If it's not you перевод на испанский
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And sometimes, you're not sure if it's right or not, but you're willing to at least try to see things from someone else's perspective.
Y a veces, no estás seguro si es perfecta o no, pero al menos intentas ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva.
And even if you managed to put him away, you're not sure it's the right thing to do.
E incluso si consiguieran encerrarlo... no estás segura de que fuera lo correcto.
If it's any consolation, you're not the first woman I've disappointed this week.
Si te sirve de consuelo, no eres la primera... a la que he decepcionado esta semana.
It's just uh, I thought if I was honest about your not-so-good work, you'd believe me when I said how remarkable everything else you've done has been.
Es sólo que eh, pensé que si era honesto acerca de tu no tan buen trabajo, me creerías cuando te dijera lo extraordinario que ha sido todo lo demás que has hecho.
You are not! If anyone's going to speak to her, it's going to be me.
Si alguien va a hablar con ella, seré yo.
It's up to you if you want to sort it out or not...
Es cosa tuya si quieres arreglarlo o no...
It's not airborne, but if you eat or drink the virus, you'll have flu-like symptoms... cough, fever... until the virus kills you in about ten days. No known cure.
No se contagia por el aire, pero si lo comes o bebes, tienes síntomas parecidos a la gripe... tos, fiebre... hasta que el virus te mata en unos diez días.
But if it's not alive, how did you kill it?
Pero si no está viva, ¿ cómo la mataste?
To be honest, it's not taking time off if you don't have a job.
Para ser sinceros, si no tienes trabajo no es un día libre.
It's okay if you're not.
No pasa nada si no las haces.
You know, it's okay if you're not.
Sabes, no pasa nada si no estás bien.
Well, not from the SIM card if it's damaged the way you say it is.
Bueno, no desde la tarjeta SIM si está dañada tal y como me ha dicho.
You know, if you're not gonna eat that... it's all yours.
Sabes, si no te lo vas a comer... Es todo tuyo.
If you had asked me six years ago where I would be today, it would not be running for state's attorney.
Si hace seis años me hubiese preguntado donde estaría hoy, no sería presentándome a Fiscal del Estado.
I, because this is my first trip with you, even if it costs a bit of money, at a nice place - It's not just your money. We're splitting it half and half.
- Al igual que como se demostró en la audiencia, por la bondad que hay dentro de nosotros.-Entonces, mi historia no tiene problemas.
Axl, it's not gonna get done if you're sitting here.
Axl, la tarea no se hará sola si te quedas aquí sentado.
You know me mum - if it doesn't come with ice and lemon, she's not interested.
Ya conoces a mi madre... si no viene con hielo y limón, no está interesada.
It's not really in the genes, is it, relaxing, if you're anything to go by.
No lo llevan en los genes, eso de relajarse, a juzgar por mi experiencia.
What good is the right to free speech... if it's not protected... in the sense that you can't have a private discussion with somebody else about something you disagree with.
¿ De qué sirve el derecho a la libertad de expresión si no está protegido? En el sentido de que no se puede tener una discusión privada con alguien acerca de algo en lo que no están de acuerdo.
If she can't handle our relationship, Then maybe it's not meant to be. Do you want some dessert?
Si no puede manejar nuestra relación, quizás no está destinada a que pase.
If you charge $.40 here and $.50 there, then it's not free.
Si cobras 40 centavos aquí y 50 centavos allá, entonces no es gratis.
Fine. Sophie, if it's not me, after all I've offered you, go.
Sophie, si no es conmigo, después de todo lo que te ofrecí, vamos.
Honey, if you were, it's not your fault.
Cariño, si es así, no es culpa tuya.
If it's not fine, you can say so.
Si no está bien, puedes decirlo.
If it's not delicate, how much... Tonnage? What would you say you weigh, Sir?
¿ De cuántas toneladas estaríamos hablando, señor?
If you have to explain your Halloween costume to someone, it's probably not a good costume.
Si le tienes que explicar a alguien tu disfraz de Halloween es que, probablemente, no sea un buen disfraz. Bien...
