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Esas перевод на испанский

121,005 параллельный перевод
That people are... are that good...
Esas personas son... son tan buenas...
I like doing that stuff... the admin work, the scheduling.
Me gusta hacer esas cosas... el trabajo administrativo, la programación.
Someone will come dress those burns, and I'll go get an update.
Alguien vendrá a vendar esas quemaduras y yo iré a preguntar.
I will trade you my watch for those berries.
Te cambiaré mi reloj por esas moras.
Widows and such.
Viudas y esas cosas.
Those snakes intend to starve us off the mountain.
Esas serpientes intentan que nos muramos d'hambre en la montaña.
Those samples, they're only gonna prove you wrong and make you look foolish.
Esas muestras, solo van a probar que te equivocas y te van a hacer parecer tonta.
All those people, so angry and excited.
Todas esas personas, tan furiosas y excitadas.
And it just so happens that one of those professions... is teacher.
Y sucede que una de esas profesiones... Es maestro.
But I don't have any of those things and my Student Visa runs out in a week.
Pero yo no tengo ninguna de esas cosas y mi visa de estudiante se agota en una semana.
We're bringing a lawsuit against all these big asshole companies, and I know you know all the people here and how they complain.
Planteamos una demanda contra esas grandes y estúpidas empresas y sé que aquí conoces a todo el mundo y también conoces sus quejas,
Those two did.
Esas dos lo hicieron.
Uh, there's a turn right past those rocks.
Hay una salida a la derecha de esas rocas.
His memory should serve as a motivator not to fail at those two tasks.
Su memoria debería servir como motivación para no fallar en esas dos tareas.
Those two trays side by side.
Esas dos bandejas una a cada lado.
Those things are portals to hell, only less hospitable.
Esas cosas son como portales al infierno, solo que menos hospitalarios.
We got to get those chemicals out of that silo before it falls in.
Tenemos que conseguir sacar esas sustancias del silo antes de que se caiga.
Those safety nets you have, we tie them together, we stretch them across the sinkhole, we cut the cables, we let the silo drop onto the nets and catch it, and then Joe gets out to safety.
Esas redes de seguridad que tenéis, las atamos todas juntas, las estiramos a través del socavón, cortamos los cables, dejamos que el silo caiga encima de las redes y atrapamos, y entonces Joe se salva.
Those nets are designed to catch people, not buildings.
Esas redes están diseñadas para atrapar personas, no edificios.
You mean those cards where you get one punch per visit?
¿ Te refieres a esas tarjetas en las que consigues un punto por visita?
Can you get any more of those big sandhog nets?
¿ Puedes conseguir algunas más de esas grandes redes de obreros?
See if you can kick one of those... one of those rocks loose.
Mira a ver si consigues... soltar una de esas piedras.
There are roughly a million people in those few square blocks.
Hay más o menos un millón de personas en esas pocas manzanas.
Use it for errands, tickets, things like that.
Úsalo para los recados, recibos, esas cosas.
By those rules, wouldn't Dr. Picot be required to treat his patient?
Por esas reglas, ¿ no estaría el Dr. Picot obligado - a tratar a su paciente?
You're the only one who had these photos, Ted.
Eres el único que tenía esas fotos, Ted.
- A writer I know is one of those Chicago shows.
- Un guionista que conozco trabaja en una de esas series de Chicago.
What's with the boxes?
¿ Qué pasa con esas cajas?
Right, and a lot of the women used the word "slut" as in "slut-shaming."
Sí, y muchas mujeres usan esas palabras en otros contextos.
"court suits," um, things like that that are supposed to scare me off.
"demandas judiciales", cosas como esas que se supone que me aterrorizan.
You forgot those lessons.
Has olvidado esas lecciones.
It's one of those words that makes the English language so ugly.
Es una de esas palabras que hacen al idioma inglés tan feo.
Remember those marks on Ash's head?
¿ Recordáis esas marcas en la cabeza de Ash?
He kept saying how he almost lost you, and it was hell and stuff.
Seguía diciendo que casi te perdió y fue un infierno y esas cosas.
'Cause I realized that my father would never say those things to me.
Porque me di cuenta de que mi padre nunca me diría esas cosas.
But those sort of things never bothered her be... before.
Pero esas cosas nunca le habían preocupado an... antes.
I wasn't trying to kill these people.
No quería matar a esas personas.
Why haven't you taken these premonitions to the police?
¿ Por qué no le ha contado esas premoniciones a la policía?
How do you get these visions?
¿ Cómo tiene esas visiones?
I want to know exactly what we can and cannot expect her to be able to tell us about these premonitions.
Quiero saber exactamente lo que podemos esperar o no sobre lo que nos pueda decir de esas premoniciones.
- of those companies.
- de esas compañías.
Well, humans crave challenges and hardships, and when they don't get those things, they... reflexively sabotage themselves.
Pues bien, los seres humanos anhelan retos y dificultades, y cuando no consiguen esas cosas... se sabotean a sí mismos.
We said all that bad stuff.
Dijimos todas esas cosas malas.
Jake's chronic tardiness, his slobbiness, and the fact that he wasted half the morning deciding what sneakers to wear... those are just some of the reasons we're late.
La impuntualidad crónica de Jake, su desorden, y el hecho de que se pasó media mañana decidiendo qué tenis ponerse... esas son solo algunas de las razones por las que llegamos tarde.
My God, those rats have eaten the purest cocaine in the history of this city.
Dios mío, esas ratas han ingerido la cocaína más pura de la historia de esta ciudad.
And you were amazing at coming up with all that stuff to be mad about.
Y tú estuviste increíble sacando todas esas cosas sobre las que estar enfadada.
Yep, totally, I just said all that stuff to save the precinct, and that's all.
Sí, totalmente, solo dije todas esas cosas para salvar la comisaría, eso es todo.
Those aren't clouds.
- Esas no son nubes.
- That's good news.
- Esas son buenas noticias.
That's good news.
Esas son buenas noticias.
These images are from after they went down.
Esas imágenes son de después que cayeron.

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