Doesn't matter what i think перевод на испанский
254 параллельный перевод
It doesn't matter what I think, it's not my investigation.
No importa la que crea, no es mi investigación.
It doesn't matter what the others think, but I can't bear to have you shun me.
No me importa lo que piensen los demás, pero no puedo soportar que tú me des de lado.
- It doesn't matter what I think.
- Poco importa mi opinión.
It doesn't matter to you what I think or feel, so long as I'm here.
Te da igual lo que piense o lo que sienta, mientras esté aquí.
But what I think of you and you think of me doesn't matter just now.
Pero lo que yo piense de ti y lo que tu pienses de mí no importa por ahora.
Oh, but I think - oh, it doesn't matter what you think.
Oh, pero creo... No importa lo que pienses.
- It doesn't matter what I think.
- No te importa lo que piense yo.
- It doesn't matter what I think, but the others!
- Importa lo que opinen los demás.
- It doesn't matter what I think. I just don't think of you as a son-in-law.
- No importa lo que yo considere una vez que le he dicho que no le deseo como yerno.
What I think doesn't matter a roll of nickels.
Mi opinión no tiene ningún peso.
It doesn't matter what I think
No importa lo que yo diga.
- What I think doesn't matter. - It does to me.
- Lo que yo crea da lo mismo.
Don't think I'm rude, but it doesn't matter to me what an art critic says.
- No me importa la opinión de los críticos.
It doesn't matter what I think.
Es igual lo que yo crea.
In that case, as you think so little of him, as I gather from the way you treat him, it doesn't matter what happens to him.
En tal caso, por lo poco que te importa, y según deduzco por como lo tratas, no importa lo que le ocurra.
- lt doesn't matter what I think.
- Lo que yo crea no importa.
It doesn't matter what I think.
No importa lo que yo piense.
What I think doesn't matter.
Lo que yo piense no interesa.
- It doesn't matter what I think.
- No importa lo que crea.
What I think doesn't matter, there are scientific tests.
Lo que pienso no importa, hay pruebas científicas.
What I think doesn't matter...
Mi opinión no tiene importancia...
Doesn't matter what I think.
No importa lo que yo piense.
- No, I don't. - But it doesn't matter what I think.
No, no lo creo, pero lo que yo piense no importa.
Well... since you're no longer director of CIA, and I am, it doesn't matter what you think.
Bueno, puesto que usted ya no es director de la CIA, y yo sí, no importa lo que le parezca.
It doesn't matter what I think.
No importa lo que yo crea.
It doesn't matter what I think is best for her.
Da igual Io que crea que sea mejor para ella.
It doesn't matter what I think.
No importa lo que pienso.
What I think doesn't really matter right now.
Lo que yo pienso no importa ahora.
So it doesn't matter what you think of me, cos I have respect for you.
No importa realmente lo que piense de mí... porque yo lo respeto muchísimo.
I mean, guess what I think doesn't really matter.
Bien. Supongo que en realidad lo que yo piense no importa.
- Doesn't matter what I think.
- No importa lo que yo piense.
It doesn't matter what I think.
Qué más da lo que piense.
It doesn't matter what I think.
Qué importa lo que yo piense.
What I think doesn't matter.
No importa lo que crea.
- Your testimony put him away. It doesn't really matter what I think.
Tu testimonio hizo que le encerraran.
When you come right down to it it doesn't matter what I think either way.
De cualquier forma no importa lo que yo crea.
- What I think doesn't matter.
- Lo que yo piense no importa.
Doesn't matter what you think, it doesn't matter what I think, that's the way it is. - We've got to deal with that.
No importa lo que pensemos tú y yo, es así y tenemos que aceptarlo.
It doesn't matter what I think or do, sir, because you desk warriors from Washington will find a million different ways to make the tests turn out whatever way you want, sir.
No importa Io que piense o haga, porque los militares de oficina de Washington encontrarán un millón de maneras de conseguir los resultados que ellos quieran, señor.
You know what? It doesn't even matter what I think.
Ni siquiera importa lo que creo.
- It doesn't really matter what I think.
- Realmente no interesa lo que yo piense.
It doesn't matter what I think any more.
Lo que yo piense ya no importa.
It doesn't matter what I think,'cause they're in there lookin'for you.
No importa lo que yo piense, porque te están buscando.
- While it doesn't matter what I think, I kind of have to tip my hat to any entity that can bring so much integrity to evil.
No importa lo que yo piense. Yo felicito a cualquier entidad que... aporte tanta integridad al mal.
it doesn't matter what I think, D'Argo.
No... importa lo que yo piense, D'argo.
- It doesn't matter what I think. - It does to me.
- Lo que yo crea no importa.
What I think doesn't matter.
Pienso que no importa.
But it doesn't matter what I think any more.
Pero ya no importa que pienso yo.
It doesn't matter what I think. I'll be dead soon.
No importa lo que yo piense.
- Are you implying that I "m- - - Doesn" t matter what I think.
- Da igual lo que yo piense.
So I guess it doesn't really matter what other people think.
No me importa lo que piensen los demás.