It's not a reward if you also stipulate they have to allow inspectors.
No es una recompensa si también estipulas que deben permitir inspectores.
I asked her if it was okay for you to fly because she's asking me what we're doing, and I'm trying not to tell her because you don't want me to tell her.
Le pregunté si estaba bien que volaras porque me preguntó qué estábamos haciendo e intenté no decírselo porque no quieres que se lo cuente.
What about you and me? Um... Dylan, this has been fun, but it's not going to break my heart if this evening's all that it is.
¿ Qué hay de ti y de mí? Dylan, esto ha sido divertido, pero no me va a romper el corazón si solo queda en una noche.
If that's you trying to help me with my poem, then it's not working.
Si intentas ayudar con mi poema, no funciona.
I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.
Prefiero que no, si es todos iguales para ti.
Well, it's not if you're behind the wheel.
No si tú estás detrás del volante.
Hey, now, honey, it's not important if you win.
Oye, cielo, da igual si ganas.
If you're not lying, if there's hope, then come over here right now and prove it to me.
Si no mientes, si hay esperanza, ven aqui ahora y demuestramelo. Sabes que no puedo hacer eso.
I think that if you believe in yourself and you believe in what it is you're doing and not worry about what's going on outside, that always seems to draw excitement.
Pienso que si creés en vos mismo y creés en lo que es que estás haciendo y no te preocupás por lo que pasa afuera, eso siempre parece atraer entusiasmo.
Whereas - but if there are titles over that, you just know it's not gonna blow up.
Mientras que, si están saliendo los créditos, uno ya sabe que no va a explotar.
It's all I got. If you're not happy about it, try eating each other.
Si no les gusta, cómanse unos a los otros.
I mean, it's not... it's... Yeah, it's fine if you think it's fine.
Si, está bien si te parece que está bien.
If it's--if it's not too much to ask, would you mind contacting me with any updates?
Si... no es mucho preguntar, ¿ te importaría informarme de cualquier novedad?
I mean, he's in love with you and he's trying not to tell you, and if he doesn't, it'll be the biggest regret of his life and probably yours.
Es decir, está enamorado de ti y no quiere decírtelo, y si no lo hace será el mayor error de su vida y probablemente de la tuya.
If you had asked me six years ago what I would be doing now, it would not be running for state's attorney.
Si me hubieran preguntado hace seis años qué estaría haciendo ahora, no hubiera contestado que siendo candidata a fiscal del estado.
I mean, it's... not that it's any of my business, but if you ever need someone to talk to or just make nachos...
Quiero decir... no es asunto mío, pero si alguna vez necesitas alguien con quien hablar o para hacer nachos...
It's not much, but it's all he's got, and I wouldn't take that away from him,'cause he may never forgive you if you do.
No es mucho, pero es todo lo que tiene, y no se lo sacaría, porque puede que nunca te perdone si lo haces.
- Right. - What do you think? If you go to hell, it's not gonna be because you a carpet licker or whatever you want to call it.
Si vas al infierno, no va a ser porque eres una comecoños o como quieras llamarlo.
Better not... it's a secret that could kill you if you can't keep it.
Mejor no... Es un secreto que podría matarte si no sabes guardarlo.
- Because if you are, it's not cool.
- Porque si es así, eso no mola.
If you're just gonna try to talk me into having sex with you, it's not gonna work.
Si vas a intentar convencerme de que tenga sexo contigo no va a funcionar.
But if it's not meant to be... you go part ways.
Pero si no estuvieran predestinados, terminarán separándose.
Wait, so what you're saying is even if I screw up a little, it's not the end of the world?
Espera, entonces lo que estás diciendo es que aunque lo arruine un poco, ¿ no es el fin del mundo?
Hey, if you're having a hard time getting to the grill, it's not my problem.
Oye, si estás teniendo dificultades llegar a la parrilla, no es mi problema.
And if you do fail, it's not gonna kill you... Unless you're Karl Wallenda, and then you might wanna consider using a net.
Y si fracasas no te va a matar... a menos que seas Karl Wallenda entonces deberías considerar usar una red.
if it's meant to be 16
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22