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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ E ] / Earp

Earp перевод на испанский

832 параллельный перевод
- My name's Earp.
- Me apellido Earp..
- Wyatt Earp?
- ¿ Wyatt Earp?
- Earp.
- Earp.
- Why, Earp, what happened?
- Pero, Earp, ¿ qué sucedió?
Thanks, Mr. Earp.
- Gracias, Sr. Earp.
So that's the way you're takin'care of Earp for me.
¿ Así pusiste en su lugar a Earp por mí?
Well, forget about Earp.
- Ya olvídate de Earp.
- Where you goin', Earp?
- ¿ Adónde vas, Earp?
Any of you other gentlemen care to shoot Mr. Earp in the back?
- ¿ Alguien más quiere dispararle por la espalda al Sr. Earp?
- Earp's riding shotgun, and I know you don't like Earp.
- Porque Earp viajará de guardia armado, y sé que Earp no te simpatiza.
See that Curly Bill takes care of Earp.
- Encárgate de que Curly Bill elimine a Earp.
They hate him as much as they do Earp.
- Lo odian tanto como a Earp.
So, you see, Mr. Earp, sticking your nose into my business hasn't changed things any.
- Como verá, Sr. Earp, meter su nariz en mis asuntos no ha cambiado nada.
- Earp, I've got a handkerchief here.
- Earp, aquí traigo un pañuelo.
Pull the lamp down, Earp.
- Bajen la lámpara.
All right, Wyatt Earp.!
- ¡ Oye, Wyatt Earp!
- Do you remember Morgan Earp?
- ¿ Te acuerdas de Morgan Earp?
Wyatt Earp.
Wyatt Earp.
- Wyatt Earp.
- Wyatt Earp.
- May I present my friend, Wyatt Earp.
- Te presento a un amigo, Wyatt Earp.
- How are you this morning, Earp?
- ¿ Qué tal estás esta mañana, Earp?
Wyatt Earp, Miss Clementine Carter.
Wyatt Earp, la señorita Clementine Carter.
Sweet-smelling stuff, Mr. Earp.
Huele bien, señor Earp.
- Good morning, Mr. Earp.
- Buenos días, señor Earp.
That being the case, I charge you with the murder of my brother, James Earp.
Siendo así, te acuso del asesinato de mi hermano, James Earp.
He's right in there, Mr. Earp.
Está ahí, señor Earp.
Charging the murder of James and Virgil Earp.
Le acuso del asesinato de James y Virgil Earp.
he was deputy of Wyatt Earp in Tombstone. ... the two of them shot it out with the whole Clanton bunch.
Cuando él y wall EIIif se encontraron en Ia tormenta, fueron Ios únicos que sobrevivieron.
You know, I'm a figuring man sometimes I don't know all the answers....... like that fella "Quirt Evans" Handy man with a colt while he was acting as Wyatt Earp's deputy over in Tombstone ... one day turns in his badge, and starts to build himself a nice cattle spread.
Tengo imaginación, a veces no sé todas Ias respuestas, un tipo de Io más honrado y formal que un día cuelga su placa y se pone a criar ganado.
- I bet he ain't as fast as Wyatt Earp.
- Dudo que sea tan rápido como Wyatt Earp.
- Faster than Wyatt Earp?
- ¿ Más que Wyatt Earp?
Jimmie Ringo could kill Wyatt Earp.
Ringo mataría a Wyatt Earp.
Nope. As a matter of fact, I understand he's a Wyatt Earp man.
No, según creo, él prefiere a Wyatt Earp.
- Earp? You ought to have taught him better.
- Deberías haberle enseñado mejor.
How would you like to see Ringo and Wyatt Earp square off?
¿ Os gustaría ver a Ringo y a Wyatt Earp batirse en duelo?
Did you ever meet Wyatt Earp?
¿ Alguna vez ha visto a Wyatt Earp?
In the bunch I ran with, we'd have spanked Wyatt Earp's britches with his own pistol.
En mi banda, nos reíamos de tipos como Wyatt Earp.
- The real tough ones would laugh at Earp.
- Los tipos duros se reirían de Earp.
I'm the marshal, Wyatt Earp.
Soy el alguacil, Wyatt Earp.
Don't try anything, not with Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp around.
No trates de hacer nada, no con Bat Masterson y Wyatt Earp por aquí.
It's Earp, and he's got a gun.
Tiene un revólver.
Well, if I'd have been there, Wyatt Earp or no Wyatt Earp, he wouldn't have run you out of town.
Si yo hubiese estado ahí, Wyatt Earp o no, aún estarías en el pueblo.
He's the fellow I told you about who offered to gun Wyatt Earp for me.
El es tipo que te conté que se ofreció a defenderme de Wyatt Earp. No sabía que era Wyatt Earp.
I didn't know it was Wyatt Earp. I don't like to break up this gabfest, but we make a wonderful target standing here in front of that fire.
Disculpen, pero parados frente a la fogata, somos un blanco perfecto.
Yeah, that's why Earp ran you out of town.
Por eso Earp te echó del pueblo.
My name Earp.
Me llamo Earp.
- My name is Wyatt Earp.
- Me llamo Wyatt Earp.
I do not know what got into me, Mr. Earp.
No sé qué me dio, señor Earp.
See you, Mr. Earp.
Hasta luego, señor Earp.
It's Wyatt Earp!
¡ Es Wyatt Earp!

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