I'll get it перевод на испанский
14,971 параллельный перевод
I'll get it for you.
Iré a por él.
I'll get tech, to see if they can clean it up.
Le diré a los tecnicos que vean si pueden limpiarlo.
I'll get it.
Yo atiendo.
- Then I'll get it.
- Se lo daré. - No.
- Stop, Alexander. I'll get it.
- Detente, Alexander.
Let it be, I'll get it later.
- Déjalo, yo luego lo hago.
Oh, so, you're really not getting it, so I'll tell you what - - why don't you dig a little deeper and then call me when you're ready to get serious?
No hay evidencia de que su pie se ha visto afectado por nada. Oh, por lo que, en realidad está no conseguirlo, así que te diré lo que... ¿ por qué no profundizar un poco más y luego llámame cuando estés listo para tomar en serio?
I'll get around to it.
Me ocuparé.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll get it, unless they want to go with a bigger name.
Como sea, seguro que lo consigo... salvo que quieran una estrella con renombre.
But I think it'll get here soon.
Pero creo que llegará pronto.
I'll get it approved.
Conseguiré la aprobación.
Yeah, I'll get in it with them.
Sí, me pondré a ello con ellos.
I'll get it. - Okay.
- Está bien.
It's all starting to come back, and once we get all the answers, I'll be back to normal, except for the fact that my dead father isn't really dead and is sitting across from me.
Estoy empezando a recordarlo todo y una vez que tengamos todas las respuestas, volveré a la normalidad, excepto por el hecho de que mi difunto padre no está realmente muerto y está sentado frente a mí.
Tyrell, you don't know me to beat around the bush, so I'll get right to it.
Tyrell, sabe que no me ando por las ramas, así que iré directo al grano.
And it's the only way I'll ever get my knights to stand up to Merlin and the Dark One.
Y es la única manera de conseguir que mis caballeros se enfrenten a Merlín y al Oscuro.
- I'll get it.
- Atenderé.
I'll get it.
Lo traeré.
I'll get on it.
Me encargo.
I did not make it to Jack in time, but if we get out of here right now, it'll get pinned on Nicky Schultz.
No llegué a tiempo a lo de Jack, pero si salimos ahora, Pensarán que fue Nicky Schultz.
I'll take care of your kids, if I get some extra food for it.
Yo los cuido si a cambio consigo comida extra.
You say you get it, but I'm scared you'll keep doing it.
Pues si lo pillas, espero que no sigas haciéndolo.
- I'll get you some bourbon. And you'll cut it with water.
- Voy a comprarles bourbon, y lo beberán con agua.
- [doorbell rings] - Ooh, I'll get it.
¿ Ahora lo entiendes?
You'll never know, and it won't matter because when I get free, I'm going to break your jaw as you did mine and slowly pull your intestines out from your body.
Nunca lo sabrás, y no importará porque cuando me libere, te voy a romper la mandíbula como hiciste con la mía y lentamente te sacaré los intestinos de tu cuerpo.
I'll get it.
Lo conseguiré.
We'll talk about it when I get back, okay?
Hablaremos de esto cuando vuelva, ¿ de acuerdo?
Joe, go over there and tell him to get back in his house. Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
Joe, ve y dile que regrese a su casa no te preocupes, me ocupare de esto.
I'll get it.
La buscaré.
I'll get used to it as time passes.
Me acostumbraré con el tiempo.
I'll get it soon.
Lo tendré pronto.
I'll get it. Aunt Karen?
Yo abro. ¿ Tía Karen?
Okay, I'll put Bukowski on it... see if we can get a social or birth certificate.
Vale, voy a poner a Bukowski a ello... a ver si lo puede asociar a alguna partida de nacimiento.
But Emma is still in there somewhere, and I'll do anything it takes to get her back.
Pero Emma aún está en alguna parte, y haré lo que haga falta para recuperarla.
I'll get it.
Los conseguiré.
I'll get rid of it.
Yo me deshago de ella.
I'll just get the lowdown on it from someone who saw it already... mm-hmm.
Le contaré todo lo que haya dicho alguien que sí la haya visto...
I know it looks a little cold, but, uh, once we get some furniture in here and flowers in the window boxes, it'll be... it'll be quite cozy.
Sé que parece un poco frío, pero... una vez que pongamos algunos muebles aquí y flores en las jardineras de las ventanas será... será bastante acogedor.
I think it's a great plan, I'll get back to you.
Creo que es un gran plan, que pondremos en contacto con usted.
I'll get it later.
Ya me la darás luego.
I'll get it ; here...
Yo lo cogeré, dame...
Listen, I know this is gonna be hard at first, but... you'll get used to it.
Escucha, sé que será difícil al principio, pero... te acostumbrarás a ello.
Let's get suited up and I'll walk you guys through it.
Vamos a colocarles el traje y los guiare chicos a través de esto.
Come on, I get in a room with Jane, we have a nice little chat, it'll be great.
Vamos, me meto en una habitación con Jane, tendremos una pequeña charla, que va a ser genial.
I'll get it to you.
Te lo conseguiré.
No, no, it... it... it's fine, I'll just do it when I get home.
No, no, es... Es... Está bien, sólo voy a hacerlo cuando llegue a casa.
Just drop it right there, and I'll get around to it.
Déjalo por ahí, y ya lo leeré luego.
Wait I'll get it.
Vamos, espera, espera, yo iré.
It'll get better, I promise.
Mejorará, lo prometo.
I'll get it!
- ¡ Yo voy!
Promise I'll get it back to you.
Te prometo que te lo devolveremos.
i'll get it done 26
i'll get it back 28
i'll get it for you 95
i'll get it myself 23
i'll get it later 24
i'll get this 36
i'll get him 207
i'll get you back 17
i'll get back to you 214
i'll get 59
i'll get it back 28
i'll get it for you 95
i'll get it myself 23
i'll get it later 24
i'll get this 36
i'll get him 207
i'll get you back 17
i'll get back to you 214
i'll get 59
i'll get over it 38
i'll get out of your hair 27
i'll get right on it 84
i'll get you 212
i'll get the money 43
i'll get there as soon as i can 24
i'll get on it 34
i'll get a job 31
i'll get you home 17
i'll get you some 35
i'll get out of your hair 27
i'll get right on it 84
i'll get you 212
i'll get the money 43
i'll get there as soon as i can 24
i'll get on it 34
i'll get a job 31
i'll get you home 17
i'll get you some 35