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He doesn't know перевод на испанский

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He doesn't know about it yet.
No lo sabe aún.
You know, just because he's sick doesn't mean he's that fragile.
Sabes, sólo porque está enfermo no significa que sea tan frágil.
He doesn't know you're a Grimm.
No sabe que eres un Grimm.
He doesn't even know us.
Ni siquiera os conoce.
She doesn't know he's in town, man.
Ella no sabe que está en la ciudad, hombre.
He doesn't know what he's saying, no.
No sabe lo que dice, no.
Your ex doesn't know you're here, does he?
Tu ex no sabe que estas aquí, ¿ no?
He doesn't want us to know.
No quiere que lo sepamos.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
No sabía lo que estaba haciendo.
How do we know that he doesn't like them?
¿ Cómo sabes que no le agradan?
He doesn't know why.
- No sabe por qué.
He doesn't know which bits are okay to touch.
- No sabe que cosas no se pueden tocar.
And I just hope that you know that even though he didn't propose, that doesn't make what you guys have any less special.
Y solo espero que sepas que incluso aunque no te haya pedido la mano, eso no hace que lo que vosotros tenéis sea menos especial.
But he d... he doesn't know what's good for him.
Pero él no sabe lo que le conviene.
What's the one thing we know about him that he doesn't know we know about him?
¿ Cuál es la única cosa que sabemos de él que él no sabe que sabemos?
You know he doesn't look like you.
No se parece a ti.
He doesn't know anything.
No sabe nada.
Oh, fuck it! Look, my mum doesn't know about this, she hates tattoos, and so I didn't ever tell her, and I just wear a watch to cover it up whenever I see her.
Mira, mi madre no sabe esto, ella odia los tatuajes, y por eso nunca se lo he dicho, y simplemente llevo reloj para taparlo cada vez que la veo.
He doesn't know me.
El no me conoce.
I know you do, but the Devil takes over sometimes, doesn't he?
Lo sé, pero el diablo se apodera de ti a veces, ¿ no?
He doesn't even know I exist. Yeah, well, hopefully, he'll come around before the prison homecoming dance.
Sí, a lo mejor lo hace antes del baile de bienvenida a prisión.
He just doesn't know you as I do.
Es que no te conoce como yo.
I've eaten so much already, my body doesn't know what the hell is going on.
He comido tanto ya, mi cuerpo no sabe qué diablos está pasando.
Well, he wants to, he just doesn't know it yet.
Bien, quiere hacerlo, no lo sabe todavía.
You know, you love someone, which means you trust him, but the bad part isn't that he doesn't love you back, but that he exploits that love.
Usted sabe, usted ama a alguien, lo que significa que confía en él, pero la parte mala es que no él no te quiere de vuelta, pero que explota ese amor
After that Sunday, so I've got all this shit in my head about my real parents, and I'm thinking, "Oh, and now he doesn't really want to get to know me".
Tras lo de aquel domingo, así que me ha venido toda esta mierda a la cabeza con mis padres auténticos y pienso : "Oh y ahora él no me quiere conocer de verdad".
~ 18 years I was married to that man, and he still doesn't know I can't stand the smell of chrysanthemums.
18 años estuve casada con ese hombre y todavía no sabe que no soporto el olor de los crisantemos.
- Oh, he doesn't know that word.
- No conoce esa palabra.
He doesn't just know.
No solo lo sabe.
I know the guy doesn't like me, but he wouldn't shoot me, would he?
Sé que no le gusto al chico, pero el no me dispararía, ¿ lo haría?
About me? Ah. Harry doesn't know I'm here, does he?
¿ Sobre mí? Harry no sabe que estoy aquí, ¿ verdad?
If he doesn't know... put a bullet between his eyes anyway.
Si no lo sabe le pones una bala entre ceja y ceja de todas formas.
He doesn't know what he's saying.
No sabe lo que está diciendo.
He doesn't know anything.
Él no sabe nada.
His secretary doesn't know where he is.
Su secretaria no sabe dónde está.
The thought of Silas at some facility with kids he doesn't even know...
Pensar que Silas está en alguna instalación con chicos que ni siquiera conoce...
He probably doesn't know his role yet.
Será porque aún no conoce su papel.
He just doesn't know where he is sometimes- - he's sick.
Solo no sabe cónde está a veces... está enfermo.
He doesn't know what you're talking about.
Él no sabe de lo que estás hablando.
- No, he doesn't want you to know.
- No, no quiere que lo sepas. - ¿ Por qué no?
He doesn't know yet.
No lo sabe todavía.
He doesn't know where I am.
No sabe dónde estoy.
If he doesn't know the difference, what chance have we got?
Si él no sabe la diferencia, ¿ Qué oportunidad tenemos?
He doesn't know where the girl is.
No sabe dónde está.
He-he doesn't even know what we're preparing him for!
¡ No sabe ni para qué lo estamos preparando!
He doesn't know who, though. Dios mío.
Pero no sabe quién fue.
He claims such knowledge, but he's just stumbling in the dark if he doesn't know this...
Afirma tal conocimiento, pero que acaba de tropezar en la oscuridad si él no lo sabe...
Are you one of these rent-a-cop types who doesn't know who he works for?
¿ Es usted uno de ellos tipos de alquiler de policía que no sabe para quién trabaja?
Carlos, he doesn't know.
Carlos, él no lo sabe.
Well, he doesn't know you said it.
No sabe que lo dijiste.
He doesn't know anything about a cooking class for Ma.
Él no sabe nada acerca de las clases de cocina de Ma

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