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I heard you were here перевод на испанский

226 параллельный перевод
Hello, Ed. I heard you were here, and I got a proposition.
Ed, supe que vendrías y te tengo una propuesta.
I didn't. I gathered as much when I heard you were here.
Lo supuse cuando oí que estabas aquí.
I heard you were here. I couldn't telephone.
Oí que estabas aqui y no quise telefonearte.
- I heard you were here.
- Me dijeron que estabas aquí.
My wife and I heard you were here.
Mi esposa y yo oímos que estaba aquí.
I came back as soon as I heard you were here
Vine tan pronto como supe que estabas aquí.
I heard you were here.
Oí que estabas aquí.
I don't, but I heard you were here.
No me gustan. Pero oí que estabas aquí.
Mickey! I heard you were here, but you're so important now you have only time for cabinet ministers.
Me dijeron que estabas aquí, pero ahora eres tan importante, que sólo tendrás tiempo para Los ministros.
Soldier I heard you were here this morning, down at the stables.
Soldado... en los establos escuché que estaba aquí esta mañana.
I was about to go for dinner when I heard you were here.
- Pero he sabido que estabas.
I heard you were here. Celia telephoned to me.
Sabía que estabas aquí, he hablado con Celia.
- I heard you were here.
- Me han dicho que estabas aquí.
When I heard you were here, I said, " Ah.
Cuando me enteré de que estabas aquí, me dije : " Ah.
I heard you were here.
- Me dijeron que estabas aquí.
- I heard you were here.
- Oí que estabas aquí.
I heard you were here and I came right down.
Me enteré que estabas aquí y viene para acá.
I came here to get dinner, and I heard that you were here, so I've come to say hi.
Vine a cenar y oí que estaban aquí. Así que me pasé a saludar.
Yes. I arrived today, and I heard you were working here.
Sí. Llegué hoy, supe enseguida que trabajaban aquí.
I heard that you were leaving here a few years ago.
Hace unos años oí que iba a marcharse.
Well, it was quite a surprise when I found out you were here. The last I heard your outfit was dodging bullets with that fellow down in Atlanta, you know, the one who stole all those spoons.
Lo último que supe es que estabas esquivando las balas de aquel tipo de Atlanta que robó un montón de cucharas.
I'd heard you were living here.
Me dijeron que vivías aquí.
I heard you were around here last night.
Oí que estuvo rondando por aquí la pasada noche.
I heard it when I was still pregnant. You and your father were talking about it here at night.
Cuando todavía estaba embarazada... una noche, oí como usted hablaba con su padre.
I was surprised when I heard you were going to be here.
Me sorprendí cuando oí que estaría aquí.
When I heard you were coming here, Mr. Johnson, I felt sure you would be an asset to the community.
Cuando me enteré que Ud. venía aquí, pensé que podría ayudar esta comunidad.
I came back when I heard that... that you were here.
Volví cuando me enteré que estabas aquí.
Hey, Beanie last time you were in here, I heard you singing.
Oye, Beanie la última vez que viniste, te oí cantar.
I just heard you were here.
Oí que estabas aquí.
I heard you were a carpenter before they brought you here.
He oído que eras carpintero antes de llegar aquí.
When I heard you were with my husband, I came straight here.
Cuando supe que estaba aquí, vine directamente.
I heard that after the trial, seeing that you were innocent she did a lot for you, here and in France
Sé que luego de los hechos, al ver que Ud. era inocente hizo mucho por Ud., aquí y en Francia.
I've only just heard that you were here.
Acabo de oír que estaba aquí.
I heard what you did at that banquet last night. If you were here I'd kiss you.
Me enteré de lo que hiciste en el banquete anoche.
Colonel Blake, I just heard you were here, sir, and I...
Coronel Blake, me informaron que llegó, señor...
I heard you were regulars here.
Me han dicho que eran clientes.
I heard the two of you were here.
Había oído que estaban aquí.
I'd heard tell that you were here around the city. Have you already been back to the ranch?
Se decía que andaba usted por la ciudad. ¿ Ya regresó usted a la hacienda?
I came along for the ride'cause I heard you were gonna be here.
Vine porque escuché que estarías aquí.
Oyabun, I've heard you were forming your clan and..... I've come here in a hurry to beg you to take me in.
Oyabun, he oído que estabas formando un clan y he venido aquí a toda prisa a pedir que me aceptes.
I heard you were up here, I come up all this way, and you think it's a joke?
Oí que estabas aquí, vine hasta acá... ¿ y crees que es broma?
And when I heard you were down here, I really wanted to meet you.
Cuando me enteré de que estabas aquí, Realmente queria conocerte.
I heard you were staying here....... and please be careful.
He oido que te quedabas aquí... ten cuidado.
- Yeah, I heard you were working here.
- Sí, oí que trabajabas aquí.
We rushed over here when I heard you were coming home.
Hemos venido en cuanto supimos que volvías.
I heard you were going to be here.
Me enteré de que iba a estar aquí.
Um... I heard you were living up here
He oído que vives aquí.
I'd heard you were here.
Escuché que estaban aquí.
See,'cause I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do... until I heard that you were leaving and... 'Cause up until then, I don't know, I thought... that you'd always be here for me, you know. You know, whenever I came back.
Vea, porque no sabía realmente lo que quería hacer... hasta que escuché que ud se iba... porque hasta ese momento, no se, pensé... que ud estaría siempre aquí para mí... ud sabe, cuando volviera algun día.
I've only just heard you were here.
¡ Acabo de saber que estaba usted aquí!
I've only just heard you were here.
Acabo de enterarme de que estaba aquí.

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