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Donahue перевод на испанский

444 параллельный перевод
Bishop Donahue said it's because I have no self-esteem and desperately want to fit in with by my peers.
El Obispo Donahue dijo que es porque no tengo autoestima y quiero desesperadamente encajar con mis compañeros.
- Miss Thomas, this is captain Donahue.
Srta. Thomas, el Capitán Donahue.
You'll find Donahue's boat Perfectly safe, - But not very comfortable.
El barco de Donahue es seguro, pero incómodo.
- And this is captain Donahue.
Soy la señorita Thomas. Este es el Capitán Donahue.
Captain Donahue was good enough to bring me here.
El Capitán Donahue ha sido muy amable al traerme.
- Captain Donahue, I suppose - -
- No. gracias. - Capitán...
- Come on, Donahue.
- ¿ Atrevido?
You have a mile to go through my jungle.
- Vamos, Donahue. - Deben internarse en mi jungla.
I can see, captain Donahue, you would be afraid of nothing. But mr.
Veo que no le teme a nada.
Captain Donahue, you can share mr. Parker's room.
Capitán Donahue, compartirá la habitación del Sr. Parker.
- My regards, Captain Donahue.
Salud, Capitán Donahue.
- A little more claret, Captain Donahue?
¿ Más clarete, Capitán?
M'ling, fill up Captain Donahue's glass.
M'ling, llena la copa del Capitán Donahue.
Where's captain Donahue?
- ¿ Y el Capitán?
You're next, Donahue.
Tû sigues, Donahue.
Zeekenny, Donahue!
¡ Zeekeeny, Donahue!
She was in a Broadway chorus known as Suzie Donahue
Ella en Broadway ya ha bailado y Suzie Donahue es su nombre
Señorita Donahue
La señorita Donahue
There's Sergeant John McAfferty And Corporal Donahue They make us march up to the crack In gallant Company Q
El sargento McAfferty y el cabo donahue... nos hicieron caminar en compañía galante.
There's Sergeant John McAfferty And Corporal Donahue They make us march up to the crack In gallant Company Q
El sargento McAfferty y el cabo donahue... nos hicieron caminar en compañía galante.
There was sergeant John McAfferty And Corporal Donahue
El sargento McAfferty... y el cabo donahue...
- Excuse me, aren't you Judge Donahue?
- Disculpe, ¿ es Vd. El juez Dolan?
- Donahue, J.J.
- Donahue. - Sí.
# But you forgot to remember #
Nuestra historia trata de Los Donahue, una muy pequeña parte del vodevil.
And the first thing the theater gave up was the Donahues.
Y el teatro suprimió a los Donahue.
The Five Donahues!
Los Cinco Donahue.
Tim Donahue. How are you, kid?
Tim Donahue, ¿ cómo está?
One of The Five Donahues?
¿ Uno de los Donahue?
Mr. Donahue, it was awfully sweet of you to come back and tell me how much you admired my work.
Agradezco infinitamente que haya venido.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Two Donahues!
¡ Los Dos Donahue!
Ladies and gentlemen, your guest of honor, Mr. Steven Donahue.
Señores, el invitado de honor, Steven Donahue.
Vicky, do you know Tim Donahue?
Vicky, ¿ conoce a Tim Donahue?
Hello, Mr. Donahue.
- Hola, Sr. Donahue.
Mac, did you know that Mr. Donahue, in his spare time, is a well-known reporter? - Yeah.
¿ Sabía que el Sr. Donahue se dedica al periodismo?
No, Mr. Donahue.
- No, Sr. Donahue.
"Orchids to Molly and Terry Donahue, " wowing them at The Blue Angel.
Orquídeas para Molly y Terry.
Don't get nervous. I mean the little Donahue.
- No se ponga nervioso.
La Donahue.
Miss Donahue.
- ¿ Srta. Donahue?
Father Donahue. Hey, you know where your parish will be?
- ¿ Sabes a qué parroquia vas a ir?
Charlie, may I present Father Steven Donahue? Glad to meet you, Charlie.
- Charlie, el Padre Steven Donahue.
Did you have a date with young Donahue? Poor Tim.
- ¿ Estaba citada con Donahue?
Can I help you? I'm Mr. Donahue.
- ¿ Qué desean?
- Yes? You and your daughter are in, uh, 12-A.
Sra. Donahue.
This isn't my idea, Mrs. Donahue.
- No es idea mía.
You look wonderful, Father Donahue!
Estás muy bien, Padre.
This is Tim's brother Father Donahue.
Es el hermano de Tim.
Thanks, Mrs. Donahue. See you later.
- Gracias, Sra. Donahue.
Don't you double-talk me, Steve Donahue.
No me engañes.
Where's Captain Donahue?
¿ Dónde está el Capitán?
I tried to, Mrs. Donahue, but he was pretty stubborn, too.
- Lo intenté.

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