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He doesn't know you перевод на испанский

2,005 параллельный перевод
He doesn't know that you're a stripper?
¿ Él no sabe que es stripper?
Okay, so what if he loves me, but what if he doesn't love pregnant me, you know?
De acuerdo, ¿ pero qué tal si me ama pero no ama a la versión embarazada de mí?
He doesn't give a shit about anything and you know it.
Ahora va por libre, le importa todo una mierda, y tú lo sabes.
He lets you know he's upset. The soil doesn't. But in reality, the soil does scream ;
Me paso en el suelo y gritos que, pero en realidad grita que sí.
I don't know.He doesn't like you.
No lo sé. No le gustas.
You know, doesn't make it okay, but he's not just a pervert.
Saben, eso no lo hace correcto, pero no es sólo un pervertido.
And he definitely doesn't know you're planning on entering her in the Pennsylvania cup.
Y definitivamente no sabe que estás pensando ir con ella a la Copa Pennsylvania.
You know what? I, I think our job here is to find a way for both of you to be straightforward, with each other, so that Oliver feels he doesn't have to hide things from, from either of you.
Creo que nuestro trabajo aquí es hallar un modo para que Uds. dos sean honestos entre sí para que así Oliver no sienta que tiene que ocultarles cosas.
I mean, for instance, do you realize that he still doesn't know whether or not... he's gonna have a baby brother?
Por ejemplo, ¿ se dan cuenta de que aún no sabe si tendrá un hermanito o no?
So what, you think it's better to just yank him out of school and force him to move somewhere where he doesn't know anyone?
Entonces ¿ piensas que es mejor arrancarlo de su escuela y y obligarlo a trasladarse a un lugar que no conoce?
You know, one of the things that I learned from talking to Oliver is that he doesn't actually know that you two are getting a divorce.
Saben, una de las cosas que me enteré al hablar con Oliver es que él realmente no sabe que Uds. dos se están divorciando.
But he doesn't know you, what's the problem?
Pero él no sabe quién eres, ¿ cuál es el problema?
Listen, is there a way that we can do this where he doesn't know that you're a, you know...
Escucha, si hay alguna manera en la que podemos hacer esto... donde él no se entere de que eres, tú sabes...
You know, it all, it all went down last night so I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know you're up.
Tú sabes, todo empezó anoche entonces estoy muy seguro que aún no sabe que estás despierto.
You know, I wonder what it's gonna be like to be married to a man who doesn't smell his Q-tips after he uses them. - Come on, Louise!
Sabes, me pregunto cómo será estar casada con un hombre que no huele los hisopos luego de usarlos.
He doesn't know this world is a bitch... and how rotten you dogs really are!
¡ No sabe que este mundo es una mierda... y vosotros unos perros cabrones!
Whoever pushed him, knows you found him, but doesn't know if he said anything.
No hay señal de alguna investigación.
You know, when I first heard, I thought, "It's not the end of the world." But then somehow, when I heard that Adrianna, who wasn't even trying and doesn't even want it, is pregnant...
Sabes, cuando me lo han dicho, al principio he pensado : "No es el fin del mundo"... pero después, de cualquier forma, cuando he sentido que Adrianna... que no ha probado a tener nunca uno, que aunque no quiere estar embarazada...
He does know you can't undo that. Doesn't he?
Sabrá que no puede deshacer eso, ¿ verdad?
You know, if it doesn't come from him, if he's not hurt by it in some way, then there's no justice.
Si no viene de él, si no le perjudica de alguna manera, entonces...
- He says that he doesn't actually know you.
- El dice que en realidad no te conoce.
Yeah... ah, you know he kinda doesn't know.
Si, pues en realidad él no sabe
He doesn't really have the arms for it, you know?
Él no tiene los brazos para eso, ¿ sabes?
You know what I told him? I said he doesn't have any money. Why don't you just let me kill him?
Le dije que no tenías dinero, que me dejara matarte...
You know he doesn't live here anymore.
Ya no vive aquí.
How do you know he doesn't belong to a club, wear loafers with no socks?
¿ Cómo sabes que no es de los que van a un club, y usan mocasines sin medias?
You know, something where the reader doesn't have a load in his pants while he's looking at it.
