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I wasn't talking about you перевод на испанский

132 параллельный перевод
Oh, I wasn't saying anything about you. I was talking about my patients.
Oh, yo no hablaba de ti, hablaba de mis pacientes.
I remember it wasn't you they were talking about, but your friend.
Comprendo que no se referían a usted, sino a su amiga.
Even then it wasn't until she said Iris... that I realized you were the one she was talking about.
Incluso entonces, no fue sino hasta que dijo "Iris"... que me di cuenta de que estaba hablando de ti.
I wasn't talking about you!
No he dicho nada de ti, ¿ qué te pensabas?
I wasn't talking about you, I meant the shell.
Hablaba del proyectil.
I wasn't talking about myself. I wouldn't change you for anything.
No hablaba de mí, no te cambiaría por nada.
- I wasn't talking about you.
- No me refiero a ti.
I wasn't talking about you or any individual man.
Yo no me refería a ti... ni a ningún hombre en particular.
Well, I wasn't talking about you, Frank.
No me refería a ti, Frank.
I wasn't talking about you, sir.
No me refería a usted, señor.
I wasn't talking about you.
No me refería a usted.
I wasn't talking about you or your father.
No estábamos hablando de tí ni de tu padre, ¿ sabes? .
I don't know, ma'am. I mean, it wasn't your normal robbery, if that's what you're talking about. The man had his watch, his ring, and over $ 200 in his wallet.
No lo sé señorita, al menos no fue un robo normal, si a eso se refiere, el hombre tenía su reloj, sus anillos y más de 200 dólares en la cartera.
Besides, I wasn't talking about you.
Además, no hablaba de ti.
I wasn't talking about you, Dad.
No hablaba de ti, papá.
I hope you wasn't down with that bagel-eating motherfucker. What are you talking about?
Espero que no estuvieras con ese judío hijo puta.
I wasn't talking about you.
No me refería a ti.
I wasn't talking about you, Stuart.
No hablaba de ti, Stuart.
I wasn't talking about you.
No estaba hablando de ti.
No, no, no... I wasn't talking about you.
No hablaba de ti.
Well, I guess I wasn't talking about you.
Bueno, calculo que no estaba hablando de ti.
I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't pawing you.
No te estaba manoseando.
I wasn't talking about you.
Cuando digo " "cualquiera" " no lo digo por ti.
When I, uh, asked you before if you'd ever had an addiction, I wasn't talking about drugs. I was talking about him.
Cuando te pregunté antes si habías tenido una adicción no hablaba de drogas, hablaba de él.
I wasn't talking about you.
- No hablaba de ti.
I wasn't talking about them, Topanga, and I wasn't talking about you, either.
¡ No estaba hablando acerca de ellos, Topanga, y no estaba hablando sobre ti, tampoco.
No estaba hablando de ti.
Yeah, I wasn't talking about you, Dr. Crane.
No hablaba de usted, Dr. Crane.
You know, I wasn't that worried about Donna and my mom talking about me... but now that I'm all paranoid...
Ya sabes, no estaba tan preocupado de Donna y mi mamá hablando de mí... pero ahora que estoy completamente paranoico...
If you're talking about the feathers I wasn't there. Willoughby told me you were.
Si estás hablando sobre las plumas... no estuve allí.
- I wasn't talking about you.
- No hablaba de ti.
I wasn't talking about you, doofus.
No hablaba de ti, tonto.
You know, I wasn't just talking about the gorge.
No hablaba sólo del desfiladero.
I wasn't talking about you!
¡ No estaba hablando de ti...!
If you're talking about natural disasters... I wasn't the only one in my Mom's life.
Si estás hablando de los desastres naturales... yo no era el único en la vida de mi mamá.
Oh, um... i wasn't talking about you, Rhade.
Oh, um... No estaba hablando de ti, Rhade.
I wasn't talking about you, Mom. I was talking about Marta.
No me refería a ti, mamá, sino a Marta.
I wasn't talking about you.
No hablaba de ti
I wasn't talking about you, Eminence.
No hablaba de usted, Eminencia.
Obviously your job, that's fantastic... I mean, you've... you've done brilliantly. I wasn't talking about you.
Por supuesto, tu trabajo es fantástico... Quise decir,... lo hiciste brillantemente.
I wasn't talking about you. Was I?
No hablaba sobre ti, ¿ verdad?
I wasn't talking about you. I wasn't even thinking about you. Yeah, so what else is new, but I was a single mother.
No estaba hablando de ti, no estaba ni siquiera pensando en ti Si, no hay nada nuevo pero fui madre soltera. y adivina que, incluso sin un padre, tienes suficiente sensatez para salir fuera de la tormenta.
Oh, ah, I wasn't talking about you, Mr. Puckov.
Oh, ah, no estaba hablando de usted, Sr. Puckov.
I wasn't talking about you. I meant it's too bad for your boys.
- No hablaba de ti, quise decir que es una pena por tus hijos.
I wasn't talking about me, I was talking about you.
No hablaba de mí, hablaba de ti.
I hope she wasn't talking about you feeding her bad meds. - I didn't know.
Ojalá no se refiriera a que le dabas un medicamento malo.
I wasn't talking about you.
desde luego.
I wasn't talking about you.
No hablaba de ti.
Second Of All, Did You Notice Who I Wasn't Talking About?
Segundo, ¿ te diste cuenta de quien no estaba hablando?
I was talking about the lighting - you know, changing that up a little bit - not by much, just slightly, you know,'cause the mood wasn't totally captured, not totally.
Estaba hablando de las luces... tú sabes cambiarlas un poquito, no mucho, apenas tú sabes, porque el clima no fue totalmente capturado, no totalmente.
The first time, I-I wasn't expecting you to start talking about bras and then, the second time, it came as a bit of a surprise to hear myself talking about them.
La primera vez no me esperaba que empezaras a hablar de sujetadores y la segunda vez, me he sorprendido un poco al oírme a mí mismo hablar de ellos.

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