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He was a friend of mine перевод на испанский

201 параллельный перевод
He was a friend of mine.
Era amigo mío.
- He was a friend of mine, and a nice boy.
Era buen amigo mío y buen chico.
Oh, he was a friend of mine, a B-17 pilot.
Era un amigo mío, un piloto.
He was a friend of mine.
Era amigo mío. Un buen amigo.
But he was a friend of mine.
Pero él era amigo mío.
He was a friend of mine.
Él era amigo mío.
You chased away the mayor, because he was a friend of mine.
Tu hiciste huir al alcalde. El era amigo mío.
He was a friend of mine. What does he do now?
El fue amigo mio. ¿ Qué hace ahora?
- He was a friend of mine.
- Era un amigo mío.
He was a friend of mine's cousin.
El era amigo de mi primo.
He was a friend of mine.
- Me alegra
He was a friend of mine
Era amigo mío.
He was a friend of mine, and I helped him.
Era amigo mío, y yo le ayudé.
And as he was a friend of mine...
Era amigo mío.
I had trust and faith in him because he was a friend of mine.
Confiaba y tenía fe en él porque era amigo mío.
A friend of mine works in a lawyer's office and he was telling me tha...
Un amigo mío que trabaja en un despacho de abogados...
There was a swell picture of a friend of mine. He was a lodge brother.
Como aquel amigo mío, buen lanzador de beisbol y masón.
Your father was a friend of mine, wasn't he?
Tu padre fue mi amigo, ¿ no?
Well. He bluffed me into believing that he was holding a friend of mine as hostage.
Pues bien, fanfarroneó haciéndome creer que tenía a un amigo mío como rehén.
But this friend of mine, he was telling me that before he left Cuba... all the talk was of a vast armada that Governor Velázquez was fitting out... to take over a new land, a country full of gold.
Mi amigo me dijo que antes de dejar Cuba se hablaba de una armada que el gobernador Velázquez está preparando para tomar nuevas tierras. Un país lleno de oro.
They ´ re not in It was lonesome walking around I thought I ´ d find a friend of mine
No había nadie He estado paseando al perro y pensé que encontraría a alguien
You see, Officer, I missed a friend of mine I was meeting, and I thought the name of his hotel might be on his luggage.
Mire, Oficial, he perdido al amigo al que esperaba, y pienso que el nombre del hotel podría estar en su equipaje.
A friend of mine, when he was drinking too much, could see dragons.
Un amigo mío, cuando bebía mucho, veía hasta dragones.
A friend of mine was a soldier, he always talked like that.
Un amigo mío hizo allí la mili y no paraba de hablar de aquello.
He was a private in the Marine Corps and a friend of mine.
Era soldado del cuerpo de marines y amigo mío.
He was a swell guy, a friend of mine.
Un tipo simpático, un amigo mio.
He was trying to kill a friend of mine so I shot him.
lba a matar a un amigo, así que le disparé.
I got money for'Canto da Saudade'through a very good friend of mine, called Fausto AIvin, who was the president of'Banco Hipotecário', he made the bank lend me money to make "Canto da Saudade".
Ahora, eI "Canto da Saudade" yo conseguí dinero a través de um gran amigo mio, Fausto AIvim, que era presidente del Banco Hipotecário y mandó al banco prestar el dinero para hacer el "Canto da Saudade".
Once a friend of mine's car broke down when he was abroad.
Una vez, a un amigo mío en el extranjero se le paró el coche en la autovía.
A friend of mine died exactly that way... they boiled him... then they covered him in mayonnaise, capers and olives... a nice portion of salad... luckily it wasn't a great loss because he was unfriendly.
Un amigo mío acabó así : lo hirvieron y luego lo recubrieron de mayonesa, alcaparras, aceitunas y una buena guarnición de ensalada. Por suerte no fue una gran pérdida, era antipático.
He's kind of a friend of mine, and he told my supervisor, Joe McMann, he told Joe about my style and how well I sold the policy, and he said that Joe seemed a little nervous, as if I was doing too well, you know.
Es medio amigo mío y le dijo a mi supervisor, Joe MacMann, le contó a Joe mi estilo y cómo le había vendido la póliza y me dijo que Joe se puso un poco nervioso, como si lo estuviera haciendo demasiado bien, sabes.
He was a childhood friend of mine and his death upset me greatly, to you he was a democrat
Para mí fue un amigo de infancia, y su muerte me conmovió...
He was a good friend of mine, and I would like to ask you, to find out everything that you can about what happened to him.
Era un gran amigo mio, y yo quisiera rogarle que haga todo cuanto esté en su mano, para averiguar lo que le ha sucedido.
He was a friend of mine.
Un amigo mío.
A friend of mine, he was run down by a car.
Un amigo mío, que cayó bajo un coche.
He was a good friend of mine.
Sí, era un buen amigo mío.
A friend of mine, he worked as a barber. He was also a good barber in my hometown.
Imagínese : trabajar día y noche entre los muertos, los cadáveres... los sentimientos desaparecen, uno estaba muerto para el sentimiento, muerto para todo.
- No, it was a friend of mine's, I said.
- He dicho que era de un amigo.
then mama got a wild hair one sunday and she decided to go make a lot of money off of it. took it out to the swap meet and sold it to lyndon johnson's top secret service agent. and he told a good personal friend of mine that he was going to sell it for even more money to the smithsonian institute.
Lo sacó al intercambio y lo vendió al servicio de agentes secretos de Lyndon Johnsons y él le dijo a un buen amigo mio que lo iba a vender por mucho más dinero al instituto Smithsonian.
A friend of mine was at a party the other night. He jogs down by the Potomac He found this.
La otra noche me encontré con un amigo mío en una fiesta y siempre corre junto al río Potomac y encontró esto.
He arrested a friend of mine who was visiting Italy, who was an attorney.
Arrestó a un amigo mío que visitaba Italia, un abogado.
Well, he was an acquaintance of a friend of mine, and I merely wish to put his mind at rest.
Se trataba de un conocido de un amigo mío y yo simplemente deseo tranquilizarle.
He's a friend of mine, a policeman. Thought I was in trouble.
Es policía y creía que yo estaba en peligro.
You know, I was talking to a friend of mine, Ches Whitley.
¿ Sabe? He estado hablando con un amigo, Ches Whitley.
A friend of mine was mining and he made a lot of cash.
Un amigo trabajo de minero e hizo una fortuna.
I knew who he was and based on that, I turned the job over to a friend of mine.
Sabía quién era, y basado en eso, le pasé el trabajo a un amigo.
He was a very good friend of mine.
Era un gran amigo mío.
This friend of mine had a kid... and it was a home birth, so he was there helping out.
Un amigo mío tuvo un hijo, que nació en casa, así que él ayudó en el parto.
He's just a friend of mine I was trying to help.
Sólo es un amigo. Intentaba ayudarlo. ¿ Y qué?
I mean, look, I knew a pool shark friend of mine, he passed out once, but you... you're a lot tougher than she was.
¿ Preguntas en serio? Tenía un amigo jugador de billar que se desmayó, pero tú... Tú eres más fuerte que él.
A personal friend of mine in the French police tipped me the wink... that he was a secret agent in the pay of the Russian embassy.
Un amigo mío de la policía francesa me pasó la información... de que era un agente secreto pagado por la embajada rusa.

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