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I wanted to meet you перевод на испанский

844 параллельный перевод
I wanted to meet you halfway!
Te estaba buscando.
I must tell you why I wanted to meet you here instead of the square.
Debo decirle por qué quería reunirme aquí, en lugar de la plaza.
- I wanted to meet you.
- Quería conocerle.
Deseaba verle porque me preguntaba qué tipo de...
No, I wanted to meet you.
Quería conocerla.
I wanted to meet you.
Quería conocerla.
I wanted to meet you.
Quería conocerle.
I wanted to meet you again.
Quería volver a verle.
I wanted to meet you and know how you are able to create such beautiful things.
Quise encontrarle y saber cómo puede crear cosas tan bonitas.
I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Chandler.
Siempre quise conocerle, Sr. Chandler.
I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Chandler.
Siempre he querido conocerle, Sr. Chandler.
I've always wanted to meet you.
Siempre quise conocerle.
I wanted to meet someone who.. who uh.. I thought of you.
Quería conocer a alguien que así que pensé en usted.
You know, I always wanted to meet a detective.
¿ Sabes? Siempre quise conocer a un detective.
I have wanted so much to meet you.
He deseado mucho conocerla.
I wanted you to meet Esther.
Quería que conocieras a Esther.
I've so wanted to meet you.
Tenía muchas ganas de conocerlo.
- I've wanted to meet you.
Siempre deseé conocerle.
I have always wanted to meet you.
Siempre quise conocerlo.
I ´ ve wanted to meet you, and apologize.
Quería conocerte y disculparme.
Mr. Lange, I wanted you to meet Mr. Baigneur
Sr. Lange, quería presentarle al Sr. Baigneur.
I've wanted to meet you for so long, Chapel.
He esperado tanto para verlo Chapel.
I really wanted you to meet her.
De verdad quería conocerla.
I wanted you to come along and meet her.
Quería que vinieras y la conocieras.
All my life, I've Wanted to meet a farmer, And I finally do, And you're it.
Toda la vida he querido conocer a un granjero y al final lo he conseguido y eres tú.
I didn't want to trouble you, but Alice wanted you to meet her family.
No quería molestaros, pero Alice quería que conocierais a su familia.
I forgot to tell you, dear, that some of the faculty wanted to drop in and meet you tonight.
Olvidé decirte, cariño, que algunos de la facultad querían venir a conocerte esta noche.
Oh I didn't mean I wanted to meet the band exactly, although I thought they did back you up rather well.
No he dicho que quisiera conocer a la orquesta... aunque creo que le acompañan muy bien.
Sabía que querías que Wapakoneta TO MEET US TOGETHER. Vamos, Jeff.
I've wanted so much to meet you, but I've been so terribly busy.
He querido tanto conocerte. Pero he estado terriblemente ocupada, ya sabes.
That's beastly clever of you! I say, I've always wanted to meet you, Mother Gin Sling.
Siempre he deseado conocerla Madre Gin Sling.
And I wanted you to meet him, Ruth, so when you're in the neighborhood, you can have your lunch there, too.
Y quería que le conocieras, Ruth, así cuando estés por allí, también podrás comer gratis.
- With that's a good one ; worthy of me, baron münchhausen i've always wanted to meet you later, my lad.
- Con. Mientes más deprisa que corres. Precisamente debías contárselo al barón de Münchhausen.
He wanted me to meet You. I turned you down.
Quiso presentarme a usted y yo me negué a ello.
I've wanted to meet you too.
Yo también quería conocerla.
I wanted you to meet Ravel.
Quería que conociera a Ravel.
More particularly, I wanted Ravel to meet you.
Más concretamente, quería que Ravel le conociera a usted.
I've wanted to meet you.
He querido conocerle.
I wanted to meet them before I never knew how to go about it, Thanks to you, it was quite simple.
Hace tiempo que quería conocerlos pero no sabía cómo... gracias a ti, ha sido muy sencillo
I've wanted to meet you ever since we got on the train at Kansas City.
He querido conocerlas desde que subimos al tren en Kansas City.
I wanted to be with you this Christmas... to see you again and meet your wife...
Di, no necesitamos a nadie más. Nunca.
I wanted immensely to meet you, and... to ask you to do something for me.
Tenía mucho interés en conocerle y pedirle que haga algo por mí.
Very fond. But I also wanted to meet you. I read that the surest way to meet the mother is to be kind to the child.
Pero también quería conocerte a ti. hay que ser bueno con los hijos.
─ Well, Dave wanted.. I mean.. I've been wanting to meet you.
Bueno, Dave quería... queríamos conocerla.
I wanted you to meet a fella... that came all the way up from the state capital to meet you.
Voy a presentarte a alguien que ha venido desde la capital para conocerte.
I've wanted to meet you like this and talk about things, oh, 10,000 times.
Quería encontrarme contigo así y hablar de todo mil veces.
I wanted you to meet Mr., uh...
Quería que conociera al Señor...
- I thought you wanted to meet him.
- ¿ No quería verle?
Well, I just wanted to meet you.
Bueno, solamente quería conocerte.
Now I understand why Dario wanted me to meet you.
Ahora me explico el interés de Darío en que la conociera.
But a man came here this morning i wanted you to meet, the big fisherman.
Pero esta mañana llegó un hombre que quiero que conozcas, el pescador.

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