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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ F ] / Fio

Fio перевод на испанский

174 параллельный перевод
I don't trust him.
No me fio de él.
I'm suspicious of women who have no children.
No me fio de las mujeres que no tienen hijos...
I have no illusions about Suzanne, but in this particular instance, I happen to know that she's innocent.
No seas tonto, No me fio de Susanna pero en este incidente sé que no está involucrada.
I do not trust you.
No me fio de usted.
I do not trust IE.
No me fio de él.
I do not trust you, Baker.
No me fio de usted, Baker.
I don't like to leave him alone.
No me fio de dejarlo sólo.
I guess things haven't been so easy for you, have they?
No me fio de ellas. - Eres muy joven para hablar así.
I don't trust it, someone should stay guard this night.
No me fio. Prefiero que alguien esté despierto esta noche.
I don't trust you turning with that steering column.
No me fio de usted para girar entre esas columnas.
- All right Doctor, I trust you.
- ¡ Está bien! Doctor, me fio de usted.
I just don't believe anyone.
No me fio de nadie.
I don't trust that guy.
No me fio de ese hombre.
I can't trust you, therefore you must trust me.
No me fio de Ud. Por tanto, Ud. debe fiarse de mí.
- I never order here. I like his surprises.
- Sabe que me fio, sorpréndame.
- Play ball with me, and I'll stake you.
- Sigueme el juego y yo te los fio.
I'll loan'em to you.
Te las fio.
I was thinking, of all the people I've known, you're the only one I can trust not to turn me in for that reward.
Pensaba que de toda Ia gente que conozco... eres el único del que me fio. No me entregarás por Ia recompensa.
- I can't trust myself.
- Yo no me fio ni de mí misma.
I never trust anyone, that's why I'm boss.
Nunca me fio de nadie, por eso soy jefe.
who can we trust?
¿ De quién me fio?
Floyd never made mistakes except the one time he trusted you.
Floyd nunca cometió errores excepto la vez en la que se fio de ti.
But I don't trust you :
Pero no me fio de ti.
You see how I trust you.
Veis como me fio de vos.
I don't trust the Russians so much.
No me fio de los rusos.
I don't trust you, Grimsby. Go away!
- No me fio de ti, Grimsby. ¡ Vete!
I still don't trust that fella.
No me fio de ese tipo.
Abdel-Ati, buy more Halva It is good for the newlyweds
Eres un asalariado, te fio. Un recién casado tiene necesidad de mimos. ¡ Deberías decírselo al alcalde, él te los comprará por 1 libra!
I do not trust, since General Huertas came to power, soldiers are lurking everywhere.
No me fio, desde que el General Huertas subió al poder, hay soldados acechando por todas partes.
Fly to Catania. I don't trust them.
Lleva el avión a Catania, Aquí no me fio.
- No, I don't trust you. Ciao!
- No, No me fio, ¡ Adios!
I don't trust rifles.
No me fio de los rifles.
I don't believe he's that kind of person either.
Me fio de el
I don't trust you at all.
No me fio de ti.
But the flesh is weak, and I don't trust neither you, nor me.
Pero la carne es débil. Y yo no me fio ni de ti... ni de mi.
I can't trust anyone!
No me fio de nadie.
I trust you.
Me fio de usted.
If you really want to know, I'm here because I damn well don't trust anybody else. Please, Paula.
Si quieres saberlo, estoy aquí porque no fio de nadie.
No. I don't trust anybody.
Yo no me fio de nadie.
I believe him.
Yo me fio de él.
Fio, lock up.
Fio, te lo dejo.
Fio's sister Giliola.
Esta es la hermana mayor de Fio, Giliora.
I'll take your word for it.
- Me fio de ti.
You're too willing.
No me fio de ti.
I vouch for him
Me fio de él.
I don't have any proof, I just have an instinct.
Me fio del instinto.
So I distrust them.
Entonces yo no me fio de ellos.
- I trust you.
- Me fio de ti.
I don't trust you.
No me fio de ti.
¡ Fio!

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