Sé cómo se siente cuando te dicen que no puedes hacer algo, así que me volví Profesor.
Do you know what it's like to have a passion a thing that drives you, consumes your thoughts but never to be able to say a word about it to your parents to your best friend, to your wife?
¿ Sabe cómo es tener una pasión, un impulso que consume sus pensamientos... pero que jamás pudo contarle ni a sus padres... ni a su mejor amigo ni a su esposa?
When he's putting his face into the camera so close it's out of focus and screaming into the lens, he was really pissed off about being there and it's like, you know, there's a part of me that's sorry I had to do this to you but, wow, what a great performance.
Cuando acerca la cara a la cámara tanto que la imagen se desenfoca y grita al objetivo, estaba verdaderamente enfadado y una parte de mí siente haberle obligado a quedarse pero, por otro lado, fue una gran actuación.

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