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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ H ] / Have a look at that

Have a look at that перевод на испанский

1,027 параллельный перевод
I'd very much like to have a look at that club car.
Me gustaría echar un vistazo al vagón restaurante.
- Let me have a look at that.
- Déjeme verlo.
I'll go over and have a look at that section.
Voy a echar un vistazo.
Let's have a look at that one, matey.
Déjeme ver ése.
- Have a look at that plank.
- Mira esa tabla de ahí.
I'm going over to that cliff side. Have a look at that wreck.
Estudiaré este asunto más de cerca.
Can I have a look at that paper please?
¿ Me presta el periódico, por favor?
Lets have a look at that belt you was telling us about.
Veamos ese cinturón del que nos hablabas antes.
I'll have a look at that satchel.
- Voy a revisar esa cartera.
Let me have a look at that foot.
Déjame verte ese pie.
Now, sonny, let me have a look at that eye.
Déjame revisar ese ojo, hijo.
Let's have a look at that on the map.
Echémosle un vistazo en el mapa.
All right, Anderson. Let's have a look at that Nip.
Veamos a ese japonés.
- Have a look at that lock, professor.
- Mire el cerrojo, profesor.
Let's have a look at that log.
Veamos el cuaderno de bitácora.
Kid, let me have a look at that arm.
Chico, deja que te vea el brazo.
Come along, let's have a look at that room.
Vamos, veremos esa habitación.
There, let me have a look at that arm.
Déjeme echarle un vistazo a ese brazo.
I'll have a look at that wagon, H.C.
Echaré un vistazo a ese carro, H.C.
I might as well have a look at that.
Podría verlo de una vez.
I'd just be compelled to have a look at that deck.
Si jugásemos en serio, me vería forzado a examinar esa baraja.
- May I have a look at that notebook?
¿ - Puedo ver ese cuaderno?
Well, now, Addie, we'll just have to have a look at that, won't we?
¿ Echamos un vistazo a ese piececito, Addie?
If you have time to look at paintings in Paris, You take along a few samples, just like that -
Si tiene tiempo para ver pinturas en París, simplemente se lleva unas pocas muestras, y ya está...
I'm very happy that he's going to have a look at it.
Me da mucho gusto que él la vaya a examinar.
Check that out with the "London Postal Guide" and have a look at this story too.
Compruébelo entre la guía y esta historia, y se enterará como yo.
Well, that's nice to have had a look at all this.
Bueno, me alegra haber visto todo esto.
So Lieutenant O'Rourke can have a look at you. - Well, I don't know whether that's fair.
Así el teniente O'Rourke podrá verte.
You just drive them straight down that main street... and let the folks have a look at them.
Llévelos derecho por la calle principal... y deje que los amigos le echen un vistazo.
Let me tell you something else Martha, I had a good look at that elevator. And nothing, absolutely nothing, could have happened.
Te diré algo más, Martha, le he echado un vistazo a ese ascensor y nada, absolutamente nada, pudo ocurrir.
Well, I've got to go and have a look at a colt that has a touch of colic.
Debo ver a un potro que tiene un cólico.
When you see the girl, and then take a look at Lt. Stirling, you'll realize that her only interest in him... could have been for the purpose of getting information.
Cuando conozcan a la chica y vean al teniente Stirling, entenderán que sólo se interesaría en él con el fin de obtener información.
That compact from the Jordan robbery, could I have a look at it, sir?
Esa polvera de la joyería de Jordan, ¿ me la deja un momento?
Let's have another look at that throat.
Echémosle otro vistazo a la garganta.
You only have to look at him to know he's nice and that he comes from a nice family.
Solo hay que mirarle para saber que es un chico de buena familia.
It's not that I've just arrived, the truth is I don't like to be with those people that have a right to look at you just because they've paid.
No es que acabe de llegar, la verdad es que no me gusta estar entre esa gente,... que tiene derecho a mirarte, sólo porque paga.
Did you look at that lousy referee's soul? He gave them a foul that we should have gotten.
Entonces has visto en el alma de aquel árbitro de la mala hora que acordó una falta a favor de los otros y no de nosotros y lo dejaste.
- You think it was self-inflicted? - Look, to get a second degree like that, he'd have had to hold his hand on a burner a couple of seconds, at least.
- Oye, para una quemadura como ésa tuvo que poner la mano en la estufa un par de segundos al menos.
Have Doc Pollard take a look at that leg, Sam.
Que el Doctor Pollard te mire la pierna, Sam.
So that you wish you could go away from here... and never have to look at them again?
¿ Así que deseas irte de aquí... y no volver a verles nunca?
Ed, will you look right straight at the United States of America now while I ask you some questions about the job of reporting that you have done on the Phenix City story?
Ed, ¿ mirarías directamente a los EE. UU mientras te hago preguntas sobre la labor periodística que has hecho de la historia de la ciudad?
If I had known what that would mean... If I had known how a man's eyes can look when he feels like this or that anyone could look at me as you have...
Si hubiera sabido lo que esto suponía, cómo miran los ojos de un hombre que siente así, o que alguien me miraría como Ud. me miró.
I have to look at the image on that screen same as I'd look at a performer on my show.
Miro esa imagen..
Throw them into the sea. Let the lads in that Yankee freighter have a look at them.
Tíralos al mar para que los vean los de ese carguero yanqui.
Let's have another look at that licence.
Vamos a ver otra vez ese carnet.
Advice on high-level strategy. I'd feel much better qualified to do that if I could have a look at the card-index file because I've been away for quite a while, you know...
Me sentiría más preparado para hacerlo si pudiese ver el fichero de cartas maestras.
But I have a couple of doubles because the way I look at it is that... he is twice as hard to face as I am.
Peroyo me tomo un par de dobles, porque en mi opinión... él es el doble de dificil de encarar queyo.
In my division it is difficult to meet a fine person like you, who doesn't have a face that hurts to look at.
¿ Qué quiere? Es tan difícil cuando uno es un simple soldado... encontrar a una persona fina como Ud., que no te muestra el desdoro que mereces...
He must have dragged himself here with a broken leg. Look at that tibia.
Debió arrastrarse hasta aquí con una pierna rota, miren su tibia.
It's inexcusable, I know, but I was so curious to see whether we had that giantism problem licked,... that I brought him back to have a look at him. Go on.
Es imperdonable, pero tenía tanta curiosidad por ver si... habíamos resuelto el gigantismo... que lo reintegré para echarle un vistazo.
The main thing is that they have a look at our models.
A mí lo que me interesa es que Uds. Vean el artículo. Las cosas hay que verlas de verdad, ¿ comprende?

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