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Don't go in there перевод на испанский

1,442 параллельный перевод
Don't go in there.
No entre allí.
Hey, don't go in there.
No entres ahí.
Don't go in there.
No entres ahí.
If you don't go back in there he'll know something's wrong.
Si no vuelves allá sabrá que algo anda mal.
- The police don't go in there?
¿ La policía no entra?
The police don't go in there?
¿ La policía no entra allí?
Bua, don't go in there!
Bua, no entres ahí!
Oh. Well, he's in the garage, but you don't want to go in there.
Bueno, él está en la cochera pero tú no quieres ir allí.
- Don't go in there.
- No entres.
- You don't wanna go in there.
No quieres entrar allí.
You don't need to go in there either. That's the dehydrated-pickle storage. Those are locked.
tampoco necesitas ir ahi ahi se guarda el adobo desidratado estan cerrados ahora quiero enseñarte esto
Yeah, I know there's three of us, I've been outvoted, and I don't want to go up against them, but what's the harm in following up with a little magic on my own?
Sí, sé que somos tres, que estoy en minoría y no quiero ir contra ellas pero, ¿ qué daño hago haciendo un poco de magia por mi cuenta?
Rory, honey, you don't have to go in there.
Rory, cariño, no estas obligada a ir
Rory, honey, the only person I'm talking to, you don't have to go in there if you don't want to.
Rory, cariño, la única persona a quien me dirijo No tienes que ir allá si no quieres
Please, I don't want to go in there.
por favor. no quiero entrar alli.
I don't think we're supposed to go in there, Stan.
No creo que debamos ir, Stan.
If you're not there, you don't go in.
Si no estás dentro, no entras.
You don't want to go in there.
No querrás ir allí dentro.
Gill, don't make him go back in there.
Gil, no lo hagas regresar allá.
Well, why don't you go in there and tell him you're not gonna do it?
¿ Por qué no te niegas?
You don't want to go in there, sir.
No quiere entrar ahí, señor.
You don't want to go in there.
No entres.
Don't go in there.
No entre ahí.
Don't go in there!
¡ No entres alli!
That's the way we came in. You don't wanna go back down there.
Fue por ahi que vinimos no quiero regresar a alli
Don't go in there, darling!
No entres.
You know, you're not supposed to go in there... but we don't really care about that. You wanna go?
Sabes, se supone que no debes ir ahi pero a nosotros realmente no nos importa.
OK, I don't think I can go in there.
Muy bien, no creo que pueda entrar ahí.
Please don't go in there.
No vayas ahí, por favor.
And he told me that there were certain boys he took liberties with and I don't want to go into it while he was in that area.
Y... me contó que hubo niños con los que se tomó libertades, y no voy a profundizar, mientras estaba en aquel lugar.
Guys, guys, come on, I don't think we should go in there.
Chicos, chicos, vengan, yo no creo que sea seguro entrar ahi.
Hey, don't go in there.
Oye, no entres.
Hey, you guys, don't go in there.
Oigan, chicos, no entren.
Don't go in there, okay?
No entren, ¿ de acuerdo?
Sir, don't go in there!
¡ No entre allí, señor!
Just don't go in there, please. Don't go in!
Por favor, no entre allí. ¡ No entre!
You catch a motherfuckin'bus, you catch a cab. Don't go the fuck back in there.
Tu coges un jodido autobus, coges un taxi, no vuelvas a regresar ahi.
Don't put him up on some gigantic pedestal up there. He was in the trenches. The stories would come out of his office... it would be guys would have their wives in final moments of labor, and he wouldn't let them go home or take them to the hospital'cause they were working on a project, you know?
no lo pongas en un gigantesco pedestal el estaba en las trincheras hay historias de que salen de su oficina de tipos que tenian a sus esposas en sus finales momentos del embarazo y él no los dejaba irse a casa o al hospital porque estaban trabajando en un proyecto
There are nationalist parties who don't see that sensitivity. It may be because they haven't had to go through what we're going through in both the PP and the PSOE.
Hay partidos, partidos nacionalistas, que no ven esa sensibilidad, igual será porque a ellos no les ha tocado vivir la experiencia que nos ha tocado vivir a nosotros, tanto al PP como al PSOE.
I don't know, but I say we go back in there
No lo sé, pero sugiero que volvamos...
If you don't go in there and act happy about these reshoots they'll get someone else. It could ruin this movie.
Si no accedes a seguir filmando, buscarán a otro que podría echar a perder el filme.
- We're on a date! - We're in a store, they're right there. Now I don't have to go tomorrow.
- Estamos en una tienda, están ahí. así no tendré que comprarlas mañana.
So you don't mind if I go in there alone.
Pues no te importará que entre sola.
" Don't go in there, girl!
" ¡ No entres ahí, niña!
If you don't, we'll have to go in there with tranquillisers and capture them.
Si no lo hace tendremos que entrar allí con tranquilizadores y capturarlos.
Don't worry. There's not enough blood left in my legs to go anywhere.
Tranquila, no me queda sangre en las piernas para ir a ningún sitio.
Agent Farrell, if this is the part where you suggest... that I could move on in the Bureau if I play ball with you... don't even go there.
Agente Farrell, si va a sugerir que podría ascender en el Buró si coopero con usted ni se le ocurra.
So when you go in there, if you recognize him... don't talk to him, don't identify him in any way.
Si lo reconoce no le hable, no lo identifique.
I don't even go in there now.
Ni siquiera me atrevo a ir.
Wait, don't go in there by yourself!
¡ Espera no vayas allí!
Don't go in there.
No entre.

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