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He's still unconscious перевод на испанский

92 параллельный перевод
He's still unconscious.
Aún está inconsciente.
Pop, Mr. Hopkins is still unconscious, but he's gonna be all right.
El Sr. Hopkins sigue inconsciente, pero se recuperará.
Do you think he's still unconscious?
- ¿ Crees que siga inconsciente?
He's... he's still unconscious, isn't he, doc?
El... está todavía inconsciente, ¿ verdad, Doc?
He's unconscious, but he's still breathing.
Está inconsciente, pero aún respira.
He's still unconscious, madame.
Aún está inconsciente, señora.
- He's still unconscious.
- Aún está inconsciente.
He's still unconscious.
Está inconsciente.
He's unconscious, but still alive.
Está inconsciente, pero vivo.
He is unconscious, but he's still breathing...
Está inconsciente, pero respira.
He's safe at the hospital but he's still unconscious.
Está a salvo en un hospital, pero está inconsciente.
Oh, he's not going anywhere, Mr. Vincent. He's still unconscious. Is he a relative?
Henry, será mejor que entres.
The boy's unconscious, but he's still alive.
El niño está inconsciente, pero aún está vivo.
No, but he's still unconscious.
No, pero aún está inconsciente.
He's still unconscious
El esta bien. El no se ha despertado aun!
He'll live, but he's still unconscious.
Vivirá, pero sigue inconsciente.
Have you determined why he's still unconscious?
¿ Ha podido descubrir por qué continúa inconsciente?
He's still unconscious over at Mercy Hospital, and those four nuts who attacked him are still rattling'around somewhere.
Está todavía inconsciente en el Hospital Mercy, y los locos que lo atacaron todavía andan sueltos por ahí.
He's still unconscious.
Todavía está inconsciente.
He's still unconscious but he should be awake within the hour.
Aún está inconsciente, pero se despertará pronto.
He's still unconscious.
¡ Stefan! Aún está inconsciente...
He's still unconscious.
- Sigue inconsciente.
Doctor Jackson's still unconscious but Doctor Warner thinks he'll be alright.
El Dr.Jackson sigue inconsciente. El Dr. Warner cree que se recuperará.
Dr. Jackson's still unconscious, but Dr. Warner thinks he'll be all right.
El Dr.Jackson sigue inconsciente. El Dr. Warner cree que se recuperará.
- He's still unconscious.
- Sigue inconsciente.
He's still unconscious.
- Sí.
Well, he's still unconscious, but the burns are healing.
Bueno, todavía está inconsciente, pero las quemaduras se están curando.
He's still unconscious?
¿ Sigue inconsciente?
I don't know, he's still unconscious.
No sé, aún está inconsciente.
Currently, he's still unconscious, And the doctor believes his chances of recovering are slim.
Actualmente, él está inconciente, y el doctor cree que sus chances de vivir son bajas.
Still unconscious, but he's starting to stir.
Sigue inconsciente, pero empieza a moverse.
Unfortunately, he's still unconscious.
Desafortunadamente, aún está inconsciente.
It's five hours, he's still unconscious.
Son cinco horas, sigue inconsciente.
I've just seen him, and he's still unconscious.
Lo fui a ver, Aun no ha recuperado la conciencia.
He's still unconscious. But the doctors say his vital signs are strong.
- Sigue inconsciente pero dicen los médicos que sus constantes son estables.
He's still unconscious... but you know him. He's just waiting to wake up on his own terms.
Sigue inconsciente pero tú lo conoces.
- Still unconscious, but he's improving.
Continúa inconsciente pero está mejorando.
He's still unconscious.
Sigue inconsciente.
He is. He's still unconscious, so an eye-level physical exam is all that we'll be able to obtain.
Está inconsciente y sólo obtendremos un examen físico.
He's still unconscious!
Todavía está inconsciente.
He's still unconscious, but the doctor says he's going to pull through.
Sigue inconsciente,... pero el doctor dice que va a sobrevivir.
His tox popped close to 10,000, but he's still unconscious.
Su análisis mostró cerca de 10,000 aún está inconsciente.
He's unconscious and bradycardic, but he's still breathing.
Está inconsciente y en bradicardia, pero sigue respirando.
He conked out soon after I left and he's still unconscious.
Se descompuso después que me fuí y todavía está inconsciente.
- He's still unconscious.
- Sigue inconsciente
He's still down, unconscious.
Aún está caído, inconsciente.
Uncle Man said the bullets had been taken out already. He's still unconscious.
El Tío Man me ha dicho que ya le han extraído las balas, pero sigue inconsciente.
- He's still unconscious.
Sigue inconsciente.
He's still unconscious..
Todavía está inconsciente..
He's still unconscious, but the EMTs say he'll make it.
Sigue inconsciente, pero los médicos dicen que se recuperará.
He's still unconscious, but the doctors say he'll make a full recovery, thanks to you.
Todavía está inconsciente, pero los médicos dicen que se recuperará completamente, gracias a tí.

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