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I was born with it перевод на испанский

109 параллельный перевод
I was born with it. lt isn't bad.
- Nací con él. No está mal...
What I carry on my back, I was born with it. I didn't grow it myself.
Nací con esta espalda que llevo, no la elegí.
- I was born with it.
- Nací con él.
Or maybe I was born with it and got it kicked out of me by certain close members of my immediate, crummy family.
O puede que naciera con él y acabaran por quitármelo ciertos miembros cercanos de mi despreciable familia.
I was born with it, I wanna die with it.
Nací con eso y quiero morir con eso.
- It's okay, I was born with it.
- Es de nacimiento.
I was born with it.
Nací con él.
Ah, I was born with it.
Nací así.
This ear, I was born with it.
Nací con este oído.
Petracles has got it, and I was born with it.
Petracles la tiene, y yo nací con ella.
I was born with it.
Es de nacimiento.
I was born with it...!
Nací con esto...!
I was born with it.
Nací con ello.
I was born with it.
Nací así.
When I was born with this face, it was the same as striking oil.
Nacer con esta cara fue como encontrar petróleo.
It may be because she was born when I often fought with your father.
Debe ser porque nació cuando tu padre y yo nos peleábamos tanto.
And then when you didn't come back and we thought you were dead well, it wasn't an easy situation for Sandra to face alone so I went away with her and stayed until Young Pete was born.
Después de tu desaparición, cuando se te creía muerto, no era una situación fácil para ella, y nos fuimos juntas hasta que nació.
I suppose that means that I was born with a silver spoon, doesn't it?
Pero no significa que comiera con cubertería de plata, ¿ verdad?
I have my way, but I was not born with it.
Pero no nací con él.
I was born with it.
Naci con él.
Samantha when Tabatha was born, I made it a strict rule that I would never interfere with how you and Darrin chose to raise her.
Samantha cuando Tabatha nació, tuve como regla que nunca interferiría en la forma en que tú y Darrin la criaran.
Does it mean that I was born with masochistic tendencies?
¿ Significa que nací con tendencias masoquistas?
Said that was the name he was born with, so I couldn't really change it.
Dijo que ese era el nombre con el que nació, Así que ya no pude cambiarselo.
Base? My father coupled with my mother under the Dragon's tail, and I was born under Ursa Major, so that it follows that I am rough and lecherous.
Mi padre entendió con mi madre bajo la Cola del Dragón, y a mi nacimiento precedió la Osa Mayor, de manera que yo debía venir al mundo con carácter huraño disoluto.
He told me once he was born a god, and such was the conviction with which he said it, I believed him, and I said I did.
Me dijo una vez que el había nacido dios, y tal era la convicción con que lo dijo, que le creí, y le dije que lo era.
If there is one man that I was born to kill with my own two hands it's Seymour Pippin.
Si he nacido para matar a un hombre con mis propias manos ese es Seymour Pippin.
It was stolen from me along with my black soul 200 years before I was born.
¡ Tienes que darme una razón! Mi respuesta es muy clara : No.
I guess it's just something I was born with.
Supongo que es algo con lo que nací.
If I had the sense I was born with, I'd be off an'away, an'leave you to it.
Si hubiera tenido el criterio que tenía cuando nací, te hubiera dejado.
I was involved with cowboy diplomacy, as you describe it, long before you were born.
Me dedico a la diplomacia vaquera, como usted dice, desde mucho antes de que usted naciera.
I can't help it if this is what I was born with.
No puedo hacer nada si es así como he nacido.
It's where I lived with rhett And where bonnie was born.
Ahí viví con Rhett y fue donde Bonnie nació.
- now i see - find the handle camera buff is from 1978 it was a simple story about a guy who was about 30 he loves his new born daughter and he films her with his camera
- Ahora, ya puedo ver. - Encuentra la manilla. "Aficionado" es del año 1978.
I keep hearing about this guy with a name as long as a Georgia freight train. Seems he was born on this ship and hasn't been off it since.
Desde que estoy a bordo, no hago más que escuchar hablar de ese tipo, que tiene un nombre más largo que un tren de carga de Georgia... y que se supone que nació en este barco... y no ha desembarcado desde entonces.
My little brother was born blind... so when I first got into computers... he'd come hang out with me and ask me questions about it.
- Mi hermano menor nacio ciego... -... asi que cuando empece con las computadoras... -... solia estar conmigo y preguntarme sobre eso.
I wondered if he was born with it or it had Come up overnight.
Me preguntaba si el había nacido así o le apareció de repente.
And, since I was born with perfect eyesight, I'm experimenting with what it would feel like
Como nací con una vista perfecta, estoy experimentando lo que sería ser una persona miope.
And it was ten minutes on the possibility that if I had had sex with a different man at a different time in my life, you wouldn't have been born.
Y 10 m sobre si hubiera tenido relaciones sexuales con otro hombre En otro momento de mi vida, tu no habrías nacido.
Either I wasn't born with it, or it was beaten out of me... or maybe I made myself into a seIf-fuIfiIIing prophecy... and I really am a borderline personality. Now, wouldn't that be ironic?
O no nací con ello o se me privó de ello, o tal vez me creí mi propia profecía... y realmente soy una persona neurótica.
I remember my father's hands. Sometimes that's all I could see when he would sit on my bed and tell me stories about his childhood late at night. He said he was born on an island with a castle on it off the coast of Estonia in 1901 or 1902.
El Inmigrante recuerdo las manos de mi padre era todo lo que veía cuando se sentaba en la cama y me contaba historias de su niñez tarde en la noche dijo que nacio en una isla, con un castillo, en la costa de Estonia
When I found out I was going to become a father... I looked at people in the streets... and it seemed the world would explode... with all the babies about to be born.
Cuando supe que iba a ser padre... veía a la gente en la calle... y parecía como que el mundo iba a explotar... con tantos bebés que estaban por nacer.
There are no photos of Bourbaki in existence but we do know he was born in this cafe in the Latin Quarter in 1934 when it was a proper cafe, the cafe Capoulade, and not the fast food joint it has now become. Just down the road, I met up with Bourbaki expert David Aubin.
Además de los grandes avances que se lograron en la Academia, centros matemáticos fueron también emergiendo desde la época del imperio griego y deben mucho a la herencia matemática de los egipcios y los griegos.
I mean, that wasn't the nose she was born with which won't help our case at all but at least it'll help me sleep better at night knowing she wasn't perfect
Esa no es la nariz con la que nació, lo que no nos ayudará en este caso pero al menos me ayudará a dormir mejor saber que no era perfecta.
I was born with an amazing gift... and I plan to use it to help protect this planet.
Nací con un don fantástico, y pretendo usarlo para proteger este planeta.
I was born with it.
Nací con ella.
I mean, if I was born like this, no one would have a problem with it.
Quiero decir, si hubiera nacido así, nadie tendría problemas con eso.
I said it was going to be a long haul when she was born with these symptoms.
Cuando nació con los síntomas, dije que sería un camino largo y difícil.
I didn't think it was rightto saddle the baby with my problems, so as soon as the baby was born, I decided to, um--how'd you put it?
No creía que tuviera el derecho de cargar al bebé con mis problemas, así que tan pronto como nació, decidí, em... ¿ Cómo lo dirías?
It was the first time I had eaten a bento set filled with warmth and sincerity since I was born. Your mother isn't around anymore? No.
Siendo que no tengo esposo ni novio, pude pasar por eso gracias al orgullo.
Well, see, I was born with a trick hip and it made me real bendy.
Yo nací con una cadera que se zafa y soy muy flexible.
I guess I was just born with it.
Supongo que yo simplemente naci con el.

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