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I was just thinking about you перевод на испанский

639 параллельный перевод
Julio. I was just thinking about you.
Julio, ahora estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you.
Justo estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you, that's all.
Estaba pensando en ti, es todo.
Well, I was just thinking about you practicing all that time with your mother's embroidery hoops just to get even with somebody.
Pues, estaba pensando en que practicaste todo ese tiempo... con los aros de bordar de tu madre sólo para vengarte de alguien.
I was just thinking about you.
Sólo pensaba en ti.
- I was just thinking about you and your millions.
- Estaba pensando en ti y tus millones.
I was just thinking about you getting scalped... ... with all that pretty black hair.
Pensaba en ti, con la cabellera arrancada con ese bonito cabello negro que tienes.
- Hello. Why, Cary, I was just thinking about you.
- Hola. ¡ Justo estaba pensando en ti!
I was just thinking about you, Paul.
Estaba pensando precisamente en ti, Paul.
Why Charles, I was just thinking about you.
Vaya Charles, estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you and my daughter's future.
Estaba justo pensando en Ud. Se trata del porvenir de mi hija.
I was just thinking about you.
Justo pensaba en ti.
pooja, I was just thinking about you.
Pooja, justo estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you a couple of days ago, man!
¡ Estaba pensando en ti desde hace un par de días!
God, that's so funny because, you know I was just thinking about you.
Dios, es tan divertido porque, ya sabes... El otro día estuve pensando en ti.
Hello, Calib. I was just thinking about you.
Hola, Caleb, justo estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you boys shut up in prison.
Estaba pensando en ustedes dos, encerrados en prisión.
I was just thinking about you.
Precisamente estaba pensando en ti.
Lana! Hi, I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en ti en este instante.
[Mark Sr. On Tape] I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you, Paul.
Estaba pensando precisamente en tí, Paul.
Hey. Hey. I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you and now here you are.
Justamente estaba pensando en ti y ahora estás aquí.
Say, you know the funniest thing. I was thinking about you just this morning.
Es curioso, pensaba en ti esta mañana.
I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Estaba pensando lo mismo de ti.
I was just thinking I didn't know anything about you before and...
Estaba pensando que no sé mucho de ti y...
Then the war came, and just as I was thinking, like you... that all the things I'd been preaching about would have to wait until peacetime... a miracle happened.
Llegó la guerra, y cuando pensé, como Vd., que las cosas de las que hablaba tendría que esperara que volviese la paz, ocurrió un milagro.
I was thinking about what he said, about how you can learn so much about a person in just a little while.
Pensaba en lo que dijo. Que puedes aprender mucho de alguien en poco tiempo.
- I was just thinking. Thinking about you.
- Estaba pensando, pensando en ti.
I was just thinking how much you can tell about a person from such simple things.
Pensaba cuánto se puede saber de una persona con cosas tan simples.
I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Eso mismo estaba pensando de Ud.
I was just thinking about you. You were?
¿ Ah, sí?
I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en tí.
I was just thinking about how different it is when you're not in the Army.
Pensaba en la diferencia cuando uno no está en el Ejército.
- I was just thinking the same about you.
- Eso mismo estaba pensando de usted.
Estaba pensando en lo distinto que eres... de un hombre que -
I was just thinking about that when you came in.
Estaba pensando en eso cuando entraste.
Well, at first I was thinking about trying to talk you out of this European tour. But then I figured, just let him go bust and I'll be around...
Iba a convencerte de que no hicieras este viaje a Europa pero después pensé :
You know, just yesterday I was thinking about Luciano.
Justamente ayer estaba pensando en Luciano.
Just what I was thinking about you.
Sólo lo que estuve pensando acerca de usted
Funny you should say that. I was just thinking about it.
Es curioso que digas eso, porque yo ya lo pensaba...
I was just thinking about the night you hurrahed the town.
Estaba recordando la noche en que armaste tanto alboroto.
I was just thinking about the last time you checked me out.
En la última supervisión que me hiciste.
You know, I was just thinking. We've had this program on the air for about two years now. And Detroit's still the only city with anything like it.
Este programa lleva casi 2 años de emisión, y Detroit sigue siendo la única ciudad con algo así.
Just this morning, I was thinking about seeing Father Velasco,... for permission to let you come with me.
Precisamente mañana pensaba ver al padre Velasco, para pedirle permiso que te deje ir conmigo.
I was thinking about you just before you came, so... Now that you're here, let's be open to each other.
Estaba pensando en usted... y ya que llegó, intentemos hablar con franqueza.
I was thinking about giving you your role back, but with everything that just happened, do you want me to drive you home?
Estaba pensando en devolverte el papel, pero debido a las circunstancias, ¿ quieres que te lleve a tu casa?
You know what I was just thinking about, y'all?
De verdad. ¿ Sabéis lo que he pensado?
Wait a minute, I was just thinking about what the turnip said here and I'd be stupid to let either one of you guys walk out that door.
Espera un minuto, sà ³ lo estaba pensando en I Acerca de lo que el nabo dijo aquà ­......y I serà ­ a estúpido dejar uno de chicos entras por esa puerta.
You know, I was thinking about him the other day, and it's just very good to hear that he's pretty fine.
Estuve pensando en él el otro día y me alegro de que esté bien.

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