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I was wrong about that перевод на испанский

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Like me, I thought Writer Lee also wished sunbae's business to be ruined, but I was wrong about that too.
Como yo, creí que la escritora Lee también deseaba... que estuvieras completamente arruinado. Pero tampoco era así.
I was wrong about that peanut.
Me equivoqué con ese cacahuete.
I was wrong about that glass of beer.
Me equivoqué sobre el vaso de cerveza.
I guess I was wrong about that queen.
Supongo que me equivoqué con esa reina.
You know, I guess I was wrong about that guy.
Sabes, creo que me equivoqué sobre ese tipo.
- No, I was wrong about that.
- No, en eso estaba equivocada.
I was wrong about that.
Estaba equivocado.
I was wrong about that.
Me equivoqué sobre eso.
I was wrong about that, so- -
En eso me equivoqué.
I was wrong about that.
Me equivoqué.
- Maybe I was wrong about that. - Or maybe you were right.
¿ Pero está preparado para litigar?
Boy, I guess I was wrong about that earring.
Creo que me equivoqué con lo del pendiente. Nos salvó a todos.
'Course, I was wrong about that.
Obviamente, estaba equivocado.
Yes. I can see now that I was quite wrong about them.
Ahora me doy cuenta que estaba equivocada.
Guess I thought'cause I was older... that I - I knew more about right and wrong than you all did.
Creí que, al ser mayor,... sabía qué estaba bien y qué mal mejor que vosotros.
I've been waiting here two whole days and I've got to tell her... that I was wrong about something.
Llevo dos días esperando. Debo decirle que estaba equivocada.
The only conclusion I can draw now is that I was wrong about you.
La única conclusión que puedo sacar es que me equivoqué contigo.
Yes, I know that was wrong, but you didn't tell me about Kaufman.
Sí, sé que he hecho mal, pero no me contaste lo de Kaufman.
I'm afraid I was completely wrong about that girl.
Temo haberme equivocado completamente con esa chica.
I kept saying to myself that Willie was wrong about the judge.
Me repetía a mí mismo que Willie se equivocaba.
I gather from Pop's messages that he had ideas about what was wrong.
Pop tenía ideas sobre los posibles fallos.
What words could I say that would tell him it was wrong about us?
¿ Qué palabras pude haber dicho para decirle que se equivocaba?
About that, I never was wrong.
Sobre eso, nunca me equivoqué.
I thought he would be safe with Shin-chan, but I was completely wrong about that.
Pensé que estaría seguro con Shin, pero me equivoqué totalmente.
That's how I know I was wrong about you.
Por eso ahora sé que me equivoqué con usted.
That I was wrong about you?
¿ Qué me he creído sus cuentos?
No, no, I was wrong about that, George.
No, me equivoqué.
I thought, correct me now if I'm wrong that something was spoken in this house about a fine I could not pay. Very well.
Creo, y corregidme si me equivoco, que hablabais de una multa que no puedo pagar.
Perhaps I was wrong in the attitude that I took about the school play.
Quizá mi actitud sobre la obra fue errónea.
And that Senator Brenner was right about Deong, and I was wrong.
Y que Brenner tenía razón yyo estaba equivocado.
I'm of the opinion... I would only claim books that was about right from wrong.
Soy de la opinión... que solo hay que leer lo que nos haga diferenciar el bien del mal.
I was wrong to talk about that.
Cometí un error al pedírselo.
I was wrong about cherchez la femme. Orry about that...
Me equivoqué con lo de buscar a la mujer.
Listen, it seems that I was wrong about the name.
Escuche, parece que estaba equivocada acerca del nombre.
That was just a test to see if you care more about yourself than the school. But I was wrong about you, Zack.
Fue una prueba para ver si te importaba más tu persona que la escuela, pero me equivoqué contigo, Zack.
And that includes your hot tubs. I was wrong about lewis.
Y eso incluye tus jacuzzis.
If that's what you're mad about, I was wrong.
Si es eso lo que me reprochas, pues me equivoqué.
Not even if I admit that I was wrong about you and your plant?
¿ Ni siquiera si admito que me equivoqué sobre Ud. y su planta?
I was wrong about you buying that truck.
Me equivoqué respecto al quitanieves.
When he says he was wrong, when he says that I should have gotten the job, then you talk about bygones being bygones.
Cuando diga que se equivocó, cuando diga que debió haberme dado el puesto... entonces hablaremos de olvidar el asunto.
- When I said that we had been looking at this case the wrong way around, it was because I have been forced suddenly to think about the victim.
Cuando dije que habíamos estado observando este caso del revés, fue porque de repente me vi obligado a pensar en la víctima.
I kept telling them something was wrong, but the doctors and the nurses kept assuring me that she was fine, and I was just nervous about having to take care of her by myself.
Seguía repitiendo que algo estaba mal pero los médicos y enfermeras me aseguraban que estaba bien, y que yo estaba nerviosa por tener que cuidarla sola.
Look, um, I'm sorry about yesterday. That was all wrong. I moved too fast.
Lamento lo de ayer, estuve mal, me apuré demasiado.
So anyway, that testimony from those people across the hall from the kid's apartment, well, that's why that was so important, cause didn't they say that the father'n'the kid had an argument and the kid run out sometime around 7 o'clock that night, I could be wrong about the time...
Bien, el testimonio de esas personas al otro lado del pasillo del apartamento del chico, bueno, es por eso que era tan importante, porque ellos no dijeron que el padre y el chico tenían una disputa y el chico corrió afuera alrededor de las 7, esa noche, podría estar equivocado sobre la hora...
the first one to, you know, to sort of rat on me about everything that I was doing wrong.
El primero que, era como que... me jodía siempre con las cosas que yo hacía mal.
I felt very acutely that I was on the wrong side and that I should do something about it. "
Sentí muy intensamente que estaba en el lado equivocado y que debía hacer algo al respecto. "
I just dreamt that me and Stan and Kyle and Kenny were trapped on a bus and we were talking about everything that happened to us except that it was all wrong, and ended with us eating ice cream.
... y contábamos anécdotas pero que estaban todas mal y terminaban con nosotros comiendo helado. Oh.
It seems I was wrong about that.
Parece que me equivoqué con eso.
The only reason I changed my mind about what you did is that I was wrong and I acted like a clod.
No te engrías. La única razón por la que cambió de opinión acerca de lo que hiciste es que me equivoqué y me comporté como una tonta.
I was wrong and you were right, and I'm not just saying that so we don't have to talk about it anymore, like at home.
Me equivocaba, y tú tenías razón y no lo digo simplemente para que no tengamos que hablar más de ello, como en casa.
I was clearly wrong about that guy.
Claramente estaba equivocado acerca del tipo.

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