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I won't do that перевод на испанский

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I won't do that.
- No, no haré eso.
I'll be able to do it in a way that won't traumatize the child.
Lo haré de forma que no lo traumatice.
I mean, there are certain things that a man needs which she flat-out won't do.
Hay tantas cosas que necesita un hombre que simplemente se niega a hacerlas.
I won't do that shit.
No quiero hacer esa porquería.
I won't be picked on like that. Do you hear me?
No me atacarás.
Lower your shields. I won't do that.
No lo haré.
I can't let you do that, Teal'c. I won't let you do it.
No lo puedo permitir, Teal'c. No dejaré que lo hagas.
And it is something that I pray to God you won't do here either.
Y es algo que, ruego a Dios, no haremos hoy
- I'm afraid that won't do.
Te lo doy - Me temo que no.
They probably won't do that because I filled a very excellent quota.
Probablemente no lo hagan porque satisfice ciertos requisitos.
I'm very concerned. Now, I could suspend you, but I won't do that.
Estoy preocupado, y podría suspenderte, pero no lo haré.
Well, let's hope that I won't have to do it.
Bueno, confiemos en que no tenga que hacerlo.
That I won't do! I don't agree!
En eso no estoy de acuerdo.
If I can't do that, I won't see her again.
Si no puedo hacerlo, no la veré otra vez.
I won't do that any more.
Ya no lo volveré a hacer.
But I'm not equipped to make that choice and if you're asking me to flip a coin, I just won't do it.
Pero yo no estoy lista para tomar esa decisión. Y si me pides que lance una moneda al aire, no lo haré.
I won't do that again.
No lo haré más.
- You know I won't do that.
Sabes que no haré eso.
- I won't do that.
- No haré eso.
Now how is it that you ask me the one thing that I won't do?
¿ Por qué me pides lo único que no haré?
I know you won't do that.
Sé que no lo harás.
I can even reprogram you to be a whistling teapot, but, if I do that, you won't be you anymore.
Incluso puedo reprogramarlo para que sea una tetera silbadora, pero... si lo hago, dejará de ser usted.
I won't do that again.
Yo no haré eso de nuevo.
Since Miss Madikane knows nothing about that, I hope you won't stop her making a statement about matters which do relate to her arrest.
Dado que la señorita Madikane no sabe nada acerca de eso, espero que no le impida hacer una declaración acerca de asuntos referentes a su arresto.
What guarantee do I have that you won't just up and quit tomorrow?
¿ Qué garantías tengo de que no renunciará de repente mañana?
Well, I won't do that even if it means sacrificing my life.
Bueno, no lo haré, aunque eso signifique sacrificar mi vida.
- I won't let you do that.
No te dejaré hacerlo.
No, I won't do that!
¡ No! ¡ No haré eso!
Then you also believe that I won't hesitate to splatter your guts all over these cobblestones unless you do exactly as I say.
Sí. Entonces también crees que no dudaré en volarte los sesos a menos que hagas lo que diga.
I just know I'm interested in this man, then I'll keep him and say hi to him I won't do that to anyone but, now people won't consider your figure people connect with one another by illness the degree of love and illness is the same sometimes, it's not a big case
se la arreglo y chau pero aca se trata de arreglar las identidades las personas son muy atadas a sus enfermedades hay tantas enfermedades que de pacientes y en algunos casos saber no sirve de nada
I could charge you with bribery, but I won't do that... because I think maybe you're disturbed by your wife's death.
Yo lo podría acusar de corrupción activa... pero no lo haré, porque debe estar trastornado... por perder a su esposa y no sabe lo que hace.
I won't do that.
No lo voy a hacer.
OK, no, I won't do that anymore. I promise.
OK, no, ya no haré eso.
I've learned to do things alone, I won't let you ruin that now.
He aprendido a salir adelante, no dejaré que me eches a perder ahora.
You know I won't do that!
¡ Sabes que no haré eso!
How the hell do I know that mistakes won't happen again?
¿ Cómo diablos voy a saber que los errores no vuelvan a suceder?
Keep cooking like that and I won't be able to move, let alone do science.
Sigue cocinando así y no seré capaz de moverme, y menos aún investigar.
My one regret is that I won't be able to do away with that red-headed woman.
¡ Mátame! Lo único que lamentaré será no haber podido deshacerme de esa pelirroja.
I won't do that. Then you just lost your Captain.
Entonces vas a perder a tu Capitán.
I have to do some tests on it, and then it just won't be very good after that.
Tengo que hacer algunas pruebas con ella y después de eso ya no te servirá.
I won't do that to him, Jack.
No puedo hacerle eso, Jack.
That doesn't mean I won't do it. - Right.
Jamás pude, pero no significa que no podré ahora.
Well, I can't do that if you won't learn.
Bueno, no puedo hacerlo si tú no quieres aprender.
Who you see or what you do outside my house is your concern, but there's one thing I won't have, and that's gentlemen followers in a single lady's room. You'll have no trouble on that score from me, Mrs. Best.
pero hay una cosa que no tolero pretendientes en la habitación de una señorita no tendrá ese tipo problemas conmigo señora Best
You do what I tell you to do and you won't do anything that I don't tell you to do.
Y no haga nada que yo no le diga. De esa manera, sobrevivirá.
I accepted a lot but I won't do that.
He aceptado muchas cosas, pero por ahí no paso.
Remember, I won't always be around to do that for you.
Recuerda, no estaré siempre cerca para hacer eso por ti.
( bell chimes ) I won't do that, sorry.
Lo siento.
Look, if you do, I won't tell the cops that you were on those passageways.
Si lo haces, no le diré a la policía que estabas en esos pasadisos.
- No, I won't do that.
- No, no voy a hacer eso.
- I won't do that.
- No voy a hacer eso.

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