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Ferdinand перевод на испанский

717 параллельный перевод
Agelaos, Trojan pastor who grew up with Paris FERDINAND MARTIN
Agelao, pastor troyano que crió a Paris FERDINAND MARTIN
[short for Ferdinand]
Willi Forst
In the meantime, Ferdinand shortened the waiting time... by manicuring his "long" fingers.
Mientras tanto, el sr. Ferdinand acortaba la espera... con el cuidado de sus "largos" dedos.
You are the widow of Captain Ferdinand Kolverer, who died last year.
Usted es la viuda del Capitán Ferdinand Kolvever, el cual murió el año pasado.
[GAVEL RAPS] His Imperial Highness the archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.
Su alteza imperial el archiduque Ferdinand de Austria-Hungría.
Ferdinand, what an angel you are to come so far.
Ferdinand, usted es como un ángel por venir de tan lejos.
Your majesty. Ferdinand.
Ferdinand : That's a beautiful speech.
Ese es un hermoso discurso.
I doubt you'd heard of the Archduke Ferdinand.
Claro que no. Ni tampoco del archiduque Fernando.
Ferdinand Sponer.
Me llamo Ferdinand Sponer.
I'm the taxi driver Ferdinand Sponer.
Soy el taxista Ferdinand Sponer.
I'm the taxi driver Ferdinand Sponer.
¡ Soy el taxista Ferdinand Sponer!
Just a moment, Ferdinand.
Espera un momento, Ferdinand.
You have to send him away, Ferdinand!
¡ Tienes que hacerlo, Ferdinand!
I don't have to tell you, Ferdinand.
No tengo que decírtelo, Ferdinand.
Of course, because you don't under - stand what it is all about, Ferdinand.
Naturalmente, porque no entiendes de qué trata esto, Ferdinand.
Ferdinand, Count Walsin-Esterhazy.
Ferdinand, Conde Walsin-Esterhazy.
Ferdinand de Lesseps, Mr le Président. Son of our Consul-General to Egypt.
Ferdinand de Lesseps, Monsieur le Président, hijo del cónsul general de egipto.
Ferdinand, you mustn't in front of all these people.
Ferdinand, no deberías delante de tanta gente.
Oh, Ferdinand.
Oh, Ferdinand.
Ferdinand de Lesseps, the great diplomat.
Ferdinand de Lesseps, el gran diplomado.
Ferdinand, this is our dance.
- Ferdinand, es nuestro baile.
- Ferdinand.
Oh, Ferdinand, are you insane? No...
- Oh, Ferdinand, ¿ estás loco?
His Highness, Prince Said, is calling to see Mr Ferdinand de Lesseps. I'll tell him.
Su alteza, el Príncipe Said, viene a visitar a Ferdinand de Lesseps.
Ferdinand, he's not responsible for every crackpot in Paris.
Ferdinand, él no es el responsable por cada revuelta en París.
You see, Ferdinand, once I made a choice.
Verás, Ferdinand, hace tiempo tomé una decisión.
Yes, Ferdinand, I failed.
Sí, Ferdinand, yo he fallado.
The name of your chauffeur is Ferdinand.
Su chófer se llama Ferdinand.
Ferdinand, Ferdinand
Ferdinand, Ferdinand
The road blocked, the bridges washed out and Ferdinand killed by a falling tree.
La carretera bloqueada, los puentes arrasados y Ferdinand aplastado por un árbol.
Oh, no, I wouldn't have much appetite. Not with Ferdinand dead in a puddle.
Con Ferdinand muerto en un charco, no tendría apetito.
Drive on, Ferdinand.
Arranque, Ferdinand.
- Well, listen, I'm no Ferdinand.
- Escucha, yo no soy Ferdinand.
"Be goos to Fersinans," he says.
"Trata bien a Ferdinand", dijo.
You left Fersinans on the floor where he couls be kickes arouns.
Dejaste a Ferdinand en el suelo donde podrían hacerle daño.
Oh, but, Jimmy, he was our... Our Fersinans.
Jimmy, era nuestro... nuestro Ferdinand.
- Sure, the Club Fersinans.
- Sí, el Club Ferdinand.
Well, if it isn't my ols friens Fersinans.
¡ Vaya! , mi viejo amigo Ferdinand.
All right, but I'll take Fersinans.
De acuerdo, pero me llevo a Ferdinand.
I'll give you the history of Jimmy Harris ans Fersinans.
Te diré todo sobre Jimmy Harris y Ferdinand.
The Club Fersinans.
El Club Ferdinand.
Dis you see Fersinans's father?
Ahí está el padre de Ferdinand.
I'm cures now. I must be, because here I am back at the ols Fersinans.
Seguro que estoy curado, poque he vuelto al Club Ferdinand.
Ferdinand, come here.
Ferdinand, ven aquí.
Ferdinand, don't listen to her.
- Ferdinand. - No la escuches.
Ferdinand, there's one thing we can do.
Ferdinand, hay algo que podemos hacer.
But it's Ferdinand's.
Pero es de Ferdinand.
Goodbye, Ferdinand.
Adiós, Ferdinand.
And who are you? Ferdinand de Lesseps.
- ¿ Y quién es usted?

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