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Hoss перевод на испанский

559 параллельный перевод
"Why the low-down hoss-thieves!"
"¡ Cuatreros cochinos!".
"What you lookin'at... hoss face?"
"¿ Qué ves, cara de caballo?".
"Why you low down hoss thief... you cheated!"
"¡ Cuatrero cochino, hiciste trampa!",
I'm a real hoss, I am, and I get kinda riley with them critters.
Yo soy un auténtico americano, sí señor, y estas criaturas me tienen algo desconcertado.
Well, they're burying old Hoss Williams today.
Bien, enterrarán al viejo Hoss Williams hoy.
Hoss Williams, suppose he's wicked enough?
Hoss Williams, ¿ Supones que es lo suficientemente malvado?
Do you reckon Hoss Williams hears us talkin'?
¿ Crees que el viejo Hoss Williams nos oirá hablando?
Were you anywhere near Horse Williams'grave?
¿ Estabas cerca de la tumba de Hoss Williams?
Boss? Don't call me Hoss.
- No me digas "peje".
- Yep, them was happy days fer Bill and that hoss, - [Gunshots]
Yep, luego vinieron días felices para Billy y su caballo.
Mallory is quite a pianist, Horace.
Mallory es una gran pianista, Hoss.
There is no relationship with Martha, Horace.
No tiene parentesco con Martha, Hoss.
Hello, I was just coming to see you.
Hoss, iba a verte.
Can I come with you, Horace?
Vaya. ¿ Puedo ir contigo, Hoss?
Thanks, Mr Vendig. We've been friends ever since Horace came to the school.
Gracias, Sr. Vending, somos amigos desde que Hoss entró en la escuela.
I'll wait outside, Horace.
Te espero fuera, Hoss.
Hi, Horace.
- Hola, Hoss.
I tell you, Horace. I can't study because of her.
Mira, Hoss, no puedo estudiar por su culpa.
Horace. You know her so well.
Hoss, la conoces muy bien.
Well Horace, it's a case of the best man wins.
Bueno, Hoss, es cuestión de que gane el mejor.
Well.. good luck to you, Horace.
Te deseo buena suerte, Hoss.
But that's your fault, Horace.
Pero es culpa tuya, Hoss.
It's the new frontier, Horace.
Es la nueva frontera, Hoss.
What happened between you and the family?
Hoss, ¿ qué pasó entre tú y la familia?
From you, Horace?
¿ Tuya, Hoss?
Horace, I'm with you.
- Hoss, estoy contigo.
I'm going to like working with you, Horace.
Voy a disfrutar trabajando contigo, Hoss.
Horace, since when has McDonald have to wait outside for four days?
Hoss, ¿ desde cuándo McDonald te tiene que esperar fuera durante cuatro días?
Horace, I don't understand you.
Hoss, no te entiendo.
I don't know what you've got against him. But think of those people.
Hoss, no sé qué tienes en contra de él, pero piensa en esa gente.
Horace, don't joke while McDonald is suffering out there.
Hoss, no bromees mientras McDonald sufre ahí fuera.
I had good reason to break with you, Horace.
Tenía una buena razón para romper contigo, Hoss.
Don't make any plans, Horace.
No hagas planes, Hoss.
With Ted on Biscuit and Hoss on Kayak, what more do you want?
Ted sobre Biscuit y Hoss sobre Kayak, ¿ qué más quiere?
Whack him over the head, Hoss. You'll never get anywhere poking at him.
Nunca vas a vencer se sigues jugando así.
Look, I know you feel bad about the Clevengers. But it's like Esketh told Hoss and me.
Si está así por causa de los Clevengers... sepa que ellos no estarían así.
Oh, Hoss and Joe, see that Mr. Esketh has everything he needs. Yes, sir.
Hoss y Joe, acompañadlo y ved si precisa de algo.
That Hoss makes the most wonderful audience, doesn't he?
Claro que sí, Hoss es un bello fan, ¿ verdad?
Oh, hi. Hoss.
- Hola.
Hello, Ben.
- Hoss.
Hoss, you remember that sulfur soap you used to wash down that dog? Yes, sir.
¿ Hoss, recuerda del jabón con azufre qué usted usó en el perro?
( panting ) : Hoss, you all right?
¿ Hoss, usted está bien?
Good idea. Hey, Hoss.
- ¡ Hoss, venga desayunar!
Hoss, la Srta.Flagg.
You know Horace, your mother..
Hoss, tu madre...
─ Horace!
- ¡ Hoss!
HOSS : Here, Shorty.
Aquí Shorty, venga chiquito.
Hoss, clean him up, huh?
Hoss, límpielo.
Ride on out and see how the boys are doing with that herd in the north quarter.
Ayudarê Hoss y Joe con el otro rebaño.
Easy, Hoss.
- Calma, Hoss.
Hello, Hoss.
Hola, Hoss.

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