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He doesn't know that перевод на испанский

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That boy doesn't know it yet, but he's the living dead.
Ese chico aún no lo sabe, pero es un muerto vivo.
Doesn't matter, because he'll know that we won't roll over for him.
No importa, porque él sabrá que no haremos Io que él quiera.
- It's my bet he was killed somewhere else, then dumped in the boat by someone that doesn't know his nearside cleaver - from his offside...
Apuesto a que Danny fue muerto en otro lugar... y puesto en el bote por alguien que no distingue un Cleaver de un...
But of course, we all know that doesn't mean he was alone.
Pero nosotros sabemos que eso no significa que estuviera solo.
He doesn't know that we're aware the Hollywood Bowl is a target.
El no sabe que estamos al tanto que el Hollywood Bowl es un objetivo.
Yeah, but he doesn't know that.
Sí, pero él no lo sabe.
He's a Rockefeller. He doesn't like you to talk about the fact that he's a Rockefeller, but he wants you to know he's a Rockefeller. So if you talk to him, make sure he knows you know, but don't say you know.
No le gusta el hecho de que hables sobre qué es un Rockefeller, pero quiere que sepas que es un Rockefeller, así que si hablas con él, asegúrate de que sepa que lo sabes, pero no digas que lo sabes.
So, he doesn't even know that I'm dead?
Entonces, ¿ ni siquiera sabe que estoy muerta?
He doesn't know I'm here, but he is the one who suggested that I talk to somebody.
Él no sabe que estoy aquí. Pero fue quien me sugirió que hablara con alguien.
He doesn't know you exist, and we're going to keep it that way.
No sabe que existes, y así lo vamos a dejar.
Sakura says that she doesn't know where he is, either,... and the archery club doesn't meet today.
y los del club de Tiro con Arco tienen descanso...
If he reveals more information that Kira doesn't want the police to know, and makes Kira more nervous and furious, in order to pressure Kira into meeting him... That would be interesting.
Es probable que el segundo nos comienze a dar más información de lo que Kira quiere mantener en secreto para así presionarlo y conocerlo.
Huh, that one. He doesn't know his arse from his elbow.
Ese de ahí, Mario, no sabe si mete pala o si anarquiza.
Robert doesn't know that he's being blackmailed.
Robert no sabe que ha estado siendo chantajeado.
He Just Needs To Know That You're There. Now Go, And Maybe Your Cute Little Kitten Screen Saver Doesn't Get Hurt.
El solo necesita saber que estás con el ahora anda, y quizas tu tierno salvapantallas no salga lastimado
Dwight says that he actually doesn't know one single fact about bear attacks.
Dwight dice que en realidad no sabe nada sobre ataques de osos.
That's probably for the best that he doesn't know I'm here.
Probablemente sea mejor que no sepa que estoy aquí.
Abroad, he doesn't know it as well, so it's more chaotic. What does that tell us?
¿ Que nos dice esto?
That is, until Richard proposed an alternative. Why would Sawyer kill my father? He doesn't even know him.
Jack, creo que se está despertando.
'Cause he's so money that he doesn't even know it.
Porque es tan grande que ni siquiera lo sabe.
Lo siento Dough... pero Clay no puede hablar con gente que no conoce.
I don't know why he doesn't know how to do that.
Díle que aplique el vapor en diagonal. No me explico cómo es que no sabe hacerlo.
And he doesn't know that you could have huntington's?
Y èl no sabe que podrías tener Huntington?
He should know that he doesn't have to keep looking over his shoulder everywhere he goes.
Deberías saber que él no tiene que seguir mirando por encima de su hombro a cualquier lugar a donde vaya.
She thought that walton might be able to make sense out of them, which he doesn't need to know.
Ella pensó que a lo mejor Walton sería capaz de encontrarles un significado, pero el jefe no necesita saberlo.
He just doesn't need the whole world to know that he donated all this money.
Sólo que no necesita que todo el mundo sepa que ha donado todo este dinero.
Listen, I know Fargos have a reputation for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but if he says he doesn't know how he got into that chamber, I believe him.
Escucha, sé que los Fargo tienen la reputación de estar en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado pero si él dice que no sabe como llegó a esa cámara, le creo.
Look, you know as well as I do that a guy like Clive Henry doesn't get found unless he wants to be.
Sabes igual que yo que Clive Henry... aparecerá cuando quiera.
How can you be sure that he doesn't know?
¿ Cómo puedes estar seguro de que él no lo sabe?
How can you be sure that he doesn't know?
¿ Cómo puedes estar seguro de que él no lo conoce?
He says that even he doesn't know.
Dijo que aún él no lo sabe.
But he doesn't know that it's candy.
Pero él no sabe que son caramelos.
I'm sorry, boss, I'm just saying, that, you know, just'cause he says he's the cook doesn't mean he's any less potentially guilty.
Lo siento, Jefe, Solo estoy diciendo lo que tu sabes Solo por que el dija que es el cocinero no significa que sea menos potencialmente culpable
House, this guy may be smart, and I'm sure he's great to share a beer with, but if he doesn't know that visual symptoms are an electrical issue, not vascular, two separate systems...
House, este tipo puede ser inteligente, y genial para compartir una cerveza. Pero si no sabe que los síntomas visuales son un problema eléctrico no vascular, dos sistemas separados- -
I know, but this doesn't seem like the time to tell him that we can't go. He's seven, kate.
Lo sé, pero no me parece que sea el momento... de decirle que no vamos a ir.
She doesn't know who he was with but she says that he was obsessed with her.
No sabe con quién estaba. Pero dice que cambió y que parecía estar obsesionado con ella.
Our guess is that Valentino doesn't know the significance of what he's carrying.
Suponemos que Valentino no sabe la trascendencia de lo que lleva.
Russ doesn't want his stepdaughters to know that he's in jail.
Russ no quiere que su hijastra sepa que está en la cárcel
Because he doesn't know that he's your father.
Porque no sabe que es su padre.
He doesn't know who the great king was, but that was the place.
No sabe quién era el gran rey pero éste era el lugar.
He told that he doesn't know Ali Bhai.
¿ Voy a hacerlo de nuevo, va a parar?
He sure doesn't know how scary you can be to have beaten you up like that.
Pon un poco de música.
- He doesn't know that.
- Él no sabe eso.
Well, that's not a surprise,'cause he doesn't know I'm here.
El no sabe que estoy aquí.
- He doesn't know that.
- Pero él no lo sabe.
He can be a little tough on people he doesn't know that well.
Es un poco duro con la gente que no conoce bien.
That man is rich, he has horses, well, he doesn't know what a tiger is, groom, a britschka, and still travels in a cabriolet.
Es un hombre rico, tiene caballos, pero no sabe lo que es un tigre, un "groom", un "britschka", y todavía viaja en cabriolet.
Yeah, but just because we don't know where he is, doesn't mean that he's missing-persons missing, per se.
Pero que no sepamos dónde está, no quiere decir que sea un desaparecido.
Paulie Ferrari doesn't need you beating him up for him to know that he did something wrong, do you understand me?
Paulie Ferrari no necesita que lo golpees para saber que lo que hizo estuvo mal, ¿ me entiendes?
Are you really gonna shoot a guy we know all our lives over a stinking $ 500 he doesn't even really owe you? He told you that?
¿ De verdad vas a dispararle a un tipo que conocemos de toda la vida por unos míseros $ 500 que de verdad ni siquiera te los debe?
You know, it might feel like that, but I bet he doesn't hate you.
Sabes, puede parecer eso, pero apuesto a que no te odia.

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