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I've been thinking перевод на испанский

8,174 параллельный перевод
You know what I've been thinking?
- ¿ Sabes en qué he estado pensando?
I've been thinking about you so much.
He estado pensando tanto en ti.
You know, Richard, I've been thinking, the cyborg is a solid coder.
Estuve pensando que el ciborg es un codificador muy bueno.
I've been thinking about me, and I haven't been thinking about you.
Estuve pensando en mí... y no he estado pensando en ti.
I've been thinking about their words
He estado pensando acerca de sus palabras
I've been thinking about us...
He estado pensando en nosotros...
I've been thinking about moving back here.
Estaba pensando en regresarnos.
I've been thinking of a plan so I need you to be patient.
Estoy pensando un plan y necesito que seas paciente.
I've been thinking about the next issue of yga. I think we need to address this whole christianity thing. What do you mean?
He estado pensando sobre la próxima YGA, y creo que necesitamos dirigirnos a la cristiandad.
I've been thinking about that woman that we overheard all day. Have you?
He estado pensando en esa mujer que escuchamos el otro día.
You know, I've been thinking, and, you know, you've been working so hard around here, and everyone seems to like you.
He estado pensando, que has estado trabajando tan duro, y parace que le gustas a todo el mundo.
I know you're not talking to me, but I've been thinking.
Sé que no quieres hablarme, pero he estado pensando.
I've been thinking about cutting it, But I don't want to look like an elf.
He pensado en cortarlo, pero no quiero parecer un elfo.
You know, I've been thinking about the experiment a lot.
Sabes, he estado pensando en el experimento mucho.
I've been thinking this over calmly for a year.
Yo llevo un año pensando las cosas tranquilamente.
So, I've been thinking about my birthday.
Entonces, he estado pensando en mi cumpleaños...
But... I've been thinking about it for a long time.
Pero... lo he pensado por algún tiempo.
I've just been thinking that you get to a point in your life where it's the last chapter, and- -
Simplemente he estado pensando que llegas a un punto en la vida en el que está tu último episodio, y...
Um, I've been thinking about things.
He estado pensando en las cosas.
It got me thinking about your father, how I've been repressing a lot of anger.
Me llevó a pensar en tu padre, en cómo he estado reprimiendo mucha ira.
Yeah. I've actually been thinking about that
Sí, de hecho, he estado pensando mucho
And I've been thinking about it all day and I have a plan to go the extra mile and make April seem like the ideal candidate.
Y llevo pensándolo todo el día y tengo un plan para ir más allá y hacer que April parezca la candidata ideal.
I've been thinking about this.
He estado pensando sobre esto.
And I've been thinking about this and...
Y he estado pensando sobre esto y...
Well, I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and I've come to apologize.
Bueno, he estado pensando mucho últimamente y he venido a disculparme.
I've been thinking about you Ever since our interrogation.
He estado pensando en ti desde el interrogatorio.
I've been thinking a lot about it ever since he kidnapped me, and...
He estado pensando mucho desde que él me secuestró, y...
Tony, I've been thinking about your visit.
Tony, he estado pensando en tu visita.
I've been thinking about my life, and all of the mistakes that I've made.
He estado pensando en mi vida, y en todos los errores que he cometido.
I've been thinking, it might be time for someone else.
He pensado que puede que sea el momento de cambiar.
I've been thinking, um...
He estado pensando...
- I've been thinking all how I had her against better behave.
Seguía imaginando formas en las que podría haberla tratado mejor.
I've been thinking a lot about our old army days.
He estado pensando mucho en nuestros días de soldados.
I've been thinking I want to get out of Berlin for a little while.
Estuve pensando que quiero dejar Berlín por un tiempo.
Look, I've been thinking.
Miren, he estado pensando.
I've been thinking.
He estado pensando.
I've been thinking about what you said out there in the desert.
He estado pensando en lo que dijiste en el desierto.
Sheila, I've been doing a lot of thinking.
Sheila, he estado pensando mucho.
I've been thinking about it myself for, like, weeks.
Yo llevo pensando en eso semanas.
So instead of supporting you, I've been thinking of running against you.
Así que en vez de apoyarte, he estado pensando en ir en tu contra.
Well, I've been thinking about you.
Bueno, he estado pensando en ti.
Listen, I've been thinking a lot about relationships and how difficult they can be, and I think...
Escucha, he estado pensando mucho sobre las relaciones y lo difícil que pueden ser, y creo...
I've been thinking about them, too, Sheldon.
Yo también he estado pensando sobre ellas, Sheldon.
I want you to know that I've been thinking about you.
Yo quiero que sepas que he estado pensando en ti.
Yeah, I've been thinking about it all day.
Si, estuve pensando en eso todo el día.
Maybe I've been thinking about this all wrong.
Quizá estaba equivocado.
You know, I've been thinking about it, and you're right.
Lo pensé y tiene razón.
Listen, I... I've been thinking about it all night.
Escucha, yo... he estado pensando en ello toda la noche.
So look, I've been thinking a lot about the first week's lesson.
Mirad, he estado pensando mucho sobre la primera lección semanal.
I've been thinking about that.
He estado pensando en eso.
I've really been thinking about this.
He estado pensando mucho sobre esto.

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