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He doesn't have to перевод на испанский

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Suppose I have to do something I know is for his own good but he doesn't see it that way?
¿ Se supone que tengo que hacer algo que sé que es por su propio bien pero que no puede verlo de esa forma?
He doesn't have as much cash to work with since he bought Bear.
No le queda mucho efectivo desde que compró Bear.
And then he doesn't have to call me again.
Pero no te llamo el?
And if he is holding them over the weekend, it's safe to assume he doesn't have a family or children, a girlfriend- -
Y si las retiene más de una semana, no es descabellado asumir que no tiene familia ni hijos, ni novia...
Bishop wants to take over the public so that he doesn't have to hide.
Bishop quiere hacerlo público... así no tendría que esconderse.
You know I've spent years looking for a cure to a disease she doesn't even have.
Sabes que he invertido años buscando una cura a una enfermedad que ni siquiera sé si la tiene.
No, but he doesn't know that. Eventually, you're going to have to tell me what the Nain Rouge said.
No, pero él no lo sabe.
To Ben, for pursuing a job he doesn't have to lie to girls about.
Por Ben, por conseguir un trabajo del que no tenga que mentir a las mujeres.
He doesn't have to.
No tiene por qué hacerlo.
But the doctor said that he doesn't want stray animals around the baby so we have to find someone we trust to adopt him.
Pero el doctor dijo que no quiere animales alrededor del bebé asi que tenemos que encontrar a alguien en quien confiemos para que lo adopte.
Just have to make sure he doesn't know he's ratting.
Sólo debemos asegurarnos de que no se dé cuenta que está delatando.
What he doesn't need is for you to have a wobble as well.
Lo que no necesita es que tú titubeés.
He doesn't have to die.
No tiene que morir.
He doesn't have the manpower to fight his way in.
No tiene suficientes hombres para entrar a la fuerza.
Okay, well, when you see Gupta, tell him if he doesn't stop wasting my time, I might have to fire him.
De acuerdo, bien, cuando veas a Gupta, dile que si no deja de malgastar mi tiempo, puede que tenga que despedirle.
He doesn't have the juice to acquire the blockbuster formula Or to get Kobra to do his dirty work.
El no tiene lo necesariuo para adquirir la fórmula Blockbuster o para conseguir que Kobra haga su trabajo sucio.
- Oh, he doesn't have to be brave.
Él no necesita ser valiente.
He doesn't have a place to stay.
No tiene un lugar para quedarse.
Madame, he is legally an adult. He doesn't have to talk to you.
Señora, el es legalmente adulto, no tiene que hablar con usted.
Ian to me... I mean, he doesn't have priors.
O sea, no tiene antecedentes.
He doesn't have to be the best at everything.
- No, no lo está.
Doesn't he have any friends he can call to pick him up?
¿ No tiene ningún amigo que pueda recogerle?
He doesn't have to.
No tiene que hacerlo.
He doesn't have to call you.
No tiene que llamarte.
Homeland security is trying to ban these things. He acts like he doesn't have a care in the world.
La seguridad de Homeland está intentando restringir eso.
He doesn't have to see me every time he comes to see you.
No tiene que pasarse a verme cada vez que venga a verte a ti.
He's not gay, he doesn't have herpes, and I'm not using him to get cool surgeries.
No es gay, no tiene herpes, y no le estoy usando para obtener cirugias geniales.
If Mikey doesn't have lamb and Moroccan spice, he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Si Mikey no tiene cordero y condimento marroquí, no sabe qué hacer consigo mismo.
You think he doesn't have to deal with adversity with that face?
¿ No cree que tiene que lidiar con la adversidad con esa cara?
You think he doesn't have to reach up for shit?
¿ No cree que tiene que estirarse para alcanzar algo?
That's what I wondered, such a big star... doesn't he have to work?
Eso es lo que me pregunto, como una gran estrella... ¿ No tiene él que trabajar?
You have to pull him through the cat door,'cause he doesn't know how to use it.
Debes empujarlo por la puerta para gatos porque no sabe usarla.
Well, I'm gonna tell ya the truth, the mayor happens to have a draining cyst on his check and it's really kind of ugly and he doesn't wanna be seen that way.
Esta bien, les voy a decir la verdad, sobre el mayor el tiene un quiste en su cuello y es bastante feo y el no quiere ser visto con eso.
Where he doesn't have to deal with dragons and witches, and curses and spells, where he can live out his life with his family.
Donde no tenga que lidiar con dragones y brujas, maldiciones y hechizos, donde pueda vivir su vida con su familia.
He's thinking that she's on the pill, So he doesn't have to wear a condom.
Piensa que está con la píldora, y que no tiene que ponerse condón.
I think Tiffany's making his sauce, so apparently he doesn't have that much to do.
Creo que Tiffany está haciendo su salsa, asi que aparentemente no tiene mucho para hacer.
Oh, please tell me he doesn't have anything to do with these two murders.
Oh, por favor, dime que no tuvo nada que ver con estos dos asesinatos.
Now he thinks that there's something wrong, and now I have to keep an eye on you so he doesn't kill you too!
Ahora él piensa que hay algo mal, y ahora tengo que vigilarte... ¡ para que no te mate!
Let's go! Move it! Look, if he doesn't hold still, I'm gonna have to sedate him.
Mira, si no se está quieto, tendré que sedarlo.
He... he is dead, and he doesn't have a family to remember him by.
Él... él está muerto. Y no tiene una familia que lo vaya a recordar.
I'm afraid he doesn't have time to come in here.
Me temo que no tiente tiempo de venir.
He doesn't have to live with the consequences.
El no tiene que vivir con las consecuencias.
Heck, Trevor doesn't even have to know he was ever here.
Trevor ni siquiera sabrá que ha estado aquí.
I'm hoping that he doesn't have to kill you.
Pero espero que no tenga que matarte.
I am having another doctor look over the first CAT scans, and if he doesn't find anything irregular in Miss Garnett's test, we'll hopefully have time to reassess.
He hecho que otro médico revisara los primeros TAC, y si no encuentra nada irregular en las pruebas de la Srta. Garnett, espero tener tiempo de volver a evaluar.
It left him with a reputation for not being afraid to burn bridges. Truth is, he doesn't have any. But that's his brand and so he's perfect for this.
Pero así se ha ganado la reputación de que no le importa quemar sus naves, aunque en realidad no las tiene, pero es su estilo, así que es perfecto para esto.
He doesn't have time to rest okay. The cops are going to be here any minute.
Los policías van a estar aquí en cualquier minuto.
The truth is that we're fighting because Joe doesn't have the courage to admit that he still holds a torch for Andrea Dittman after 15 years when I'm the one she wanted.
La verdad es que estábamos peleando porque Joe no tiene el coraje de admitir que él todavía tiene esperanzas con Andrea Dittman después de 15 años cuando es a mí a quien ella quería
He anyway doesn't have to go to school.
Que de todos modos no tiene que ir a la escuela.
And he doesn't have a lot of deep-rooted secrets. I think it might be to cameron's disadvantage That he's normal.
y él no tiene un montón de secretos guardados, creo que podría ser una desventaja para Cameron que él es normal.
Frankly, I think her son's better off dead, because now he doesn't have to see the jerk that his mother has turned into.
Francamente, yo creo que es mejor que su hijo esté muerto porque ahora no tiene que ver en lo imbécil que se ha convertido su madre.

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