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He doesn't love you перевод на испанский

276 параллельный перевод
"What do you want with him, he doesn't love you"
"¿ Qué quieres de él? , él no te quiere"
He doesn't love you.
ÉI no la ama. Me ama a mí.
All I pray for is the chance to tell him how much I love him. You see, he doesn't know that.
Sólo ruego tener la oportunidad para decirle que le quiero.
Perhaps he doesn't love you anymore.
A lo mejor ya no te quiere.
If he doesn't cough, he doesn't love you.
Si no tose, no te quiere.
Mummy doesn't like any other man except Father you know how happy she was with him, how he spoilt her, carried her on his hands she told me herself the other day that she'd never fall in love with another man
¡ Ni hablar! A Mamá no le gusta ningún otro hombre, aparte de papá. Sabes lo feliz que era con él, cómo la mimaba, la llevaba en sus manos...
Do you think he doesn't love me?
¿ Cree de verdad que no me ama?
She knows her brother is in love with you. She doesn't intend that he shall marry into a family of such low descent.
Sabe que su hermano está enamorado de tí y no quiere que entre en una familia de clase poco elevada.
He doesn't love you.
Él no la ama.
But you said yourself he doesn't love my sister.
Pero si Ud. misma dijo que él no ama a mi hermana.
Did he tell you he doesn't love you anymore?
¿ Te dijo que ya no te quiere? ... creí que éramos una familia.
That Mr. Barratt would love to give Peter Stackhouse another chance... but of course you're head of the school and he doesn't like to interfere.
El Sr. Barratt quiere darle otra oportunidad a Stackhouse... pero Ud. Es el director de la escuela y no quiere interferir.
¿ De que ya no la quiere?
- Are you sure he doesn't love her?
¿ Estás segura de que él no la quiere?
For my love for you, Beatriz and he doesn't even know you.
Por mi amor por ti, Beatriz y ni siquiera te conoce.
But if Steve doesn't tell you he's in love with you,
No quiero interferir.
But he doesn't love you, either.
Pero tampoco te ama.
I'll always love you, so I guess it doesn't matter how soon we begin together.
Siempre te he amado. Lo único que quiero es que estemos juntos.
If you don't believe he has nothing but love for you... you don't believe when he's well he'll be running right over to see you... if you don't know him better than that... you or your riflemen, it doesn't matter, go ahead.
Si no crees que te ama... Tampoco creerás que cuando se recupere irá a verte a las montañas. Como si no lo conocieras...
Paul doesn't love you ; he's incapable of loving anyone
Paul no te ama, él es incapaz de amar a alguien.
He doesn't love you. He wants to be alone again with her.
No la ama, quiere volver a estar solo con ella.
If he doesn't love you enough to stay here and fight for you, he's a fool.
Si no es capaz de quedarse para luchar por ti, es tonto.
And the only responsible is your husband, that never spends a night at home. It's clear that he doesn't love you.
De todo esto el que tiene la culpa es tu marido de aste que no se queda una sola noche en su casa, ¡ Claro porque no te quiere!
No, it isn't her fault he doesn't love you anymore.
No, ella no tiene la culpa de que él ya no te quiera.
We keep talking about him. He doesn't love you.
Seguimos hablando de él aunque no te ama.
I love Pax. And it doesn't make any difference to you that he could be doing the same thing for anyone else who bought him?
Y no piensas que podría hacer lo mismo para cualquiera que lo comprase.
Love... Just because you love someone doesn't mean that he's good.
Pero que uno quiera a alguien no implica que sea bueno.
- He doesn't love you?
- ¿ No te quiere? ¿ Quererme?
He doesn't love you any more.
- Me sabe mal no aceptar tu invitación.
No, Godfather, don't you see he doesn't love me anymore?
No, padrino, ¿ no ves que ya no me quiere?
He doesn't love you.
Ese no te quiere.
- Then it must be that he doesn't love you very much.
Entonces es que ese hombre no te quiere mucho.
He doesn't love you, honey.
No te aprecia, cielo.
- Your father? - He doesn't love you?
- Tu padre... ¿ no te quiere?
He doesn't know how much you love us.
No sabe cuánto nos quieres.
- Because he doesn't love you.
- Sí, pero no me ha contestado.
Have you ever asked yourself why he doesn't love you?
¿ Y no te has preguntado por qué el no te quiere?
It'd take many bags to hold his love, but he's always a mess with his head in the clouds, not even him knows his own feelings, and it looks like he doesn't love you.
Harían falta muchos sacos para meter su cariño, pero está siempre he hecho un lío con la cabeza en las nubes, ni siquiera él sabe lo que piensa, y parece que no te quiere a ti.
What I don't understand is why he doesn ´ t love you.
Lo que no entiendo es que no le quiera a usted.
Swann doesn't love me anymore, I've already told you.
Swann no me quiere más, ya te lo he dicho.
Oliver doesn't love you, he loves the panther.
Oliver no te quiere a ti, él quiere a la pantera.
But he doesn't understand. Do you love him?
Pero no lo entiende.
I'm shocked you're not in love with Marion, insanely, like Pierre. He doesn't question it.
Me causa shock que no estés enamorado de Marion... como Pierre.
He doesn't love you.
Y que no te quiere.
He doesn't love you.
Él no la ama. Pero yo la amo.
- He doesn't love you like I do!
- ¡ Él no te ama como yo!
But that doesn't mean he didn't love you.
Pero eso no quiere decir que no te amaba.
Doesn't mean he doesn't love you. It just means he's stupid.
No porque no te quiera.
Doesn't he love you?
¿ No lo ama?
I'm sure your brother would love to be like you... but it doesn't sound like he is.
Seguro que a tu hermano le encantaría ser como tú... pero no suena a que lo es.
It doesn't mean that I've to love you when he's not aside
Esto no significa que yo vaya quererte cada vez que el no este.

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