Fairchild перевод на испанский
292 параллельный перевод
If you please, Cookie Fairchild.
Por favor, Cookie Fairchild.
Between this one of Fairchild and this one here of Smithley.
Entre ésa de Fairchild y ésta otra acá de Smithley.
323, you're C. The same on Fairchild.
323, tú eres C. Lo mismo pero sobre Fairchild.
C, pick her up at Fairchild.
C, intercéptela en Fairchild.
I'll pick her up when she crosses Fairchild.
Yo la interceptaré cuando cruce Fairchild.
A, C, cut into Fairchild.
A, C, corten hacia Fairchild.
Also on the estate there was a chauffeur by the name of Fairchild, who had been imported from England years ago, together with a new Rolls-Royce.
En la mansión también había un chofer apellidado Fairchild, que había sido importado de Inglaterra hace años, junto con un nuevo Rolls-Royce.
Fairchild was a fine chauffeur of considerable polish, Like the eight cars in his care.
Fairchild era un chofer experto y extraordinariamente pulcro, como reflejaba el brillo de los ocho coches a su cuidado.
¡ Fairchild! ¡ Fairchild!
- Morning, Fairchild.
- Buenos días, Fairchild.
I mean Fairchild.
Digo Fairchild.
- Mother, this is Miss Fairchild.
- Mamá, es la Srta. Fairchild.
I've too much respect for Fairchild to intrude on his personal life.
Siempre he respetado a Fairchild y no me meto en su vida privada.
We'll fire Fairchild.
Despediremos a Fairchild.
- Fairchild, I need you tonight.
- Fairchild, le necesito esta noche.
Anything wrong, Fairchild?
¿ Sucede algo, Fairchild?
Fairchild, I never realised it, but you're a terrible snob.
Fairchild, no me había percatado, pero es usted muy esnob.
One in the name of Sabrina Fairchild.
Una al nombre de Sabrina Fairchild.
Miss McCardle, I want flowers in Miss Fairchild's cabin.
Srta. McCardle, quiero flores en el camarote de la Srta. Fairchild.
Transfer to Thomas Fairchild 1,000 shares, Larrabee Common.
Transfiera a Thomas Fairchild 1.000 acciones, Larrabee Ordinarias.
- Miss Fairchild for you.
- La Srta. Fairchild para usted.
Do you want me to send those presents to Miss Fairchild's cabin?
¿ Quiere que envíe los regalos al camarote de la Srta. Fairchild? - No.
It says here that Linus Larrabee, that's you, and Sabrina Fairchild, that's she, have reserved adjacent deck chairs on the Liberte, sailing today.
Aquí dice que Linus Larrabee, eres tú, ¿ no? y Sabrina Fairchild, es ella, ¿ no? han reservado camarotes contiguos en el Liberté, que parte hoy.
Miss Fairchild?
¿ Srta. Fairchild?
'Mr Fairchild Sr is asking for you. He's ready to leave.
El Sr. Fairchild pregunta por ti.
Well, Mr Fairchild had the call transferred here.
El Sr. Fairchild pasó la llamada.
'Mrs Fairchild isn't home.'
La Sra. Fairchild no está en casa.
'Where, Mr Fairchild? '
- ¿ Dónde, Sr. Fairchild?
Starring Emily Warren Fairchild.
Con Emily Warren Fairchild.
Your husband's office is calling, Mrs Fairchild.
Llaman de la oficina de su marido, Sra. Fairchild.
- Tell them she's out on the course.
- La Sra. Fairchild está jugando.
- Mrs Fairchild.
- Sra. Fairchild.
The name is Roy, Mr Fairchild.
Me llamo Roy, Sr. Fairchild.
Hello, Mr Fairchild.
- Hola, Sr. Fairchild.
It's Harry. Harry Reeves, Mr Fairchild.
Soy Harry Reeves, Sr. Fairchild.
- That's right, Mr Fairchild.
- Eso es, Sr. Fairchild.
Don't mess up the place, will you, Mr Fairchild?
No destroce el local, Sr. Fairchild.
I am married, Mr Fairchild.
Estoy casado, Sr. Fairchild.
Don't say things like that Mr Fairchild, I'm a married man.
No diga eso, Sr. Fairchild. Soy un hombre casado.
Why don't you dance with her, Mr Fairchild?
¿ Por qué no baila con ella, Sr. Fairchild?
Don't talk down to me, Mrs Fairchild.
No me hable así, Sra. Fairchild.
- Don't push, Mrs Fairchild.
- No me presione, Sra. Fairchild.
Want me to wrap them, Mr Fairchild?
¿ Los envuelvo, Sr. Fairchild?
Forgive me, Mrs Fairchild.
Perdóneme, Sra. Fairchild.
My name is Lady Mary Fairchild.
Me llamo Lady Mary Fairchild.
- Good morning, Fairchild.
- Buenos días, Fairchild.
Goodbye, Fairchild.
Adiós, Fairchild.
Colonel Fairchild is my name.
Soy el coronel Fairchild.
Soy el reaverendo Rufus FairchiId.
- But Governor Fairchild...
- Pero el gobernador Fairchild...
- Especially not Governor Fairchild.
- Aún menos con el gobernador Fairchild.