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I've been working out перевод на испанский

232 параллельный перевод
I've been working this out with, well, with some other friends of yours.
He estado trabajando en esto con... bueno, con otros amigos tuyos.
You know, she hasn't been out much lately since I've been working on this.
¿ Sabe? No ha salido mucho desde que estoy trabajando en esto.
I've been working it out.
-... no erais familia.
I've been talking to Mi-chan about working with her when we get out of here.
He hablado con Mi-chan para trabajar con ella cuando salgamos de aquí.
After you've been working out on the desert 15 years like I have, hear a lot of things, see a lot of things too.
Después de trabajar 1 5 años en el desierto como yo... oyes y también ves muchas cosas.
I've been working my heart and soul out all day.
¡ Trabajo todo el día como una bestia!
I've been out of the country. I've been working for six months in Honolulu.
He estado fuera del país. Trabajé en Honolulú durante 6 meses.
I've been working on that, but I can't find out.
Estoy intentando averiguarlo pero no lo consigo.
I didn't take time out for breakfast. I've been working all night.
No tuve tiempo de desayunar, estuve trabajando toda la noche.
I've been working on this tank of yours all week, and I got it up to where it will wipe out anything on wheels.
Trabajé toda la semana en ese carro suyo... y lo acondicioné para que le pase el trapo a todo lo que ruede.
I've been working it out.
He estado fijándome.
I've been working out there for over a month.
BANCO DE LAS RINAS He trabajado aquí durante más de un mes.
I've been... You know, I've been working out a little bit.
He estado... bueno, he estado ejercitándome un poco.
I've been working out.
He estado haciendo ejercicio.
I've been working this out on the road.
Debemos ser parte de una comunidad para tener cualquier esperanza de un futuro.
I've been working out with weights.
He estado haciendo pesas.
My stomach is like rock. I've been working out.
Tengo la barriga como una piedra de hacer abdominales.
I've been working out.
Hice ejercicio.
I mean, especially since I've been working out!
¡ No lo entiendo! ¡ Con todo lo que me he esforzado!
You've been working out, I can tell. Come up here.
Has estado trabajando fuera.
Espero que no estén cansados de tanta cultura, chiquilines porque la próxima parte de nuestro programa es un mortal paso de ballet en el que he estado trabajando.
That's quite a qualified pickup line! - Don't tell me about ist. I've been working it out for two days now.
- Oh, Eso es muy impresionante.
Maybe it's because your wife's out of town or because we've been working so closely together these last few weeks, but you have to be the most brilliant and compassionate man I've ever met.
Tal vez sea porque su mujer está fuera de la ciudad o porque nosotros estuvimos trabajando mucho juntos estas últimas semanas pero usted debe ser el hombre más brillante y compasivo que jamás conocí.
I've been working out.
Yo hago ejercicios. Estoy inmenso.
But I've been told before, "We're working it out."
Ya he oído antes eso de "Lo estamos solucionando".
Don't make me restrain you, because I've been working out, see?
No me obligues a sujetarte. He estado haciendo ejercicio.
I tell you that a project I've been working on for six months... just got rejected, and - "Take out a loan." You don't even say, "I'm sorry."
Te digo que han rechazado el proyecto en el que he trabajado seis meses y dices que pidamos un préstamo.
It started acting up a couple of days ago. I've been working out in the gym. Maybe I overdid it.
Empezó a dolerme hace un par de días, en el gimnasio, quizás lo sobrecargué.
If that's the lovely Agent Scully, let her know I've been working out.
Si es la atractiva Scully, dile que hago gimnasia.
I've been working out at the gym every day, painting every night.
Me he ejercitado todos los días y he pintado todas las noches.
I've been going out and working.
Hazlo, hazlo... He salido mucho.
I've been working out, and you... - Okay, they're knock-offs.
He estado haciendo ejercicio, y tú, naturalmente.
All these years, I should've been working on my act... but I was too busy selling out.
En estos años, debí mejorar mi número pero estaba muy ocupado vendiéndome.
I've been working out. Ohh, I can see that.
- Me lo he trabajado mucho.
Thanks, I've been working out.
Gracias, hice ejercicios.
Help me out. I've been working very hard this year. I want a tan.
Creo que me merezco un bronceado.
We've been dating for about a year, and I don't think it's working out.
Mira, hace un año que salimos, y me parece que no funciona.
Sometimes people, on occasion I've been one of them, get so used to things not working out they become more comfortable with failure than they are with success.
A veces la gente, en ocasiones, yo he conocido gente así, se acostumbran a que no salga bien, y se sienten más cómodos con el fracaso que con el éxito.
I've been working out, learning some new tricks, honing my... instincts.
He estado trabajando, aprendiendo trucos nuevos, afinando mis... instintos.
I've been working so hard to finish Rory's dress... I haven't been able to get out.
Trabaje tanto para terminar el vestido de Rory... que no pude salir.
Let me lay this out. I've been making my living working at a small newspaper in New York.
Me he ganado la vida trabajando en un diario, en Nueva York.
I've been working extra hours. I never go out. I never buy clothes.
Hago horas extra no salgo nunca no me compro ropa, gasto todo el dinero en tu terapia.
I've been working out a lot since the baby and I've been working too.
Desde el parto no paro de hacer ejercicio y de trabajar. Un estrés.
It usually takes me about two, two and a half years, and that means for the last couple of years I've been out floating around, bouncing around the cities and the towns in this country, and the theaters and concert halls, working on my stuff.
... me suele llevar dos, dos años y medio, y eso quiere decir que los dos últimos años he estado por ahí dando vueltas, rebotando de ciudad en ciudad por este país, y...
I've been working out.
He estado haciendo ejercicios.
No, please, just hear me out. I know you said no to the raptomycin, but we've got nothing to lose, and it's been working really well in the clinical trials.
- Se que desaprobó la idea de la rptomycina, no tenemos nada que perder y la droga fue probada en humanos.
I've been working out.
Estoy haciendo ejercicios.
I've been working out with weights.
Estuve levantando pesas.
I've been working that out...
He estado trabajando en ello...
Well, I've been working my way through your checkbook trying to figure out who you are by how you spend Who is she?
He examinado tu talonario, para ver quien eres a través de tus gastos. ¿ Quién es ella?
I've been working out.
He ensayado, mira esto.

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