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Huntley перевод на испанский

418 параллельный перевод
Huntley Milling Corporation 800 State Street, Cleveland.
Corporaciôn Molinera Huntley 800 Calle State, Cleveland.
Huntley Haverstock.
Huntley Haverstock.
Speak up, young man. You don't mind being Huntley Haverstock, do you?
Diga, joven, no le importa ser Huntley Haverstock, ¿ verdad?
Except Huntley Haverstock.
Menos por lo de Huntley Haverstock.
That Huntley...
Mrs. Appleby, meet Huntley Haverstock, Special Correspondent, New York Globe.
Sra. Appleby, él es Huntley Haverstock, corresponsal del New York Globe.
Don't mind if you hear it's Huntley Haverstock... because it's really Jones.
No haga caso si me llaman Huntley Haverstock porque realmente me apellido Jones.
Dr. Williamson, this is Huntley Haverstock of the New York Globe.
Dr. Williamson, él es Huntley Haverstock del New York Globe.
Foreign correspondent of the New York Globe... Huntley Haverstock.
El corresponsal extranjero del New York Globe Huntley Haverstock.
Do you, Atherton Huntley lll, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Atherton Huntley III, tomas a Victoria Stafford por legítima esposa... y prometes amarla, honrarla y respetarla... hasta que la muerte os separe?
And, do you, Victoria Stafford, take Atherton Huntley lll to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honour, and cherish him until death shall separate you?
Y tú, Victoria Stafford, ¿ tomas a Atherton Huntley III... por legítimo esposo... y prometes amarlo, honrarlo y respetarlo... hasta que la muerte os separe?
-'Thank you, President Huntley.'
- Gracias, presidenta Huntley.
He's Rock Huntley of LaSalt, Ratskin, Dooley Crumpet.
Es Rock Huntley, de La Salt, Ratskin, Dooley y Crumpet.
This is Chet Huntley, NBC news, New York. We interrupt the program in progress for this special report.
" Interrumpimos el programa para informarles de lo siguiente :...
If he isn't in, try Huntley and Brinkley at NBC.
Llame al Senador Talmadge de Georgia... y si él no está, pruebe con Huntley y Brinkley en NBC.
Chet Huntley?
¿ Chet Huntley?
Hello, Mr. Huntley.
Hola, Sr. Huntley.
Well, tell him I already gave the message to Huntley.
Dígale que ya le di el mensaje a Huntley.
Huntley and Brinkley.
Huntley y Brinkley.
- Who? Huntley and Brinkley.
Huntley y Brinkley.
The Huntley.
En el Huntley.
Bad enough to let you through, into the Huntley?
¿ Lo suficiente para dejarte entrar al Huntley?
Across from the Huntley.
Frente al Huntley.
They're scraping his body up off the sidewalk in front of the Huntley.
Están sacando su cadáver de la acera de su casa.
Gregory Huntley.
Gregory Huntley.
I told you not to listen to Huntley and Brinkley today. You should've just listened to Huntley.
Te dije que no escucharas a Huntley y Brinkley, sino solamente a Huntley.
The pigeon is a tenant named Terence Huntley.
El sospechoso es un inquilino, Terence Huntley.
Alice, what did I say to you the day Mr. Huntley hung that painting?
Alice, ¿ qué te dije el día que el Sr. Huntley colgó ese cuadro?
Did you have any reason to be suspicious of Mr. Huntley previously?
¿ Tenía motivos para sospechar del Sr. Huntley antes de eso?
Alice, tell the detective about seeing Mr. Huntley on Gainsborough Street where Mrs. Hodak lived.
Alice, cuéntale al inspector que le viste en la calle Gainsborough donde vivía la Sra. Hodak.
All Terence Huntley is interested in is strangling and torture.
A Terence Huntley sólo le interesa el estrangulamiento y la tortura.
- Are you Terence Huntley?
- ¿ Es usted Terence Huntley?
- Morning, Huntley.
Buenos días Huntley.
Go to Montana with Chet Huntley.
Iría a Montana con Chet Huntley.
"In addition to Mr Kendal, Mr Huntley, Mr East and Miss Campbell, " the distinguished cast will include, in her first non-singin'role... "
... además de esto el Sr. Gamble el Sr. East y la Srta. Gamble la distinguida obra incluye a la primera cantante...
Chet Huntley.
Chet Huntley.
And finally, one beautiful Huntley Palmers-style fridge.
Y número 3, una preciosa nevera estilo Huntley Palmers.
Have a fine day, Mr. Huntley!
¡ Que tenga un buen día, Sr. Huntley!
Time Magazine, Huntley, Brinkley...
La revista Time, Huntley, Brinkley- -
Stayed tuned for "The Huntley Brinkley Report".
A continuación, "The Huntley Brinkley Report".
"The Huntley Brinkley Report".
"The Huntley Brinkley Report".
Yeah, he's lying like hell. He wasn't supposed to been down there according to the Huntley Hearing'til 7 : 30 just to read that confession over to you.
El condenado tenía que haber llegado y no llegó hasta las 7 : 30.
Walter Huntley, our merchandise manager.
Muy bien, gracias. Y Walter Huntley, nuestro Director de Mercadeo.
It's the best thing I ever had wrapped around me, including Phil Huntley.
Es lo mejor que me haya abrazado, incluyendo a Phil Huntley.
Remember Phil Huntley?
¿ Recuerdan a Phil Huntley?
Mrs. Huntley, are you all right?
Sra. Huntley, ¿ está bien?
Clownface, what in the name of Huntley and Brinkley do you plan to do to us?
Cara de Payaso, en nombre de la justicia que estas planeando hacernos?
That's the third funeral Kroehner has stolen from us... since Mitzi HuntIey came to visit.
Es el tercer funeral que nos ha birlado Kroehner... desde que vino Mitzi Huntley.
Miss HuntIey. What can we do for you?
Sra. Huntley, ¿ qué desea?
Good morning, Mrs. HuntIey.
Buenos días, Sra. Huntley.
- I'm Mitzi DaIton HuntIey.
- Soy Mitzi Dalton Huntley.

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