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I haven't seen him in years перевод на испанский

185 параллельный перевод
I haven't seen him in... I haven't seen him in four years.
Hace cuatro años que no le veo.
- No, I haven't seen him in two years.
- No, no lo había visto en dos años.
I haven't seen him in four years.
Hace cuatro años que no lo veía.
He never comes to the Yale Alumni dances any more. I haven't seen him at the club or horse show in years.
Ya no viene a los bailes de Yale, hace años que no le veo en el Club ni en la exhibición de caballos.
Yes, but I haven't seen him in four years.
Sí, pero no lo he visto en cuatro años.
I haven't seen him this chipper in years.
No lo he visto tan alegre en años.
Well, it can't be the pedlar's. I haven't seen him in two years.
Del vendedor no, no le veo en dos años
I haven't seen him in... must be nearly two years,
Hará unos dos años que no le veo.
I haven't seen him in ten years, but he writes constantly.
No le he visto en diez años, pero me escribe constantemente.
I haven't seen him in 25 years.
Hace mucho que no nos veíamos.
I haven't seen him in ten years... but if Zato...
No lo he visto en diez años pero si Zato...
I haven't seen him in seven years.
No lo he visto en siete años.
My father lives in Spain and I haven't seen him for years.
- Mi padre vive en España. Hace años que no lo veo.
Haven't seen him in years, yet I always feel he's out there doing something I'd rather not know about.
No lo veo hace años y siempre creo que está por ahí haciendo cosas que prefiero no saber.
I haven't seen him in years.
No lo he visto en años.
I haven't seen him in years- - Mike Hiddman.
Tenía años sin ver a Mike Cabledo.
I haven't seen him in two or three years.
No lo he visto en años.
I haven't seen him in twenty years, you know, we're so far... I wonder what he's up to.
No le veo desde hace lo menos 20 años, y quisiera saber qué ha sido de él.
I haven't seen him in 11 years.
No lo he visto en 11 años.
I haven't seen him in three years.
No lo veo desde hace tres años.
- I haven't seen him in three years.
- Hace tres años que no le veo.
In 50 years, I haven't seen him pick up a cheque.
En 50 años, nunca lo vi agarrar el cheque.
I haven't seen him in years.
Hacía años que no le veía.
I haven't seen him in over four years.
Hace más de cuatro años que no lo veo.
I haven't seen him in 30 years.
Hace 30 años que no Io veo.
I haven't seen him in 9 years.
No le veo desde hace nueve años.
I haven't seen him look this good in years.
Hacía años que no lo veía tan bien.
No le he visto en 12 o 13 años, ¿ sabes?
I haven't seen him in five years.
Hace 5 anos que no lo veo.
Now, the reason why I haven't seen him in five years... and talked to him much is because he told me...
Bueno, la razon por la cual no lo he visto en cinco anos... y le he hablado poco es porque me dijo :
I haven't seen him in 4 years and I would really like it if you come with me.
No lo he visto en 4 años y realmente quisiéra que me acompañaras.
And I haven't seen him in 10 years.
hace diez años que no lo veo.
I mean, I haven't seen him in years.
No le veo hace años.
I mean, you haven't seen him in 25 years.
No lo has visto por 20 años.
I haven't seen him in eight years.
No lo he visto hace ocho años.
I haven't seen him in 40 years, and I don't mind if I never do.
No lo veo desde hace 40 años, y no me importaría no volverlo a ver.
I haven't seen him this happy in years.
Hace años que no lo veo tan contento.
- I haven't seen him in years.
- No lo he visto en años.
I haven't seen him in 14 years.
No lo he visto en 14 años.
I haven't seen him in years.
Hace años que no le veo.
I knew him years ago but I haven't seen him in a coon's age.
Le conocí hace tiempo pero hace que no le veo desde los años del chimpancé.
- Yes, I have a son. I have a ten-year-old boy who lives in Savannah with my tirst ex-husband. And, um, I haven't seen him in, like, two years.
Sí, tengo un hijo, un niño de 1 0 años que vive en Savannah con mi primer ex marido, y no lo he visto en 2 años.
My brother lives there. I haven't seen him in ten years.
Mi hermano vive allí, hace diez años que no le veo.
I haven't seen him in 12 years.
No sé. No lo he visto en 12 años.
We haven't seen anything from him in years but now he has the largest army I've ever seen.
Hacía años que no teníamos noticias de él pero ahora tiene el ejército más numeroso que he visto.
I haven't seen him in years. What's it say?
No lo he visto en años. ¿ Qué dice?
I haven't seen him in six or seven years.
Hace como seis o siete años que no lo veo.
And I haven't seen him in almost five years.
No lo he visto en 5 años.
I haven't seen him in four years.
No le veía desde hacía 4 años.
I haven " t seen him in two years.
Hace dos años que no lo veo.
I haven't seen him in years.
No lo había visto en años.

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