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If i don't make it перевод на испанский

1,040 параллельный перевод
If you don't make that marker good, I'll buzz it all over town you're a welsher.
Si no pagas ese pagaré, divulgaré por toda la ciudad que eres un estafador.
Maybe it's better if I don't make it.
Quizá es mejor que no sobreviva.
If it's so hard to make you understand... I don't wonder Judith behaves the way she does.
Si cuesta tanto hacerte comprender a ti, no me extraña que Judith se comporte así.
And if you don't want to make nothing of it, I ain't going to make nothing out of it either.
Y si a ti te da igual, a mí también.
But if I don't make it, promise me... you'll be a mother to her
Lo único... Si fracasara, prométeme ocuparte de ella como si fueras su madre.
And don't hesitate to contradict me if I make it one shade blacker than it is.
Y no dudes en contradecirme si hago que suene peor de lo que es.
Don't make a production out of it. They probably won't even ask you. But if they do, you just tell them I was here since 3 : 30, okay?
No montes un drama, quizá ni te pregunten,... pero si lo hacen, diles que llevo aquí desde las 15.30, ¿ vale?
And if I don't make it, don't you try.
- No. Y si yo no lo logro, no lo intentes.
We could make enough profit and give the workers a living wage if you didn't give hoodlums a percentage out of every dress to keep the union out, and I don't care who hears it.
Podríamos sacar más beneficio y dar a los trabajadores un sueldo digno si no dieras un porcentaje a esos matones para tener a raya al sindicato, Y me da igual quien me oiga.
Well, if it will make you feel any easier, I don't feel much up to it myself.
¿ Se sentirá mejor si le digo que a mí tampoco me gustan?
I don't know if you'll take it up but perhaps it'll make you feel better to know it's there.
No sé si la aceptarás pero quizás te hará sentir mejor saber que está ahí.
Because I don't know if it will make me happy.
Porque no sé si eso me hará feliz.
It will be better than you don't enter in my matters if you don't want that... I make you a decent son.
Será mejor que no te metas en mis asuntos si no quieres que... voy a hacer de ti un hijo decente...
Remember, if I don't make it, you'll have to try again.
Recuerda que si no lo logro, deberán seguir intentándolo.
If I don't make it now, I never will.
Si no lo logro ahora, nunca lo haré.
No, I don't think I should make a dash for it if I were you.
No, si yo fuera Ud. no intentaría salir corriendo.
If we don't make it here, I don't know what we'll do.
Si no ganamos algo aquí, no sé que haremos.
But if I don't make it by the end of this week, there won't be a dam.
Si no voy este fin de semana, no habrá dique.
It's not by splitting up that you'll make more money even, if I don't think this is the issue
No es separándote como conseguirás más dinero, aunque no creo que este sea el tema.
Yes, but if you don't mind I'll make it six on the dot.
Sí, pero si no le importa, me voy a las 6 en punto.
If I don't return, it won't make much difference what shows on my record.
Si no vuelvo, poco importa lo que ponga en ella.
If I don't know enough to hold him to make him want me more than he wants her then it's not his fault, it's mine.
Si no sé lo suficiente como retenerlo Y quererme a mi mas que la quiere a ella... Entonces, no es su culpa...
I don't suppose you're very hungry after that dinner but if you'd like a cup of tea, it's no trouble for me to make.
Supongo que no tendrás mucha hambre después de lo que has comido pero si quieres una taza de té, te la preparo sin problemas.
If we're near the equator, that means Japan is far away, and I don't think we'd make it.
Si estamos cerca del ecuador, Japón está muy lejos, creo que no llegaríamos.
If I don't make it in time, does anyone have a piece of string or a shoelace?
Por si no llego a tiempo, ¿ alguien tiene un trozo de cuerda o un cordón?
I'll make it all right, if I don't take it too fast.
Llegaré bien si no voy demasiado rápido.
Oh, harvey, speak to me of jeopardy if you will but don't make it sound as if i have an exclusive franchise on the calculated risk.
Oh, Harvey, no me hables de peligro porque fijate bien que el peligro no es ni podra ser exclusivo nunca.
Darling, don't make it sound as if I'm trying to put something over on him.
Cielo, lo dices como si quisiera engañarle.
If I don't wake up in time to renew my air supply, it's hearts and flowers. I've got to make some kind of alarm device, safeguard myself.
Si no me despierto a tiempo para respirar puedo morir, tengo que hacer algún tipo de alarma que me salve.
I've been messing around in private- - he don't hold still for nothing like that, so if it was to get out to him, he'd make me old before my time.
Él no permite nada de eso, así que si se llega a enterar Me haría vieja antes de tiempo.
Si no lo logro, 99, quiero que hagas algo por mí.
Well, I don't know if I can make it.
Bueno, no sé si pueda ir.
If I don't make it, it'll be your turn.
Si yo no lo logro, será tu turno.
Hope you don't mind if I don't make it up for you.
Espero que no te moleste que no te haga la cama. No hay problema.
If you don't make it with copy like this, I'll cut off both my... ears.
Si no arrasas con un titular así, me corto las dos orejas.
No, I don't think so. If we could only get into the hotel, rifle all the safety deposit boxes and make it look like a burglary.
- no, no pienso así si pudiéramos entrar al hotel todos con fusiles a las cajas de seguridad y hacer parecerlo un robo
Ken, if I don't make it, take care of Mary and the boy.
Ken, si no sobrevivo, cuida a Mary y al niño.
Tell him I'm trying to make it back to General Bolt. Send someone else if I don't make it.
Dile que intentaré hacérselo saber al general Bolt y que envíe a algún otro por si yo no lo consigo.
I must go back to sleep and if I don't sleep how can I make up for it?
Yo tengo que recuperarme. Y si no duermo, ¿ cómo recupero?
If you don't make it out of here, I'll give it to her myself, in person.
Si usted no sale de aquí, se lo daré personalmente.
If I don't make it in the suit, well, I won't feel right, and the priest says that way it won't count as real.
Y si no lo hago con ese traje, pues no me voy a sentir a gusto, y así dice el cura que no vale.
And if I don't make it, I'll go to Hell.
Y si no la hago, pues me voy a ir al infierno.
I once started but never finished if I don't make it back.
"de la que una vez yo también me beneficié, " en el caso de que no vuelva.
I don't know if I'll make it till then.
No sé si resistiré hasta entonces.
You know, Portuga... if you don't want me, it's ok. I didn't mean to make you cry.
Sabes, Portuga... si no me quieres, no importa.
If i don't make it by curtain time, i'll find you at the first intermission.
Si no estoy allí cuando se levante el telón, te veré en el primer entreacto.
If you don't make it, I'll fire you.
Si no lo hace, le despido.
Will it make or break your day If I do or don't buy a hat, stranger?
¿ De verdad le interesa si compro o no un sombrero, forastero?
If you don't tell me who it was, you're gonna make me do something that I don't like.
Si no me dices quién era, me obligarás a hacer algo que no me gusta.
If I don't make it the people who have oil under their feet will!
Y si no lo logro yo... lo lograrán aquellos pueblos que tienen petróleo bajo sus pies.
I don't think so, because... if he had killed Sir Roger and then moved the body in order to make it look like an accident... With all those beautiful things around, why would he just take one book? Would you?
- No, porque si mató a Sir Roger y movió el cuerpo para hacerlo pasar por accidente habiendo tantas cosas hermosas ahí, ¿ por qué robar sólo un libro?

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