I doubt that перевод на испанский
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I doubt that.
Lo dudo.
Oh, please. I doubt that.
Oh, por favor.
I doubt that's the case.
Dudo que ese sea el caso.
And as far as getting his attention, I doubt that will be an issue.
Y respecto a llamar su atención, dudo que eso sea un problema.
I doubt that.
No lo creo.
Oh, I doubt that.
Lo dudo.
Mother, I doubt that Jacques is interested.
Madre, dudo que Jacques esté interesado.
Yeah, I doubt that.
Sí, lo dudo.
I doubt that I could make you to understand.
Dudo que yo sea capaz de hacerlo entender.
- I doubt that.
- Lo dudo.
I doubt you'd like that, but, hey, it's a free country.
Dudo que te guste eso, pero, oye, es un país libre.
Speaking from experience, I know that if you play the part, all is forgiven, but if you give him any reason to doubt you, He will strike back.
Hablando de experiencia, sé que si desempeñas tu papel, todo será perdonado, pero si le das cualquier razón para dudar de ti, se vengará.
I very seriously doubt that.
Dudo eso muy seriamente.
I don't think it's fetishizing to admire people who signed up to fight a couple of wars that neither one of us wanted to dirty our hands with, but I do give them the benefit of the doubt.
- No creo que sea un fetiche admirar a personas que se enlistan para pelear un par de guerras con las que ninguno de nosotros se quiso ensuciar pero a quienes les doy el beneficio de la duda...
I have no doubt that it is, sweetie, but it is that I do not care how problematic it is.
No me cabe duda de que lo está, ricura, pero es que me da igual lo problemático que esté.
I had no doubt that he was my firstborn.
No me cabía duda de que era mi primogénito.
I mean, there's no doubt that you've proved one thing, Tim, that you can paint a painting of this degree of detail and precision in...
Quiero decir, no hay duda de que has demostrado una cosa, Tim, se puede pintar un cuadro de este grado de detalle y precisión en...
I mean there's no doubt about that.
Quiero decir, no hay duda de ello.
I seriously doubt the D.A.'s office needs a van that says "Little Deb's Dancers."
Dudo seriamente que la oficina del Fiscal necesite una furgoneta que dice "Las pequeñas bailarinas de Deb".
I doubt Milos will be able to shed light on that now.
Dudo que Milos sea capaz de arrojar luz sobre eso ahora.
In, as it were, classical times, troubadours singing up to their lady loves up on the balcony, "come and join me" or "let me come in". But in our own culture now, I mean, pop music is hugely sexual, there can't be any doubt about that.
Por supuesto como existió la era clásica con un trovador cantando ante la mujer que amaba sobre un balcón diciendo "acércate" o "déjame entrar", pero hoy día en la música pop hay una gran carga sexual, de eso no hay duda.
Of that I have no doubt.
De eso no tengo duda.
Look, even if I find the right guy, Lazarus Keefe is all the reasonable doubt that he needs.
Mira, incluso si encuentro al tipo correcto, Lazarus Keefe es toda la duda razonable que él necesita.
There was no doubt in my mind that I knew what I saw.
No tenía ninguna duda de lo que había visto.
I've no doubt that her soup will come up to scratch once she's had a bit of practice.
No tengo la menor duda de que su sopa estará bien una vez que practique un poco.
Well, I doubt they're that, but they're not the people she was talking about.
Bueno, dudo que lo sean, pero no eran ellos de los que ella hablaba.
I gave Lucky the benefit of the doubt about that night.
Le di el beneficio Lucky de la duda acerca de esa noche.
I don't doubt that.
No lo dudo.
It's not that I doubt you. I'm just curious how you know it's not real.
No es que dude de ti... pero cómo sabes que no es de verdad.
I seriously doubt that.
Lo dudo seriamente.
I mean, there was no reason for Maya to doubt that he was exactly who he said he was... an antique dealer who thought that she was attractive and interesting.
Quiero decir, Maya no tenía ninguna razón para dudar de que él fuese lo que decía ser. un comerciante de antiguedades que pensó que era atractiva e interesante.
I'm starting to doubt that I'm his target.
Empiezo a dudar de que sea el objetivo.
Look. You are our youngest recruit ever and I have no doubt that you are destined for great things.
Eres el más joven de todos los reclutas y no tengo dudas de que estás destinado a hacer grandes cosas.
I doubt very much that you relish what your plan means for Abigail.
Dudo de que disfrutaras de las consecuencias para Abigail.
There's no doubt in my mind that I did the right thing.
No tengo ninguna duda de que hice lo correcto.
I very much doubt that to be true.
Dudo mucho que eso sea cierto.
I highly doubt that he tried to kill you.
Y dudo mucho que intentase matarle.
I highly doubt that.
Lo dudo mucho.
If that were true, I doubt it would work.
Si fuera verdad, dudo que funcionara.
We should go into business together. I very much doubt that.
- Hemos de hacer negocios juntos.
And I for one do not doubt that he possessed the courage to stand up to the DCS if he felt that they were doing wrong.
Valor era una palabra importante para él. Y yo, por ejemplo, no dudo de que tuviera el valor de enfrentarse al SCD si pensaba que estaban haciendo mal.
All right, look, I think we've established beyond a doubt that I am not a tat guy.
De acuerdo, mira, creo que hemos establecido más allá de toda duda que yo no soy un tipo tat.
I have no doubt that you could raise these boys.
No tengo duda de que podrías criar a estos niños.
I never had any doubt about that.
Nunca tuve alguna duda al respecto.
Now my doubt and sense of fraudulence bark so loudly in my head that most of the time I can't hear anything else.
Ahora mis dudas y mi sentimiento de que soy un fraude ladran alto en mi cabeza la mayor parte del tiempo y no me permiten oír nada más.
I seriously doubt that she saw you as a throwaway.
Dudo mucho que te viera como a alguien de usar y tirar.
This time there can be no doubt... the boy did not suffer, my Lord, that I can vouch for.
- Esta vez no hay duda... el niño no sufrió, mi señor, puedo garantizarlo.
I have no doubt that the Ferrari is faster than this but this is just nicer to drive'cause it's less frightening.
No tengo dudas de que el Ferrari es más rápido que este, pero... Este es mejor de manejar porque asusta menos
Grace's nightdress is described in such intimate and luxurious detail, I doubt there's a lady out there that doesn't desire one.
El camisón de Grace es descrito con tal íntimo y lujoso detalle, que dudo que haya una dama ahí fuera que no desee uno.
Others may doubt you, may think your revolutionary talk is just that... talk to cover your grief... but I think not.
Otros podrán dudar de usted, pensar que su discurso revolucionario es solo eso... un discurso para cubrir su dolor... pero creo que no.
I have to believe that if we plant even a small seed of doubt in the prosecution's case, I'll stand a better chance than I have now.
Tengo que creer que si plantamos... la más mínima duda en el caso de la fiscalía... tendré una mejor oportunidad de la que tengo ahora.
i doubt that very much 48
i doubt it 875
i doubt 17
doubt that 17
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
i doubt it 875
i doubt 17
doubt that 17
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161