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I didn't want to hurt you перевод на испанский

303 параллельный перевод
I didn't want to hurt you.
No quería herirla.
I didn't want to hurt you.
Yo no quise hacerle daño.
Then we moved I didn't want to hurt you
Luego nos mudamos.
I didn't want to see you hurt but there it is.
No quería decir lo que sentía por Ud.
I'm awfully sorry if I hurt you... but I didn't want to see anyone else dance with you. It makes me jealous.
Siento mucho si te lastimé pero no quería ver a nadie más bailando contigo.
I'm awfully sorry if I hurt you... but I didn't want to see anyone else dance with you.
Siento mucho si te lastimé pero no quería ver a nadie más bailando contigo.
After you left the ship, I searched your cabin because, well... l-I didn't want the police to find anything there that might hurt you.
Después de que bajaras a tierra, registré tu camarote porque, bueno... no quería que la policía encontrara algo que pudiera perjudicarte.
I didn't want to hurt you.
- No quería lastimarla.
I didn't want to hurt you.
No quería herirte.
I didn't want to see you get hurt.
- No quería haberte herido.
I didn't want to hurt you.
No quería hacerte daño.
I didn ´ t want to hurt you.
No quise lastimarte.
I didn't want to hurt you.
- Tenía miedo de herirte.
- I didn't want to hurt you.
- No quería hacerte sufrir.
But I didn't want to hurt you.
No pretendí herirte.
Well, I'm glad of that. - But why didn't she explain? - She didn't want to hurt you.
¿ por qué no me vino ella a explicármelo?
I didn't want to hurt you on such a sad day.
No quería herirte. Bastante tienes para sentirte triste hoy.
I just didn't want you to get hurt.
Es sólo que no quería que salieras lastimado.
I didn't want to hurt you, but I just couldn't stand the bickering... the constant carping and complaining.
No quería herirte, pero no soportaba... las peleas. Las críticas y quejas constantes...
I didn't want to see you hurt.
Yo no quiero que te hiera.
I didn't want to hurt you any more than I already had.
No quería hacerle más daño del que ya le había hecho.
I had to tell you that because I didn't want to hurt you or kid you along.
Tenía que decírselo... porque no quería herirla o engañarla.
I didn't want to hurt you. But last night I was so unhappy!
No quería hacerte daño pero anoche me sentía tan desgraciada.
Look, I didn't want to hurt you.
Mire, yo no quería lastimarlo.
I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but Ballochet betrayed himself.
No te lo dije porque no quería preocuparte, pero tu Ballochet se traicionó a sí mismo.
- I didn't want to hurt you.
- No quise darte pena.
Oh, Shelby. I didn't want to hurt you.
No quise lastimarte.
- Didn't want to hurt you unduly, I'm sure.
- No quisieron lastimarlo demasiado.
I didn't want to hurt you but there's so many things that you don't see...
No quería hacerle daño pero hay tantas cosas... de las que no se da cuenta, que no las ve.
I didn't want to hurt you, chief!
No quería pegarte.
I didn't want to hurt either one of you.
No quería dañarlos.
We didn't want to hurt you, I swear
No queríamos hacerte daño
I'm sorry, we didn't want to hurt you, I swear
Démonos prisa, salgamos de aquí Te pido perdón, no queríamos hacerte daño, te lo juro
Look, I thought I told you I didn't want anyone hurt. Stop telling me what to do.
- Te dije que no quiero heridos - ¡ No me digas que debo hacer!
I know you're never gonna believe me, but I didn't want to hurt you.
Sé que nunca me creerás... pero no quería lastimarte.
I didn't want to hurt you. But you've been had.
No quería herirte, pero te han tomado el pelo.
I didn't want to hurt you, so I haven't yet told you everything.
No quería hacerte daño, por eso no te lo he dicho todo.
I didn't want anyone else to hurt you.
Yo no quería que nadie más a hacer daño.
I guess I should have just said no, but I didn't want to, you know - to hurt her feelings.
Tenía que haber dicho no. No quise herir sus sentimientos.
I didn't want you to hurt him.
No quería que lo lastimaras.
Oh, I'm sure he didn't want to hurt you.
Estoy segura de que no quiso lastimarte.
I'll bet you didn't want him to get hurt either.
Tampoco querías que saliera herido.
I simply didn't want to hurt you.
No quise herir sus sentimientos.
I didn't want to hurt you.
No queria lastimarte.
I didn't want to hurt you again.
No quería volver a lastimarte.
I didn't want to hurt you.
Yo no quería hacerte daño.
I didn't want to hurt you.
Nunca quise hacerte daño.
But I just didn't wanna see any... I didn't want to see you and your mom get hurt.
Pero no quería ver a nadie... No quería ver a tu madre y a ti heridas.
I didn't want to hurt you, Paco.
No quise lastimarte, Paco.
I don't know. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, you know?
No quise herir sus sentimientos, ¿ comprendes?
I didn't want you to get hurt.
Yo no quería que te hicieran daño.

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