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Elim перевод на испанский

35 параллельный перевод
Modern women are stupid... when they try to elim...
Las mujeres modernas son idiotas... Cuando pretenden elim...
- Our Barber Elim. He knows what to do.
- Nuestro barbero, Elim, él entiende.
Elim... Eliminate the motive.
E-lim, eliminar el motivo.
A few introductions are in order. This is Subcommander T'Rul.
Permítame presentarle a mi socio, Elim Garak.
Romulan interests will be served through cooperation.
Elim es un antiguo colega al que aprecio.
Maybe it's time to stop brooding and start talking.
Antes no se me escapaba nada. ¿ Recuerdas, Elim?
My aide, a man named Elim, tracked them to a Cardassian shuttle bound for Terok Nor.
Mi ayudante, un hombre llamado Elim, los siguió hasta el transbordador con rumbo a Terok Nor.
The captain refused to let Elim search the ship because he claimed Gul Dukat had ordered him to depart immediately.
El capitán se negó a que Elim registrara la nave porque, según él, Gul Dukat le habia ordenado que saliera inmediatamente.
So I had the shuttle destroyed, killing the escapees, Elim, and 97 Cardassian civilians.
Asi que destrui el transbordador y maté a los forajidos, a Elim y a 97 civiles cardassianos.
Elim and I were interrogating five Bajoran children.
Elim y yo interrogamos a cinco niños bajoranos.
Elim couldn't believe his eyes.
Elim no lo podia creer.
Elim wasn't my aide.
Elim no era mi ayudante.
I did everything in my power to make sure that Elim was accused instead of me.
Hice todo lo que pude para asegurarme de que acusaran a Elim en vez de a mi.
- Elim destroyed me.
- Elim me destrozó.
Not for the reasons they claimed, but because of what I had tried to do to Elim, my best friend.
No por lo que ellos decian, sino por lo que intenté hacerle a Elim, mi mejor amigo.
- He said it was Elim.
- Dijo que se llamaba Elim.
Elim is Garak's first name.
Elim es el nombre de pila de Garak.
¡ Elim!
You have to help him, Elim.
Tienes que ayudarlo, Elim.
I know you're still bitter because of what happened between the two of you, but... you must help him, Elim.
Sé que aún estás resentido por lo que pasó entre ustedes pero debes ayudarlo, Elim.
It's been a long time, Elim.
Cuánto tiempo, Elim.
He hides his true feelings almost as well as you do, Elim.
Esconde sus sentimientos casi tan bien como tú, Elim.
I've missed you, Elim.
Te he echado de menos, Elim.
Allow me to introduce my associate, Elim Garak.
Permítame presentarle a mi socio, Elim Garak.
Elim is a cherished colleague of long standing.
Elim es un antiguo colega al que aprecio.
There was a time when you were eager to begin an interrogation, Elim.
Hubo un tiempo en el que te encantaba comenzar un interrogatorio.
You remember, don't you, Elim?
¿ Recuerdas, Elim?
These Founders, Elim, they're very good.
Estos Fundadores, Elim. Son muy buenos.
Giving me a name tag that read "Elim Garak... Former Cardassian Oppressor"
Mi chapa ponia "Elim Garak, antiguo opresor cardassiano".
" Do your chores, Elim.
" Haz tus tareas, Elim.
I thought we'd agreed to elim...
- Pensaba que estábamos de acuerdo en elim...
The name is Elim Glicht.
Soy Elim Glicht.
I program med it to never stop until it elim inated the hero.
Lo programé para que no se detuviera hasta eliminar al héroe.
Vive en el Kibbutz Ze'elim de Negev.
Elim... eliminating her is perfectly... fine.
Director Shen... cuando se participa en una audición, uno debe llevar una foto donde sonría.

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