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I don't know you at all перевод на испанский

477 параллельный перевод
Well, men, I don't like what I have to say, but let's face it, you all know the central munition dump at Spraug.
Señores, no me gusta lo que tengo que decir, pero debemos enfrentarlo. Todos conocen el deposito central de municiones en Spraug.
I really don't know why you came here at all!
¡ Realmente no sé para qué habéis venido aquí todos!
Really, I don't know why you bother to come home at all.
No sé ni por qué te molestas en venir a casa.
You know I don't like to be critical, Dancer, but... you know, it doesn't look quite right when you and your partner... and your prima donna and your best customer... all go out at the same time.
Sabes que no me gusta criticar, Dancer, pero, ¿ sabes? No queda bien que tú, tu socio, tu prima donna y tu mejor cliente... os marchéis todos a la vez.
You know, I don't mind your being such a lofty person at all. I think it's ever so interesting.
Pasarse la vida con la cara manchada de grasa...
Mr. Case, I don't know you at all.
Sr. Case, no le conozco en absoluto.
Julie! Maybe I don't know you at all.
- Puede que yo no te conozca.
You know, I don't get you birds at all.
No soy capaz de entenderos.
You know, I don't mind you being such a lofty person at all.
¿ Sabes? No me importa que seas una persona altiva en lo absoluto.
Sencillamente, no lo sé.
Well, I don't know what you're talking about at all.
No tengo ni idea de lo que me estás hablando.
I don't know why you had to bring him up at all.
No sé por qué has hablado de él.
I don't know you at all.
Yo no le conozco. Yo...
I don't know why you came here at all.
No entiendo por qué has venido.
You know, I don't get this at all.
No lo entiendo.
You know, Judy, sometimes I think you don't like me at all.
Sabes, Judy, a veces pienso que no te gusto nada.
I don't know anything about you at all.
- ¡ No sé nada de usted!
I tell you, I don't know her at all.
Te digo que no la conozco.
I don't at all, but I know what you're going to say.
No del todo, pero se lo que vas a decirme.
You know something? I don't like this at all.
Esto no me gusta nada.
The fact that you don't drink at all, Kirk is the greatest argument for drunkenness I know
El hecho de que tu no bebas, Kirk es el mejor argumento que conozco para emborracharse
Look, I don't know what pet names Thorwald had for his wife, but I'll tell you this, all those trips at night with that metal suitcase, he wasn't taking out his possessions, because his possessions are still up in the apartment.
No sé con qué apodos cariñosos llamaba Thorwald a su esposa, pero te diré una cosa, todas esas salidas nocturnas con esa maleta metálica no eran para llevarse sus pertenencias, porque aún están en el apartamento.
I don't care at all, you know Tell him everything
No me importa nada, ¿ sabes? ¡ Cuéntaselo todo!
Well, I don't suppose you know very much about all this at present.
Creo que no está muy informado por ahora.
You don't know at all what I tried to save you from.
Tú no sabes nada de aquello de lo que quería librarte.
You know, Harry, I don't remember ordering those cigarettes at all.
Harry, no recuerdo haber pedido estos cigarrillos.
I don't know if the diagrams are of any use to you, dear... but as you see, the words make no sense at all.
No sé si los diagramas le sirvan de algo, querida... pero como ve, las palabras no tienen ningún sentido.
I don't believe you know Oliver very well at all.
No creo que usted conoozca muy bien a Oliver.
I think he might be better than someone you don't know at all.
Creo que él podría ser mejor que alguien que no conozcas en absoluto.
Look, honey, for all I know, he's another Casanova. I just don't think I'm gonna have to worry about you at Hegewisch Park.
Amor, hasta donde sé, podría ser un donjuán... pero no tengo que preocuparme de que vayan al parque Hegewisch.
I don't know you at all.
Te desconozco.
Me, I'm independent. Either I work for me or I don't work at all, you know? Isn't God Almighty funny, eh?
Es que mira, yo soy prácticamente independiente,... o trabajo para mí o no trabajo, ¿ sabes?
The other day in Philadelphia when I was singing, you know, I don't appreciate that at all.
El otro día en Filadelfia, cuando estaba cantando... Tu sabes, No me gusta en absoluto. - Oh, sí.
And yet I feel I really don't know anything about you at all.
y, sin embargo, yo siento que realmente no sabemos nada acerca de usted.
- I don't know you at all.
- No te conozco para nada.
Anyway, I don't know what you're making all the fuss about. I reckon you've got a nice cushy number over at Berger's.
De todos modos, no sé porqué estás armando tanto lío, estoy seguro de que tienes un puesto muy importante Berguer.
I don't know why you are all here as it happens you come just at the right moment
Bien, no sé que hacen todos ustedes aquí pero sin duda llegan en un buen momento.
I don't know why I'm telling you all this, except that it has absolutely nothing to do with your situation at all.
Ah, no sé por qué le cuento todo esto, no tiene nada que ver con su situación.
I don't know who you are and we don't know anything at all about radar or jets or anything else but if you're really low on fuel we'll clear you to land here.
¿ Nos tienen en el radar o no? No se quien es usted y jamas he oido hablar de radar, ni tampoco de ningun jet. pero si estan secos, vamos a autorizarles a aterrizar.
'Cause listen, I don't know what tale you've been telling my mother... about Barbara being this sister of yours, but she's been going on at me all afternoon, so just pack it in... and grow up!
Porque escucha, no sé que historia le has dicho a mi madre... acerca de que Bárbara es tu hermana, pero me ha estado sermoneando toda la tarde, así que guárdatelas... y madura!
But looking at you, all so happy and shining and... I don't know.
Pero viéndote, tan feliz y resplandeciente y... no sé.
I don't know why you bother coming home at all.
No sé por qué te molestas viniendo a casa.
There is absolutely no point at all in us getting married... when I know nothing about you, except... Well, things I don't like.
Meredith, no tiene sentido que nos casemos si no sé nada de tí... excepto, bueno, cosas que no me gustan.
If anybody calls, anyone at all you don't know where I am, or how to reach me.
Si me llama alguien, quien sea... di que no sabes dónde estoy ni cómo encontrarme.
I don't know why I put up with you at all.
No se por que me cuenta todo esto.
Mr. Drayton... I don't know you at all, and I certainly wouldn't want to offend you.
Señor Drayton no lo conozco y por supuesto no quisiera ofenderlo.
I don't know at all if you'll be so happy, you know?
No sé si estarás muy feliz.
I don't know you at all.
No Io conozco siquiera.
I don't believe that But you know, all I have to do is waltz you around for about seven days, at which time you'll belly stick yourself.
Yo no creo eso, pero usted sabe, todos los tengo que hacer es que el vals alrededor de unos siete días, momento en el que puedes encontrar vientre mismo palo.
Well, I don't want to show my hand too early, but actually Here at slater nazi we are quite keen to get into orphans You know, developing market and all that.
No quiero que se me vea el plumero tan pronto... pero aquí nos interesa mucho el ámbito de los huérfanos.
I don't want to argue with you on your birthday... but I want you to know I don't share your opinion at all.
No quiero discutir contigo en tu cumpleaños. Pero debes saber que en esto no estoy de acuerdo contigo.

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