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I haven't got it перевод на испанский

695 параллельный перевод
It's now been 1-1 / 2 hours, and I still haven't got any husband.
Ha transcurrido una hora y media y yo sigo sin marido.
You do it.I haven't got the wind in me that you have.
Hazlo tú. No soplo tan fuerte como tú.
I haven't got it, Anne.
No lo tengo.
They got it, and I haven't got it.
Lo consiguieron, pero no me lo dieron.
- I haven't got it.
- No los tengo.
I haven't got much, but here it is.
No es mucho, pero aquí está.
I haven't got it now, but I'll get it.
No tengo nada, pero te lo daré.
Now listen, Scratch... All this may seem screwy to you... I haven't got time to go into it now.
Escucha, Scratch, todo esto puede parecerte disparatado, pero no tengo tiempo para hablar de ello.
Ask her about the mole on it. I haven't got a mole on my back.
¡ Yo no tengo ninguna verruga!
No tengo tiempo para correr a su oficina a comentar el tiempo.
- I haven't got time to talk about it now.
- Ahora no tengo tiempo para eso.
It's lucky I haven't got a trunk.
Es una suerte no tener baúl.
- I haven't got time to think about it.
No he tenido tiempo de pensar en ello.
I guess it's somethin I haven't got through my head yet.
Supongo que es algo que aún no he aceptado.
I haven't seen it.. got a cold?
No lo he visto. ¿ Se ha enfriado?
It's due today and I haven't got the money to pay him. And we'll all be cast out into the street.
Debo pagar hoy pero no tengo el dinero... y nos echarán a todos a la calle.
But it's a cinch... they haven't got anything on you so far... because I've been stickin too close to you.
Es fácil... Ni tienen nada en tu contra de momento. Yo te he estado siguiendo demasiado de cerca.
I haven't got the 20 on me, but I can get it.
No tengo los 20 ahora, Pero puedo conseguirlos. - hágalo.
But I tell you I haven't got it.
Pero ya te he dicho que no lo tengo.
- Well, what if I haven't got it to pay you?
Ya veo. ¿ Y si no tengo dinero para pagar?
I haven't got it.
No lo tengo.
I haven't got it!
¡ No los tengo!
I haven't got it yet but I'll get it.
Aún no lo tengo, pero lo tendré.
I haven't got it.
No la tengo.
- Supposing I haven't got it.
- Quizá no la tenga.
I haven't got a hat over mine as it is.
- Yo no tengo ni sombrero.
I haven't got it on yet.
Todavía no me lo he puesto.
I haven't got over it yet.
Aún no me he recuperado.
I haven't got it.
Yo no lo tengo.
I haven't got it!
- No la tengo.
I haven't got it!
- Yo no la tengo. - Yo no la tengo.
It's so dusty, and I haven't got my curtains hung yet.
Tiene tanto polvo, y aún no están colgadas mis cortinas.
I haven't got it.
Se lo di junto a la máquina de cigarrillos.
In fact, I haven't got it anymore.
Es más, ha desaparecido.
- How do you suppose it got here? - I haven't the faintest idea.
- ¿ Cómo ha venido a parar aquí?
I guess I got a right to look at it, haven't I?
Supongo que tengo derecho a verlo, ¿ no?
I don't want it to get around that I haven't got a breeder's guide.
Que no se entere nadie de que no tengo una guía de criadores.
I hate to admit it, but I haven't got a leg to stand on.
Odio reconocerlo, pero no tengo donde agarrarme.
- I haven't got it with me. - What'd you stop me for?
- No la traje. ¿ Por qué me detiene?
Perhaps I'd better, because I've been at it two days now... and I haven't got Caesar across the Rubicon yet.
Si, es lo que voy a hacer, porque llevo dos días con ella... y todavía César no ha cruzado el Rubicón.
- I haven't got it.
Dámelo. - No lo tengo.
I haven't quite got it.
- Aún no lo tengo.
All right, it'll be done, but I tell you they haven't got a chance on earth.
Muy bien, se hará, pero le aseguro que no tienen oportunidad.
Don't wear it for anyone else. - i haven't got magic for anyone else.
- No te lo pongas para nadie más. - No tengo magia para nadie más.
I haven't got it all worked out yet, but...
Aún no lo he resuelto del todo, pero...
Well, I haven't got it all doped out yet.
Aún no lo ideo todo.
Haven't I got enough trouble without you making it tougher?
¿ No tengo ya bastantes problemas para que tú lo empeores? Todo es por culpa tuya. Si no te hubieras enamorado de Georgette, no estaríamos aquí.
I haven't got the stomach for it.
No tengo valor para esto.
Imagine, all the things happening to me in the last few days... and I haven't got a picture to show for it.
Con todo lo que me pasó en los últimos días... y no tengo una fotografía para recordarlo.
I haven't got it myself yet, but I will have in a few days.
Yo todavía no lo tengo, pero lo tendré en unos días.
That's who you're going to tell it to... if I haven't got that 15,000 smackers in my hand by tonight -
A él tendrás que explicarle... si no tengo 15.000 dólares en mi mano esta noche...

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