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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ D ] / Dowd

Dowd перевод на испанский

376 параллельный перевод
That's Father O'Dowd, an old friend of mine.
Es el padre O'Dowd, un viejo amigo mío.
Pardon me. Father Fitzgibbon, this is my old friend, Father O'Dowd.
Padre Fitzgibbon, éste es mi viejo amigo, el padre O'Dowd.
Tim O'Dowd?
¿ Tim O'Dowd?
We're trying to raise a little money, Father O'Dowd.
Intentamos recaudar dinero, padre O'Dowd.
Nor Deems O'Dowd either.
- Ni Deems O'Dowd.
That's Father O'Dowd, a friend of mine.
Es el padre O'Dowd, un amigo mío.
Father O'Dowd and I thought, with your permission, we'd play golf tomorrow.
El padre O'Dowd y yo habíamos pensado, con su permiso, jugar mañana al golf.
You suppose I could buy Father O'Dowd one, too?
¿ Podría comprarle otra al padre O'Dowd?
If you get the ball in the hole... in less hits than Father O'Dowd...
Si mete la bola en el hoyo... - con menos golpes que el padre O'Dowd...
For Dowd.
Para Dowd.
- Dowd's my name.
- Ese soy yo :
Now Myrtle, dear, you know the whole idea of this party is to... get you started socially. Her uncle Elwood P. Dowd is the biggest... screwball in town. " Who'd want me? - Oh, what's the use?
Pero Myrtle, esta fiesta la hacemos solamente para que... te introduzcas en sociedad y conozcas a un buen joven. - ¿ Y para qué?
" Myrtle Mae Simmons. Myrtle, dear, you're sweet and you have so much to offer.
"Myrtle Mae Simmons... su tío Elwood P. Dowd es el mayor chiflado de la ciudad." ¿ Quién me va a querer a mí?
He's Elwood P. Dowd.
Se llama Dowd.
Good afternoon, Mr. Dowd.
Buenas tardes, Sr. Dowd.
How do, Mr. Dowd!
Hola, Sr. Dowd.
- How are you, Mr. Dowd?
- ¿ Qué tal está, Sr. Dowd?
Thanks, Mr. Dowd.
Gracias, Sr. Dowd.
- What can I do for you, Mr. Dowd?
- ¿ Puedo hacer algo por Vd., Sr. Dowd?
Just the other night, what on earth do you think happened to Elwood Dowd?
... la otra noche. ¿ Qué habrá sido de Elwood Dowd?
Elwood Dowd! Bless your heart!
Elwood Dowd. ¡ Qué alegría!
I don't know anything about your Mr. Minninger, but I do know Elwood.
No conozco al Sr. Minninger, pero sí a Elwood Dowd.
My name's Dowd, Elwood P.
Me llamo Dowd. Elwood P.
It's Dowd, Elwood P. Dowd.
Se llama Dowd, Elwood P. Dowd.
Elwood P. Dowd. His age?
Elwood P. Dowd. ¿ Edad?
- Wilson, there's a Mr. Dowd outside in a cab.
- Wilson, fuera espera en un taxi el Sr. Dowd.
Mr. Dowd, Elwood P. Dowd.
Sr. Dowd, Elwood P. Dowd.
Telephone this Elwood P. Dowd. His sister's condition is serious.
Quiero que llame inmediatamente al Sr. Dowd, su hermana está grave.
This man Dowd can sue us for false commitment.
Ese Dowd puede denunciarnos.
- But what shall I say to Mr. Dowd?
- ¿ Y qué le digo al Sr. Dowd?
Mr. Dowd?
¿ Sr. Dowd?
Mr. Dowd, I'm Miss Kelly. I'm at the reception desk.
Sr. Dowd, soy la Srta. Kelly de la recepción.
- That's quite alright.
- Eso no es problema, Sr. Dowd.
- Mr. Dowd, you haven't peeled yet!
- ¡ Aún no se ha desnudado!
- That won't be necessary, Mr. Dowd.
- No es necesario, Sr. Dowd.
Mr. Dowd I take a bath every morning just before I go on duty.
Sr. Dowd, me baño cada mañana antes de venir a trabajar.
Why, thank you, Mr. Dowd.
Oh, gracias, Sr. Dowd.
Won't you have a chair, Mr. Dowd?
¿ No quiere sentarse?
You have us at a disadvantage here.
Sr. Dowd, estamos en desventaja.
- Yes, Mr. Dowd.
- Sí, Sr. Dowd.
Does she drink, Mr. Dowd?
¿ Ella bebe, Sr. Dowd?
- Yes. You know, I like you, Dowd.
- Sabe, usted me cae bien, Dowd.
Why, thank you, Mr. Dowd.
Gracias, Sr. Dowd.
Goodbye, Mr. Dowd.
Adiós, Sr. Dowd.
Oh, Dowd's my name.
Me llamo Dowd.
He said "Mr. Dowd, I would do anything for you."
"Sr. Dowd, haría cualquier cosa por Vd."
- I don't know, Mr. Dowd. I gave up long ago expecting my family to like my friends.
- No sé, Sr. Dowd, hace tiempo que no espero que a mi familia le gusten mis amigos.
Perhaps Mr. Dowd left it here, Sir.
Quizá se lo haya dejado el Sr. Dowd.
A few minutes ago I met a gentleman. He said he was looking for a friend of his named Harvey.
Acabo de cononocer a un Sr. Dowd que dijo estar buscando a su amigo...
You wouldn't prefer a booth? - Would he prefer a booth, Mr. Dowd?
- ¿ Cree que preferiría una mesa, Sr. Dowd?

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