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He wants to talk to you перевод на испанский

746 параллельный перевод
Dr Bennett-Edwardes, he wants to talk to you.
Dra. Bennett-Edwardes, quiere hablar contigo.
Yes. Yes, he wants to talk to you.
Sí, quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar contigo.
He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar con usted.
The Commander is here, he wants to talk to you.
El comandante está aquí, quiere hablarte.
Well, now, Jones, Healy here has got an idea he wants to talk to you about.
Healy tiene una idea de la que quiere hablarle.
- He wants to talk to you.
- Quiere hablar contigo.
He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablarle.
He's outside. He wants to talk to you.
Está aquí y quiere hablar con Ud.
I'm sure he wants to talk to you.
Seguro que quiere hablar contigo.
I imagine he wants to talk to you.
Imagino que quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar contigo. - Claro.
I should think perhaps he wants to talk to you about Deirdre.
Quizá quiera hablarte sobre Deirdre.
He didn't give his name, but he wants to talk to you about the Dumont murder.
No ha dado su nombre, pero quiere hablar con usted sobre el asesinato de Dumont.
Tom's with me. He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar contigo.
He wants to talk to you about some New Zealand mutton.
Quiere hablarte del cordero de Nueva Zelanda.
He wants to talk to you!
- Quiere hablarle. ¿ Pero quien es?
But Stefano, he wants to talk to you!
— Tiene algo que decirte.
Mr. O'Hara, the boss, he wants to talk to you.
El Sr. O'Hara, el jefe, quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk to you.
Dice que quiere hablar contigo.
He wants to talk to you tonight.
Quiere hablar contigo esta noche.
He wants to talk to you. You, Dix.
Quiere hablarte, Dix.
- He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar contigo.
His lawyer, he wants to talk to you.
Su abogado quiere hablar contigo.
Marsha, he wants to talk to you.
Marsha, él quiere hablarte.
He wants to talk to you about Dario, ma'am.
Te quiere hablar de Darío, niña.
Mr Kirk Edwards is looking for somebody... like you to play in his first production and he wants to talk to you about it
El Sr Kirk Edwards está buscando a alguien... como usted para actuar en su primera producción y le gustaría hablarle de ello
- He wants to talk to you.
- El desea hablarle.
He wants to talk to you.
Desea hablar con usted.
Well, I figure a lot of the public would go to see a good movie about carriers so I tossed him a couple of bones, and he wants to talk to you.
Bueno, pensé que mucha gente iría a ver una buena película sobre portaaviones así que le tiré un par de huesos y quiere hablar contigo.
He says he wants to talk to you so he can swear probably.
Quiere hablar contigo, para decir palabrotas probablemente.
But before talking to the princess, His Majesty, the king, wants you to talk to him... so that he can give you permission to talk to the princess.
Pero antes de hablar con la princesa, S.M., el Rey, quiere hablar con usted con el fin de concederle permiso para hablar con la princesa.
He wants to talk with you privately.
Quiere hablar con usted en privado.
Perhaps he wants to talk about you.
Tal vez quiera hablar contigo.
Sir, Mr. La Cour is bad. He wants to talk some bank business to you before... Well, before it gets too late.
Señor Preston el señor La Cour está mal y quiere hablarle de asuntos del Banco antes de antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
He'll talk if he wants to tell you anything.
Que hable si te quiere decir algo.
He wants to talk to you, Gracie.
Quiere hablar contigo, Gracie.
Allow it to talk of what wants, he / she will speak to you of art.
Déjalo charlar de lo que quiera, te hablará de arte.
- He's leaving for the coast in the morning and he wants you to fly up to Chicago and talk to him tonight.
Saldrá para la costa mañana... y quiere que vueles a Chicago esta noche.
He wants to talk to Uncle Billy. You just hold on, there.
- No, quiere hablar con el tío Billy.
Oh! He just wants to talk to you, dear, about Lee.
Solo quiere hablar contigo, cariño, acerca de mí.
He wants to have a talk with you.
Quiere hablar con Ud.
Wants to talk with you. Says that's what he came back for.
Dice que volvió para hablar contigo.
Yes, he's with a friend who wants to talk to you.
Sí, ha llegado con un amigo que quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk with you about the fine
Quiere hablar con usted sobre la multa.
He wants to know if you have any inclination to talk.
Quiere saber si tienes alguna inclinación a hablar.
Wants to use that key I gave you and come on over, we've got lots to talk about
Te he dado la llave. Ven. Hay cosas de las que hablar.
A gentleman wants to talk with you, He's waiting for you.
Hay un señor que quiere hablar con Ud. Lo aviso enseguida. Le esperaba.
Maybe this is one of the times that Granny used to talk about... when God slams a door in yourface... that he may guideyou to the one through which he wants you to pass.
Quizás ésta sea una de esas veces que mencionaba la abuelita... en las que Dios te cierra una puerta en la cara... para poder guiarte a aquélla que quiere que atravieses.
This is Señor Vargas, he's chief accountant for Don Alejandro. He's leaving in the morning, for Mexico City and wants to talk with you.
Es el capataz de Don Alejandro, se va por la mañana a la ciudad de méxico y quiere hablar contigo.
You've got to talk to him because he wants to leave. Yeah.
habla con éI, quiere irse.

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