Don't matter перевод на испанский
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I mean, you don't know what you're doing! It's just a matter of straightening the cogs, that's...
Sólo se trata de enderezar los dientes, eso es...
! - What's the matter! - Listen, guys, we don't know who is-... to collect this wood?
Escuchen, no sabemos qué- -
It don't matter, man.
- No importa.
But what he said don't matter'cause Cus had my back and my talent was un-fucking-deniable.
No me importaba lo que él dijera porque Cus me apoyaba y mi talento era jodidamente innegable.
♪ Don't matter where you're going Or where you've been ♪
♪ No importa a dónde va O dónde has estado ♪
Bob, I don't really care if these men are here illegally. That's a federal matter.
Bob, no me interesa si esos hombres están aquí de forma ilegal.
Which was wrong because grades and numbers don't matter.
Estuvo mal porque los grados y números no importan.
You don't have a choice in the matter.
No tienes elección en este asunto.
Don't matter what you think.
Da igual lo que pienses.
No matter what happens, no matter what you hear, you don't leave till I come back, you got me?
No importa lo que pase, no importa lo que oigas, no te vayas hasta que vuelva, ¿ lo entiendes?
And when this goes to trial, don't be surprised if every dirty little trick this firm has ever played becomes a matter of public record.
Y cuando esto vaya a juicio, no se sorprenda si cada pequeño truco sucio que esta firma ha jugado siempre se convierte en un asunto de interés público.
And unless you guys have written some dissertations I don't know about, do not mention JFK, Area 51, and definitely, no matter what, do not mention the Apollo moon landing.
Y a menos que tengáis publicados trabajos que yo desconozca, no mencionéis a JFK, el área 51, y definitivamente, pase lo que pase, no mencionéis la llegada a la luna del Apollo.
No, I'm not saying I don't believe you, the truth is, it doesn't matter what I think.
No, no estoy diciendo que no te crea, lo cierto es, que no importa lo que yo crea.
- It don't matter what you want!
- ¡ No me importa lo que quieras!
Actually, I don't think that is her name, but it doesn't matter.
En realidad, no creo que ese sea su nombre, pero no importa.
Philosophy don't matter, but he is.
La filosofía no importa, pero así es.
Don't matter to me none where it stop.
A mí no me importa dónde vaya a parar.
I don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore.
No lo sé, pero ya no importa.
Matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen him outside the office.
De hecho, creo que nunca lo he visto fuera de la oficina.
I don't owe either of you, or Kevin, for that matter, a goddamn thing!
¡ No os debo ni una puta cosa a ninguno de los dos, ni a Kevin, para el caso!
Sorry, what's the matter? Ladies, please. Don't get excited.
En un principio me sorprendió los sentimientos que tenía hacia vosotros y no supe cómo llamarlo.
The rest, they... they don't matter.
El resto... no tienen importancia.
It don't matter what a copper's worth when he's up against the Woolpackers.
No importa el valor de un policía cuando está en contra de los Woolpacker.
No matter how much danger we put ourselves in at work, when we're off the clock, we don't take unnecessary risks.
No importa el peligro que corramos en el trabajo, cuando no trabajamos, no corremos riesgos innecesarios.
To be honest, if I don't take Jerry down in the first two shots, the other twelve won't matter against his Mauser.
Para ser honesto, si no le dió a los nazis en los 2 primeros disparos, los otros 12 no importarán contra su Máuser.
I don't believe in witchcraft but that doesn't matter, witches exist.
No creo en la brujería pero eso no importa, las brujas existen.
I don't think it is a matter of the President showing leadership on the issue.
No creo que sea un asunto del presidente el mostrar liderazgo sobre el tema.
I don't know how I'd get by without knowing that they will be here for me no matter what.
No sé cómo me las arreglaría sin saber que estarán ahí para mí pase lo que pase.
I don't think it'll matter anymore.
Ya no creo que importe.
I don't fancy an evening with him no matter how good his jokes are.
No me gustaría una noche con él sin importar lo buenos que sean sus chistes.
This is an important family matter. Don't intervene!
Es algo importante para mí. ¡ Salga!
No matter how much I think about it... I don't think you could ever become a burden to me.
No importa lo mucho que pienso en eso... no creo que podrías convertirte en una carga para mí.
No matter what, don't look back.
- No importa qué, no mires atrás.
Um, as a matter of fact, why don't you use, the new voice command?
de hecho, ¿ por qué no usas el nuevo comando de voz?
I don't know how many of these things you need, but one less ain't gonna matter.
No sé cuántas de estas cosas necesitas, pero una menos no importará.
So it is a mystery, and some people don't even question it because it is a matter of faith, and so, made in that image, we could make the argument that there's a trinity within each and every one of us.
De modo que es un misterio y algunas personas ni siquiera se lo cuestionan debido a que es cuestión de fe, y así, hechos a su semejanza, podríamos argumentar que hay una Trinidad en todos y cada uno de nosotros.
But it don't matter now, does it?
- Pero ahora no importa, ¿ no? - No.
# Cos yesterday do not matter #
# Cos yesterday don't matter #
It doesn't matter what happens to me. Don't ever say that you'll become a gisaeng. So, what will you do?
No importa lo que me suceda. ¡ No digas que te convertirás en una gisaeng!
It doesn't matter what happens to me. Don't ever say that you'll become a gisaeng. So, what will you do?
Entonces, ¿ qué harás?
And if you don't, it won't matter.
Y si no entras, no importará.
- Theories don't matter.
- Las teorías no importan.
No matter how much you pay me single boards don't become double boards.
Da igual lo que me pagues... tablas simples no pueden convertirse en tablas dobles.
Irene dear, don't leave the palace, no matter what happens.
Irene querida, no salgas de palacio, pase lo que pase.
You didn't have my back on that mission... ( Whispers ) And you still don't have it, because for you there's only two people who matter in this world...
No tuviste mi respaldo en esa misión... y sigues sin tenerlo, porque para ti solo hay dos personas que importan en este mundo
I don't know, does it matter?
No sé ¿ Qué importa?
Matter of fact, this year, don't get me any presents.
De hecho, este año, no me den regalos.
No matter what. Don't say a word to anyone.
Pase lo que pase ni una palabra a nadie.
Why don't you forget the matter?
¿ Por qué no olvida el asunto?
But I guess their feelings don't matter, and neither do ours.
Aunque supongo que sus sentimientos no interesan. y tampoco los nuestros.
So don't quit now before you learn that no matter what you do or where you go, you can't escape yourself.
Así que no abandones ahora antes de que aprendas que no importa lo que hagas, o a donde vayas, no puedes escapar de ti.
matter 86
matter of fact 310
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
matter of fact 310
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't forget me 61
don't cry 1202
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't go far 26
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't forget 829
don't be sorry 259
don't forget me 61
don't cry 1202
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't go far 26
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't forget 829
don't be sorry 259