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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ D ] / Don't you ever forget that

Don't you ever forget that перевод на испанский

102 параллельный перевод
You belong at the captairs table, don't ever forget that.
Te sientas en la mesa del capitán, no lo olvides.
Don't you ever forget that you're my subject and I'm your monarch.
Jamás olvides que eres mi súbdito y yo soy tu monarca.
Don't ever forget that. And will you get rid of that revolver?
¿ Te desharás de ese revólver?
Don't you ever forget that, Mr Mclvers.
Que no se le olvide, Sr. McIvers.
Don't you ever forget that.
Que no se te olvide.
I love you, Johnny, don't ever forget that.
Te amo, Johnny, No lo olvides nunca.
Whatever happened, Cathy, we all done it, and don't you ever forget that
¿ Qué pasó, Cathy, hemos hecho todo, y no lo olvides nunca
And I don't want you to forget that, ever.
Y no quiero que lo olviden, jamás.
Don't ever forget that now, you are mine forever!
¡ No olvides jamás, que ahora, eres mío para siempre!
Don't you ever forget that.
No lo olvide.
Don't you ever forget that this man saved your father's life!
¡ Nunca olvides que este hombre le salvó la vida a tu padre!
Don't you ever forget that.
No lo olvides nunca.
Now, she's your mama, don't you ever forget that.
Por lo menos, Nicolas, se lo debemos a nuestros hijos.
Striker, we don't have much time, but I'll say this... you pull this off, and a lot of people just might forget that Macho Grande ever happened.
Striker, no nos queda mucho tiempo, pero voy a decirte algo... Si lo consigues, mucha gente va a olvidar que una vez sucedió lo de Macho Grande.
Don't you ever forget that.
Nunca olvides eso.
don't you ever forget that, sal.
Nunca olvides eso, sal.
Don't any of you ever forget that.
Que nadie lo olvide.
Don't you ever forget that!
¡ No lo olvides!
Don't you ever forget that.
Y que no se te olvide.
Don't you ever forget that.
Jamás olvides eso.
Don't forget that and don't ever forget the file I have on you.
Eso se le olvida. Reconozco que es mi culpa. Pero recuerde que tengo su expediente.
Don't you ever forget that.
N unca lo olvides. Estás vivo..
If you ever need an actress that looks like me... don't forget, I look like me.
Si alguna vez necesitas una actriz que se parezca a mí... no te olvides, yo me parezco a mí.
Don't you ever forget that, bitch.
No lo olvides nunca, perra.
Don't ever forget it. But, ladies, you must understand that that is fucking confusing.
Pero, señoras, debéis admitir que es jodidamente CONFUSO.
And don't you ever forget that.
Nunca olvides eso.
Don't you ever forget that.
Y nunca lo olvides.
You know what, You are our Hitler, Don't you ever forget that, OK?
Eres nuestro Hitler.
You're a brave man. Don't ever forget that, Dick.
Eres un hombre valiente, nunca lo olvides, Dick.
Don't you ever forget that. You got me?
Nunca lo olvides, ¿ entendiste?
Don't ever forget that we love you!
¡ No olviden nunca que los amamos!
Don't you ever forget that.
Nunca lo olvides.
"Don't you ever forget, sir, that it was a blood-suckin'Jew who saved this country."
"No se le olvide, señor, que fue una sanguijuela judía quien salvó a este país."
You gave me the first hit yourself, don't you ever forget that.
Me diste el primer golpe, nunca te olvides de eso.
And don't you ever, for one second, forget that.
Y nunca olvides... ni por un segundo eso.
Don't you ever forget that!
Que no se te olvide!
Don't ever forget that, now matter how angry you might get at her some days.
No olvides eso. No importa cuán enojado puedas estar con ella...
So don't you ever forget that.
Que no se te olvide nunca.
But, Bob, just don't forget that nobody could ever do for you what I did.
No olvides que nadie te va a ayudar como yo te ayudé.
Don't you ever forget that.
Puedes averiguarlo.
Look, if you don't start telling the truth, you can forget about ever seeing that Sachetti kid again.
Si no empiezas a decirme la verdad, puedes olvidarte de volver a ver al chico Sachetti.
Don't you ever forget that.
No olvides eso nunca.
Don't you ever forget that.
Nunca lo olvides. ¿ Qué demonios has hecho?
And don't you ever forget that.
Y nunca olvides eso.
Don't you ever forget that.
Que no se les olvide.
Don't you ever forget that.
Nunca olvides esto.
Don't you ever forget that.
¡ Nunca lo olvides!
Don't you ever forget that.
No olvides nunca eso.
In that mountain cabin, the butter coffee you made for me... I don't think I'll ever forget the taste of it.
En ese refugio de montaña... el café de mantequilla que hiciste para mí... no creo que nunca pueda olvidar ese sabor.
That's right, nigga, don't you ever forget that fact
Así es, negro, no lo olvides jamás
Don't ever think that we'll forget you.
Nunca pienses que te olvidaremos.

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