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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ I ] / I've been thinking about that

I've been thinking about that перевод на испанский

668 параллельный перевод
And as for going back to school, I've been thinking about that, too.
Y en cuanto a regresar a la universidad, también he pensado en eso.
I've been thinking about that too. Well, think fast.
- Estuve pensando en ello
One night on the train, I got to thinking. I got an idea that the milkman needed color. That's what you've been reading about.
En eI tren se me ocurrió que eI Iechero necesitaba carisma.
Well, yes. I've been thinking about that myself.
Bueno, yo mismo he estado pensando en ello.
Estuve pensando en lo que ese tipo dijo sobre el marfil.
I've been thinking about that too - the things we'd planned.
Yo también he pensado en eso. En nuestros planes.
I've been thinking about that.
He pensado en eso.
I've been thinking about you not having a job and I thought that you could go along to Millington's and have a talk to Joe Gowlan.
He estado pensando : si tú no tuvieras trabajo pensé que podrías ir a Millington y hablar con Joe Gowlan.
I've never been religious or anything like that but now there's only a few hours left and I've been thinking about what you said about standing out there alone tomorrow up against that wall, no priest to turn to.
Nunca he sido religioso ni nada de eso pero ahora solo quedan unas horas y estuve pensando en lo que dijiste acerca de estar parado ahí solo mañana frente al paredón, sin ningún sacerdote a quien acudir.
I've been thinking about that myself, young man.
También yo he estado pensando en eso, chico.
Will you believe that the very asking makes me realize I've been thinking about it for some time? And I mean it, with all my heart.
El pedírselo me ha hecho comprender que llevo un tiempo pensándolo y que lo deseo de todo corazón.
I've been thinking about that too... ever since you told me.
Yo también he estado pensando en ello desde que Ud. me lo dijo.
It's just that, well, I try to be like everyone else and want what I'm supposed to want... but then I start thinking about people I've never known and places I've never been.
Pero aunque intento ser como los demás y desear lo que debo desear, no puedo evitar pensar en gente que no conozco y en lugares que no he visto.
I've been thinking about this case Holmes, that is Duncan Bleek and I have.
Estábamos pensando en este asunto, Holmes me refiero a Duncan Bleak y yo.
I've been thinking about that.
Estuve pensando en eso.
I've been thinking about that.
He estado pensando en ello.
I've been thinking about that young man, Stephen.
He pensado acerca de ese joven, Stephen.
I've been thinking about that.
Lo he estado pensando.
I've been thinking about that jam you were in in New York.
He estado pensando sobre el problema que tenías en Nueva York.
I've been thinking about that job tomorrow night.
He estado pensando sobre el trabajo de mañana noche.
I've been thinking about that Bronson case against me judge.
He estado pensando sobre la querella de Bronson contra mí, juez.
I've been thinking about that joke that was told me Sunday.
He estado dándole vueltas a aquel chiste... que me contó John el Domingo.
Now, I've been thinking about that, too.
También he estado pensando en eso.
Yes, I've been thinking about that.
Aquí hay gente a la que no le preocupa robar y matar.
I've been thinking about that food.
He estado pensando en la comida.
I've been thinking about that.
Sí, ya lo había pensado.
I've been married to my Walt that long and I swear, in all that time, I just lie there thinking about my canning.
Eso llevo casada con mi Walt y os juro que, en todo ese tiempo, no ha hecho más que pensar en mis conservas.
Suit yourself, but I've been thinking about that fall list.
Bien, como Ud. quiera. Otra cosa, para Ios títulos del otoño.
I've been thinking about that murder weapon that was never found.
He estado pensando acerca del arma que nunca encontraron.
Carl, that's what I've been thinking about you.
Eso es lo que pensaba de ti.
Spig, I've been thinking about that title, Hell Divers.
Spig, he estado pensando en ese título, Hell Divers. Estupendo.
I've been thinking about that.
He estado pensando en eso.
Yes, I know, darling, and I've been thinking about that too.
Sí, lo sé, y también lo he estado pensando.
You know, Charles, I've been thinking. About that dramatic club...
He estado pensando en el club de teatro.
I've been thinking about that girl.
Pienso en la chica del periódico.
I've been thinking about that car.
Estuve pensando en ese auto.
I've been thinking about you not hitting me with that poker. You miss me on purpose?
He estado pensando en este poker Me ha ganado a propósito.?
There is no reason for you to be pleased... since it is not about you that I've been thinking... but your ridiculous GOD.
No hay razón por la que estar agradecido. Ya que no es en ti en quien he estado pensando sino en tu ridículo Dios.
I've been thinking about what that Korean told us.
Pensé en lo que dijo ayer ese coreano.
I've been thinking a lot about all that kale waitin'in the bank.
También he pensado en la pasta que nos espera en el banco.
I've been thinking we ought to go to that tailor you told me about and have you measured for new clothes.
He pensado que deberíamos ir al sastre del que me habías dicho y que te haga ropa nueva.
- I've been thinking about that icebox.
- He pensado en lo de la nevera.
I expect you've been thinking about that.
Supongo que habrás estado pensando en eso.
I'm just about an hour away from a hanging and i've been lying there and i have been thinking that i would like to rip these bars apart and get out of here.
Estoy casi a una hora de la horca y he estado tirado allí y he estado pensando que me gustaría quitar esos barrotes y salir de aquí.
All morning I've been thinking about a girl that I went with a long time ago.
He estado pensando en una chica con la que salía hace tiempo.
I've been out there thinking about the day... and the way it has gone... and it seems to me that now... I need to make a few personal statements. For a variety of reasons.
He estado allá afuera pensando sobre este día y cómo ha transcurrido y me parece que ahora necesito hacer algunos comentarios personales por una serie de razones.
Mr. Mack, I've been thinking over and over about that night.
Sr. Mack, no he dejado de pensar en esa noche.
I've been thinking about that a lot lately.
Hace mucho que lo estoy pensando.
Yes, I've been thinking about that.
Sí, He estado pensando en eso.
99, I've been thinking about what I said this morning and what you said and I've come to the conclusion that you're absolutely right.
99, estuve pensando en lo que dije y lo que tú dijiste, y tienes toda la razón.
I've been thinking back about a lot of things... and I realize I was upset about a lot of things... that weren't, well, that aren't very important.
He estado pensando muchas cosas y he visto que me disgustaban un montón de cosas que en realidad no eran importantes.

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