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Even if that were true перевод на испанский

93 параллельный перевод
Even if that were true... are my Lord Admiral and his privateers prepared to stop him?
Aunque eso fuera cierto, ¿ milord Almirante y sus corsarios están preparados para detenerle?
Even if that were true, why all those lies?
Aunque fuera cierto, ¿ por que todas estas mentiras?
Even if that were true, do you think the Great Lord will trust it is so, should Miki inform him of that prophecy?
Aunque eso fuera cierto. ¿ Crees que el Gran Señor seguiría confiando si Miki le informa de esa profecía?
Even if that were true, even if the Resistance were doomed to failure, even if collaboration were the only way to survive, you have no right, as a Christian, to follow that path.
Incluso si eso es verdad, incluso si la Resistencia está condenada al fracaso incluso si la colaboración en Francia es el único medio de subsistir no tienes derecho, siendo cristiana, a aceptar su amistad.
Even if that were true, it wouldn't lead anywhere.
Aunque eso fuera cierto, no importaría mucho.
Even if that were true, how do you live with that?
Y si fuera cierto, ¿ cómo lo sobrelleváis, cómo podéis soportarlo?
Even if that were true, what do you expect?
Aun si fuera verdad, ¿ qué espera?
Even if that were true, why would I want to own the Daily Planet?
De acuerdo, pero, ¿ por qué querría yo tener el Daily Planet?
Even if that were true, we would rather die before accepting help from you again.
- Aunque eso fuera verdad preferimos morir antes que aceptar tu ayuda otra vez.
Even if that were true, which I doubt, we are not an autocracy here notwithstanding Denny's great affection for kings.
Aun si eso fuera verdad lo cual dudo, no somos una autocracia a pesar del afecto que les tiene Denny a los reyes.
Even if that were true, sir, how could it possibly find you out here on an island?
Aunque eso fuera verdad, ¿ cómo podría encontrarlo aquí en una isla?
So forget the cheap shots, because even if that were true, it wouldn't matter,'cause it's not about me.
Olvida los golpes bajos porque, aunque fuese verdad... no importa, yo no tengo nada que ver
Even if that were true, doctor, it's none of your business.
Aunque eso fuera cierto, no es asunto suyo.
Even if that were true, you may have uncovered a very tragic accident, a very horrible mistake, but certainly nothing criminal, or we'd be downtown right now.
Pero, si eso es cierto, sólo ha sacado a la luz un trágico accidente, un terrible error, pero no es un crimen, o estaríamos en la comisaría en este momento.
Even if that were true... it doesn't mean the dam is going to fail.
Aunque tenga razón... no quiere decir que la presa vaya a explotar.
Even if that were true, do you honestly think I would turn against him?
Aunque eso fuera cierto, ¿ cree que me volvería contra mi hermano?
Honestly, Owen, even if that were true... who would believe you?
Sinceramente, Owen, aun si fuera cierto... ¿ quién te creería?
Even if that were true, I think that if she called you tomorrow, you'd be there in the second to help her.
Aunque eso fuera cierto, creo que si te llamara mañana irías enseguida a ayudarla
Even if that were true, and no one is saying that it is, the fact that you could assert that...
Aunque eso fuera cierto, y nadie dice que lo sea el hecho es que no puedes afirmar que -
Okay, even if that were true, I can't be the secretary of the interior.
Bueno, aunque fuera verdad, no puedo ser secretario de interior.
Well, even if that were true, it's none of our business, is it?
- Bueno, aún si así fuera, no nos importa, ¿ o sí?
Even if that were true, you have no jurisdiction here.
Aunque fuera cierto, no tienes jurisdicción aquí.
Even if that were true... lt couldn't have been much, uncle.
Aunque fuera cierto... no podría ser mucho, tío. Lo hubiese descubierto.
Even if that were true, that is not how we would handle the situation.
Aunque eso fuera verdad, no hubiéramos manejado así la situación.
Even if that were true, their price is too high. What they ask of us goes against the very spirit of the Sodan.
Aunque eso fuera cierto, su precio es demasiado alto lo que nos piden va contra el propio espíritu Sodan.
Even if that were true, it's just not in their nature to learn how to use a ladder.
Y aunque se quedaran atrapadas, no está en su naturaleza aprender a usar una escalera.
Even if that were true, which I doubt, we are not an autocracy here, not withstanding Denny's great affection for kings.
Aun si fuera verdad, lo cual dudo, aquí no somos una autocracia, no compartimos el afecto que Denny tiene por los reyes.
And even if that were true, I would never use that to get an unfair advantage over my girls.
Y, aunque lo fuera nunca usaría eso como ventaja desleal sobre mis amigas.