Algo en que el lector no haya ensuciado los pantalones mientras lee.
He'll try and lose you, but he doesn't know me. I'll handle it.
Intentará despistarte, pero a mí no me conoce, yo me encargaré.
I know you think he doesn't belong here.
No quiero que se vaya porque no pertenezca.
So, he doesn't even know you're here?
Así que él ni siquiera sabe que estás aquí.
You don't know that he doesn't care about me, but you know something else.
Tú no sabes si se preocupa por mí, pero sí sabes algo más.
Michael doesn't know you're pregnant, does he?
Michael no sabe que estás embarazada.
And more importantly, he doesn't know you.
Y mas importante, el no te conoce a ti.
I know that you're dying for a story with the guy, but he doesn't talk to anybody.
Sabes, mira, sé que te mueres por una historia de ese tipo, pero él no habla con nadie.
lying all the time... deciding who gets to know what... it doesn't matter with Loker,'cause he worships you... or Foster... who indulges you, but not me.
mentir todo el tiempo... decidiendo quién tiene que saber qué cosa... Lo que haces... No importa con Loker, porque él te adora... o Foster... que te lo consiente, pero no yo.
But still, I think it's more important that we try and figure out what he ingested, you know, so he doesn't die.
Aún así, creo que es más importante que sepamos qué ingirió para que no se muera.
You know, not that it's any of my business, but a man who won't buy you a diamond doesn't seem to be all that committed, does he?
Sabes, no es que sea asunto mío, pero un hombre que no te comprará un diamante no parece estar muy comprometido, ¿ o sí?
I don't care who he is. If he doesn't like you for the way you are... If he's... you know, he's married with a baby on the way...
No me importa quién sea, o si no te quiere por cómo eres, o si... está casado y esperando un bebé.
It's... You know, it's a little messy, but just because he's married, doesn't make the feelings go away.
Es un poco confuso pero que esté casado, no evita que haya sentimientos.
You know, the Lord's gonna take care of both of you,'cause I know Jake, and he may be wily, but he doesn't have a bad bone in his body.
Ya sabes, el Señor cuidar de ustedes dos, porque sé que Jake, y puede ser inteligente, pero no tiene un hueso malo en su cuerpo.
You know, God's way of telling me he doesn't exist?
Sabes, ¿ el modo en que Dios me dice que no existe?
Martin didn't want me to, But... he doesn't know you.
Martin no queria, pero.. El no te conoce, mientras que yo si.
You know, maybe Rick Springfield not calling you for three days is his way of saying that he doesn't see the real you, that he doesn't value your essential woman-ness and so forth.
Quizás, que Rick Springfield no te llame en tres días sea su forma de decirte que no ve a tu verdadero ser. Que no valora tu femineidad básica, etcétera.
You know, just because he lost people, It doesn't make us expendable.
Saben, sólo porque perdiese a gente, eso no nos hace prescindibles.
You know, just because he lost people, it doesn't make us expendable.
Sabes, solo porque ha perdido a personas eso no nos hace prescindibles.
And make sure he doesn't have a small... you know...
Y asegúrate de que no tiene pequeña la... -... ya sabes...
You just don't like it and - and you accept it from me because "Oh he's foreign, he doesn't know better".
No os gusta, y aceptáis que yo lo diga porque "Oh, es extranjero... no sabe lo que dice."
But he knows he doesn't have to, so he's just kind of flirting with it. Well, take your time. You know, play it right.
Bueno, tómate tu tiempo, sabes, juega bien pero que en cuanto llegue su abogado, esto está acabado
He doesn't like to sign out the cabanas at the front desk because you never know who's gonna tip off the paparazzi. Of course. I'm sure you understand.
No le gusta firmar las cabanas en la recepción porque nunca sabes quién va a dar el soplo a los paparazzi.
He's next door if you wanna go over there. Mom doesn't know he's thinking about selling, so I wouldn't mention it.
Creo que está al lado si quieres ir, pero mamá no sabe que está pensando en vender la casa, así que no lo mencionaría delante de ella.
Of course not, because he doesn't want you to know.
¿ Lo sabes? Claro que no, porque no quiere que lo sepas. Ya basta.

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