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He doesn't want to перевод на испанский

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He just doesn't want to believe the worst, and frankly, I can't blame him.
Tan solo quiere evitar pensar en lo peor, y francamente, no puedo culparlo.
Hai, sensei, but he's gonna put himself at risk no matter what I do, so I just want to teach him enough so he doesn't get creamed.
Hai, sensei pero él se pondrá en riesgo sin importar lo que yo haga así que solo quiero enseñarle suficiente para que no lo vuelvan crema.
He doesn't want anyone to know.
No quiere que nadie lo sepa.
Someone who doesn't want him to tell what he knows.
Alguien que no quiere que diga lo que sabe.
He doesn't want to talk about that.
Él no quiere hablar de eso.
He doesn't want to feel any emotions.
No quiere sentir ninguna emoción.
He doesn't even want me to come in.
Él ni siquiera quiere que entre.
He... he doesn't want to be disturbed.
Él... no quiere que le molesten.
What doesn't he want us to find?
¿ Qué quiere que no encontremos?
Pretty sure he doesn't want it reduced to space dust.
Seguro que él no quiere que lo reduzcan a polvo espacial.
See if it really is lost or whether there's a reason he doesn't want us to find it.
Comprobemos que se ha perdido de verdad o si hay otra razón por la que no quiera que lo encontremos.
Well, he doesn't want to talk to you.
Él no quiere hablar con ustedes.
He doesn't want to destroy Ewing Energies, he wants to own us.
Él no lo quiere para destruir la Ewing Energies, él nos quiere poseer.
He doesn't want to talk to me.
No quiere hablar conmigo.
Because she doesn't want Mr. Purcell to get away with what he did to her.
Porque no quería que Purcell... no pagara por lo que hizo.
Sweetie, he doesn't want to talk to me.
Cariño, él no quiere hablar conmigo.
A man named Walter Clark doesn't want photopheresis to become the standard of care because then he could lose money.
Un hombre llamado Walter Clark no quiere que la fotoféresis se convierta en la base de cuidado, porque entonces perdería dinero.
He said he doesn't want me to be a pianist.
Dice que no quiere que yo sea pianista.
I've a feeling he's good at putting off what he doesn't want to do.
Sospecho que es bueno posponiendo lo que no quiere hacer.
Suppose he doesn't want to go?
- ¿ Supón que no quiere ir?
No, he doesn't want to meet her either.
No, él tampoco quiere conocerla.
Well, he obviously doesn't want anybody to know - that he saw a surrogate.
Bueno, es obvio que no quiere que nadie lo sepa, que vio a un sustituto.
The unsub doesn't want to kill her quickly ; he's a sadist.
El su-des no quiere matarla rápidamente. Es un sádico.
For a man who expects his work to change the world, he doesn't want his life to change too much.
Para ser un hombre que espera que su estudio cambie el mundo, no parece querer que su vida cambie mucho.
Sounds like he doesn't want to break the bad news to you till he's absolutely sure.
Parece como si no quisiera dar las malas noticias hasta que no esté completamente seguro.
- Just because he doesn't want to go...
- Que él no quiera ir...
It's impossible to find this guy. Especially if he doesn't want to be found.
Especialmente si no quiere ser encontrado.
And he loves me for staying, and he resents me for staying, because Bill doesn't really want anyone to know him.
Y me ama, a la vez que se resiente por haberme quedado, porque Bill realmente no quiere que sepan de él.
He doesn't want to stick to us, just her
No quiere juntarse con nosotros. Sólo con ella.
How do you know he doesn't want to kill you?
¿ Cómo sabes que no quiere matarte?
As I mentioned earlier, he clearly doesn't want to kill me, so, no, I'm not afraid.
Como he mencionado antes, claramente no quiere matarme, así que no, no tengo miedo.
He doesn't want to talk to you.
No quiere hablar contigo.
The gaffer can't find out about this and you don't be saying it to him for extra brownie points. Even if he knows, he doesn't want to know.
El jefe no debe saber nada... y tú no se lo sueltes para ganar puntos.
He doesn't want you two to try again.
No quiere que lo volváis a intentar.
It's like he's read Jane's mind, which has made Jane paranoid, understandably he doesn't want anyone to know about the list of names.
Es como si hubiese leído la mente de Jane, lo que ha hecho que Jane esté paranoico, comprensiblemente no quiere que nadie sepa lo de la lista de nombres.
But she doesn't want him to know until he see it, so... ( giggles )
Pero no quiere que lo sepa hasta que lo vea, así que...
Maybe because he doesn't want us to go to the reading.
Tal vez porque no quiere que vayamos a la lectura.
He doesn't want to receive any more chemo.
- No quiere recibir más quimio.
He doesn't want to back down.
No quiere dar marcha atrás.
He doesn't want to be a father and mess up his sex life.
Él no quiere ser padre y arruinar su vida sexual.
He doesn't want to, but he runs a business.
No quiere, pero dirige un negocio.
At least, she doesn't want to be, but she can't ditch him or else he'll torpedo her career.
Al menos ella no quiere serlo, pero no puede deshacerse de él o de lo contrario, él arruinaría su carrera.
When he says we shouldn't go he's not thinking about himself, he's thinking about us, because he doesn't want to see us suffering.
Cuando nos dice que no vayamos no piensa en él, piensa en nosotros, que no quiere vernos sufrir.
( Voice breaking ) Alejandro... He doesn't want to date you anymore.
Alejandro... no quiere seguir saliendo contigo.
He doesn't want to date you anymore.
Él no quiere salir contigo nunca más
Now he's saying he doesn't want to go to middle school at all.
Ahora dice que no quiere ir a la secundaria en absoluto.
My point is the guy you want to execute... He doesn't even exist anymore.
Quiero llegar a que el tipo al que quieres ejecutar... ya no existe.
But he doesn't want to return.
Pero él no quiere volver.
He doesn't want to eat yet.
Todavía no tiene ganas de comer.
Perhaps he doesn't want to, but that he feels that he should.
Quizás no quiere que se sepa pero siente que debería.
He said he doesn't want to be a martyr.
Dice que no quiere ser un mártir.

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