Even if that were true, it doesn't mean you can behave in such a way.
Aunque eso fuera cierto, no significa que puedes comportarte en esa forma.
Even if that were true, the proof would be in my LAPD file, which I heard has gone missing.
Incluso si fuera cierto, la prueba estaría en mi archivo del LAPD el cual, he oído que ha desaparecido.
Even if that were true, it still wrecked Thompson's landmark beer, and he found out, about the same time that you found out your sister was pregnant by him.
Aún si eso fuera cierto, arruinó el sabor de la cerveza de Thompson y él lo descubrió, en la misma época en que Ud. descubrió que su hermana estaba embarazada de él.
I don't know that even if that were true that I'd tell you.
Yo no sé que incluso si eso fuera cierto te lo diría. Correcto.
Even if that were true, that does not make him wrong.
Incluso si eso fuera cierto, eso no lo hace estar equivocado.
All right, even if that were true, and my impulse control was that far off, I look to you to be my compass. I need you to pull me back.
- Aunque eso fuera verdad y mi impulso de control era tan malo, necesito que seas mi brujula y me guies, y necesito confiar en ti.
Even if that were true, this will only ever be New York, and New York is not America.
Incluso si eso fuera cierto, esto sólo puede ser siempre en Nueva York, y Nueva York no es Estados Unidos.
And even if that were true, we can't prove that Alice Morgan touched it, let alone fired it. We need more.
Aún si eso fuera cierto, no podemos probar que Alice Morgan lo tocó o que la disparó, necesitamos más.
Look, even if that were true - -
Mira, incluso si eso fuera cierto...
Well, even if that were true...
Bueno, inclusive si eso fuera cierto...
Anyway, I told him that even if it were true, I couldn't care less.
En todo caso, le he dicho que, aunque fuera verdad, no podría importarme menos.
All right, so even if it were true, and I don't believe for one single minute that it is, there're an awful lot of other soldiers here that can take care of it.
Muy bien, pero incluso si fuera verdad, y no creo ni por un momento que lo sea, hay un montón de soldados aquí que pueden ocuparse de ello.
And if true for your lifetime boast that you were honored to speak his name even in death.
Pero si es cierto podrás jactarte toda la vida de haber tenido el honor de nombrarle una vez muerto.
And even if it were true, which it isn't, isn't this just simply a matter of... of people not... listening to a particular radio station that might be playing music... that they might not want heard played?
Y aunque fuera verdad, y no lo es ¿ qué no es sólo cuestión de que la gente no escuche una estación en especial donde pongan música que no quiere oír?
Hey, Doc, isn't it true that if even one of those tiles were to come loose, millions and millions of gallons of water would come pouring down on us... and squash us like tiny little bugs?
Oiga Doc, ¿ no es cierto que si uno de esos azulejos se cae, millones y millones de galones de agua no caerían encima... y nos aplastarían como a pequeños insectos?
I mean, if even half that story were true... you'd be too bloody ashamed to tell it.
Quiero decir. En ese caso debería callar por vergüenza.
Even if it were true, I could never sell that to Washington, and neither could you.
Aunque fuera verdad, no podría contar eso en Washington ni ustedes tampoco.
That's absurd. And even if it were true, I'm only a hologram and I have no memory of those events.
Eso es absurdo y aunque fuera cierto, sólo soy un holograma.
If somebody were to tell me that this was not Eastwood's creation that it was a role composed before He got in front of the camera and He only read His lines and even if it turned out to be true, I couldn't believe it from wbat's on screen.
Si alguien me dijera que esto no fue obra de Eastwood, que fue un papel concebido antes de ponerse delante de la cámara... y que él sólo leía sus líneas, aunque fuera verdad, no lo creería, a juzgar por lo que aparece en pantalla.
And, if true... for your lifetime boast that you were honoured to speak his name even in death!
Pero si es cierto podrás jactarte toda la vida de haber tenido el honor de nombrarle una vez muerto.
If this were true, and mind you, I'm not saying that this is, but... I can't even imagine what kind of... terrible guilt she must have been living with.
Si esto fuese cierto, y fíjese que no estoy diciendo que esto no lo es pero, no puedo siquiera imaginarme que tipo de terrible culpa ella debe haber acarreado.
Alright then, well, even if that were all absolutely true, then one day,
Bueno, incluso si eso fuera absolutamente cierto, entonces un día,
Well, even if that were the case, the anonymity of its author wouldn't render the letter's contents any the less serious if found to be true.
Bueno, aunque ese fuera el caso, el anonimato de su autor no presentaría contenidos menos serios si se demostrara que es cierto.

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