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Eric cartman перевод на испанский

192 параллельный перевод
Eric Cartman. - What?
Eric Cartman.
- Me, Eric Cartman!
- ¡ Yo, Eric Cartman!
" My essay, by Eric Cartman.
"Mi ensayo", por Eric Cartman.
We have with us via satellite Eric Cartman from South Park who is now so obese, he can't even get out of his house.
Vía satélite tenemos a Eric Cartman de South Park que es tan obeso que no puede salir de casa.
Who is Eric Cartman's father?
¿ Quién es el padre de Eric Cartman?
The father of Eric Cartman is -
El padre de Eric Cartman es...
I sure hope I'm not Eric Cartman's father, Mr. Hat.
Espero no ser el papá de Eric Cartman, Sr. Sombrero.
I hope I'm not Eric Cartman's father, Mr. Hat.
Espero no ser el papá de Eric Cartman, Sr. Sombrero.
I can finally reveal who the father of Eric Cartman is.
Al fin puedo revelar quién es el papá de Eric Cartman.
The father of Eric Cartman is -
El padre de Eric Cartman es- -
Who is Eric Cartman's mother?
¿ Quién es la mamá de Cartman?
The father of Eric Cartman is indeed someone in this room.
El padre de Eric Cartman está en este cuarto.
- Who is Eric Cartman's father?
- ¿ Quién es?
Kenny, wasn't that your fat, racist, foul-mouth friend Eric Cartman?
Kenny, no era ese el gordo, racista, mal hablado, amigo tuyo Eric Cartman?
... and the winner is... squash-o-lantern by Stan Marsh, Kyle Broslofski, and the Evil Eric Cartman from a parallel universe.
... Y el ganador es... calabacin-linterna por Stan Marsh, Kyle Broslofski, y el malvado Eric Cartman de un universo paralelo.
Children, I'm sure we're a little rusty - - Where's Cartman?
Bien niños, seguro que están un poco oxidados. ¿ Donde esta Eric Cartman?
- You are Eric Cartman?
- ¿ Eric Cartman?
Since the last South Park you've waited four long weeks to find out who the father of Eric Cartman is.
Desde el último South Park esperaron cuatro largas semanas para saber quién era el padre de Eric.
The father of Eric Cartman is indeed...
El padre de Eric Cartman es en efecto...
Alright here's Eric Cartman giving it a shot.
Bien, Eric Cartman lo intentará.
uh... Where's Eric Cartman?
uh... ¿ Donde está Eric Cartman?
- No I'm asking why Eric Cartman isn't at school.
- No, pregunto por que Eric Cartman no está en la escuela.
Well Eric Cartman, that certainly was...
Bueno Eric Cartman, ciertamente eso fue...
- unfortunately that finalist is Eric Cartman.
- desafortunadamente el ganador es Eric Cartman.
You can't say, "I'm Cartman, the fattest piece of shit in the world"?
¿ Y no puedes decir'Soy Eric Cartman, el hijoputa mas gordo del mundo'?
So now, here's a more serious Christmas song, sung by Eric Cartman.
Así que ahora una seria canción de Navidad, por Eric Cartman.
Eric Cartman, you say excuse me!
Eric Cartman, pide disculpas! Ok
Eric Cartman, you be nice to people!
Eric Cartman, se respetuoso!
And you must be Eric Cartman.
Y tu debes ser Eric Cartman.
Eric Cartman, you respect others cultures this instant!
Eric Cartman, respeta a otras culturas de inmediato!
Shall we? Now, Eric Cartman, you claim that Stan Marsh has sexually harrassed you in school.
Bien, Eric Cartman afirma que Stan Marsh lo ha acosado sexualmente en el colegio.
Since the defendant is underaged and has no monetary resources, it is the judgement of this court that 50 % of Stan Marsh's belongings are to be handed over to Eric Cartman immediately.
Como el acusado es menor de edad y carece de recursos económicos, este tribunal decide que el 50 % de las pertenencias de Stan Marsh sean entregadas a Eric Cartman inmediatamente.
Principal Victoria, was Eric Cartman called an ass sucker? Yes or no?
Directora Victoria, ¿ llamaron a Eric Cartman chupaculos?
Eric Cartman, it is the judgement of this court that you sexually harrassed Pip Phillip at school.
Eric Cartman, el tribunal concluye que acosó sexualmente a Pip Philip en el colegio.
- Eric Cartman.
- Eric Cartman.
Okay! Our next contestant is Eric Cartman!
Bien, nuestro siguiente concursante es Eric Cartman.
M'kay, I've already taken care of it Eric Cartman her is gonna be punished with two weeks of detention.
M'kay, Ya me encargue de el, Eric Cartman será castigado con dos semanas de detención.
Eric Cartman, you have been found guilty of commiting a hate crime.
Eric Cartman, has sido encontrado culpable de cometer crimen de odio.
Hate-crime suspect Eric Cartman is trying to outrun federal prosecutors in his friend's Go-Go Action Bronco!
El sospechoso Eric Cartman está tratando de huir de la persecución federal en el Go-Go Action Bronco de su amigo!
Governor, the Free Eric Cartman Now Committee is here to see you?
Gobernador, El Comité Liberen Ahora A Eric Cartman está aqui para verlo?
This is the Free Eric Cartman Now Committee?
¿ Este es el Comité Liberen Ahora a Eric Cartman?
Eric cartman. Here.
Eric Cartman.
This must be Eric Cartman.
Este debe ser Eric Cartman.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you... the new Eric Cartman.
Damas y caballeros, quisiera presentarles al nuevo Eric Cartman.
Dude. I don't know if I'm going to like the new Eric Cartman.
Viejo, no sé si me va a gustar el nuevo Cartman.
Let's hear it for Eric Cartman!
¡ Que se escuche para Eric Cartman!
Hermaphrodites cannot bear children, so Mrs. Cartman's DNA match with Eric means that she is his father and she got a woman pregnant at the Drunken Barn Dance.
Las hermafroditas no pueden concebir ; si el ADN de ella es como el de Eric significa que es su padre y embarazó a otra mujer en el baile de ebrios.
I love Cheesy Poofs, you love Cheesy Poofs, if we didn't eat Cheesy Poofs, we'd be laaaameee! - Eric Cartman.
- Eric Cartman.
Eric Theodore Cartman.
Eric Theodore Cartman.
After careful review it is the judgement of this court that South Park Elementary pays Eric Theodore Cartman 1.3 million dollars in damages.
Tras un exhaustivo análisis este tribunal decide que la Escuela de South Park pague a Eric Theodore Cartman 1,3 millones de dólares por daños.
And you better hope to god that it still works just like it did before. Doctor, eric cartman is here.
Doctor, Eric Cartman está aquí.

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