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I'd rather not talk about it перевод на испанский

176 параллельный перевод
I'm sure you'd rather not talk about it.
Estoy seguro que usted prefiere no hablar de ello
I'd rather not talk about it, Hugo.
Prefiero no hablar de ello, Hugo.
Please, Steve, I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar de eso esta noche.
- Mac, really I'd rather not talk about it.
- Prefiero no hablar de eso.
Please, if you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it.
Por favor, si no te importa, preferiría no hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it.
Preferiría no hablar de eso.
I'd really rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it. You can tell me.
No quiero hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it.
- Prefiero no hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it. I'd rather you had.
- Prefiero no hablar de ello.
- I'd rather not talk about it.
- Preferiría no hablar de eso.
I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar de ello.
- I'd rather not talk about it.
- Prefiero no hablar de ello.
No, I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar de ello.
I was in love once, but I'd rather not talk about it.
Una vez estuve enamorado, pero prefiero no hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind.
Prefiero no hablar de ello, si no te importa.
I'd rather not talk about it anymore.
Y no quiero hablar más de eso.
- I'd rather not talk about it.
- Si lo prefiere, no hable entonces.
Using that cigarette machine, drinking Mary Bloodies... and a lot of other things, but I'd rather not talk about it... because you'll just get sore and walk out on me.
Usando la máquina de cigarrillos, bebiendo... y otras cosas más que no diré... porque te dolería y te irías de aquí.
As for Arthur, I'd rather not talk about him : it would give me the hives.
De Arthur, mejor no hablo : me daría urticaria.
I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind.
Pues, prefiero no tocar ese tema, si no le importa.
I'd rather not talk about it.
No me apetece hablar de eso.
If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it.
Si no te importa, preferiría no hablar de eso.
- I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefería no hablar de eso
Something so incredible, I'd rather not even talk about it.
Algo que suena tan increíble que no me atrevo a decírtelo...
But without proof, I'd rather not talk about it.
Pero sin pruebas no lo diré
- That really stinks. - I'd rather not talk about it, okay?
Preferiría no hablar del tema.
Well, unless you insist, I'd rather not talk about it.
A no ser que insistas, prefiero no seguir hablando de este asunto.
I'd rather not talk about it!
¡ Preferiría no hablar de ello!
I'd rather not talk about it.
Preferiría no hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it.
prefiero no hablar de ello.
I'd really rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar del tema.
If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not talk about all that right now.
Si no te importa, prefiero no hablar sobre eso ahora.
Eh, I'd rather not talk about it.
Eh, prefiero no hablar de ello.
Listen, I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar de ello.
I'd rather not talk about it, sir.
Preferiría no hablar de eso, señor.
And I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind.
Y prefiero no hablar de ello, si no le importa.
- I'd rather not talk about it.
- Preferiría no hablar a cerca de él.
But I'd rather not talk about it.
Pero preferiría no hablar del asunto.
I'd rather not talk about it right now.
Preferiría no hablar de eso ahora.
I'd rather not talk about it here but trust me, she's no threat to anyone.
Prefiero no hablar aqui, pero no es una amenaza para nadie.
I'd rather not to talk about it over the phone.
No hablemos de eso por teléfono.
I'd really rather not talk about it anymore.
Preferiría no hablar más sobre eso.
Look, Cory, Valentine's Day is not really a big deal for me, so I'd rather not talk about it, okay?
Cory, el Día de San Valentín no es realmente muy importante para mí, así que prefería no hablar de ello, ¿ de acuerdo?
I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no discutirlo.
You know, Red, if it's cool, I'd kinda rather not talk about it.
Tu sabes, Red, esta bien, No quisiera hablar de eso.
I'd rather not talk about it.
De eso... prefiero no hablar.
I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind.
Prefiero no hablar de ello, si no te importa.
Um, Ms. McGee, being that it's a holiday and all... there are certain math-related... failing-type things I'd rather not talk about.
Um, señora McGee, \ ~ es que es un día de fiesta y todo... defecto de tipo cosas \ ~ prefiero no hablar.
If you don't mind, I'd just- - l'd rather not talk about it.
Si no te importa, sólo- - preferiría no hablar de eso.
I'd rather not talk about it.
Prefiero no hablar sobre ello.

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