If that's all right перевод на испанский
1,295 параллельный перевод
Ah, there he is, I'll just slip out and see him if that's all right.
Ah, míralo, ya salgo yo si no os importa.
But I didn't get shot, if that's all right with you.
Pero no me mataron, si no te importa.
I could come down on Saturday if that's all right. JOHN :
Podría ir el sábado, si te parece bien.
All right. If you think that's best.
Muy bien, si crees que es lo mejor.
Si lo hiciera, y no digo que lo vaya a hacer pero si lo hiciera y necesitaras algún lugar adonde acudir ésta es una llave de mi estudio.
I would like Agent Cooper to take me home if that's all right with you.
Prefiero que me lleve el agente Cooper, si no te importa.
You told me before that you wanted to quit your job. If you want to, it's all right. I'll miss you.
Sabes, Clark, antes me dijiste... que querías dejar tu trabajo... y si es es lo que quieres, está bien.
If that's all right with you.
Si eso está bien con usted.
I'd like to look around, if that's all right.
Quisiera dar una vuelta, si se puede.
But that's all right because if you hang onto the past, you die a little every day.
Pero no importa porque si te apegas al pasado, mueres un poquito cada día.
I thought I'd get out at Mezzago and just look in,... see how you were... if that's all right.
Pensé que saldría de Mezzago sólo... para ver cómo estaba... si está bien
Then we'll just make it one quickie little verse, if that's all right with you.
Entonces, haremos una estrofa rapidita, si no le importa.
If you couldn't crack it with all your years of experience it's impossible to conceive that I might have something to offer, right?
Si no puedes pillarlos con tus años de experiencia es imposible pensar que yo pueda hacer algo.
All I want to do is talk to him and if I see anything that's not right, I will leave right away.
Lo unico que quiero es hablar con el. Y si veo algo que no esta bien, creo que puedo callarme.
Well, if Walker says you're all right, that's good enough for me.
Bien, si Walker dice que está bien... es suficiente para mí.
If that's all right with you.
Si a ti no te molesta.
If it's any consolation to you, the board of directors believed that you were right all along.
Si te sirve de consuelo para usted, el consejo de administración cree que estaban en lo correcto todo el tiempo.
If that's all right with your mom.
Si tu mamá me deja.
I'll see you both downstairs at 7, if that's all right.
¡ Nos vemos allí a las 7, si en consecuencia.
I don't know if that's all right.
No sé si les parece bien.
I'll just hop on here, if that's all right.
Voy a saltar aquí, si le parece bien.
We'll be looking at the girl looking at the ratchet set going, " All right, if she's next to the ratchet set and I had that ratchet set I wonder if that would mean that...
Miraremos a la chica miraremos a las herramientas diciendo, " Ok, si está junto a ellas y yo tuviera ese juego de herramientas me pregunto si eso significaría que...
Would it be all right if I told the viewers what it is that's upsetting you?
¿ Está bien si les digo a los espectadores qué es lo que le entristece?
Yeah, I'd like to stretch my legs, if that's all right.
Quisiera estirar las piernas, si es posible.
If that's all right with you.
Si te parece bien.
If you wanna throw an eleven, that's all right too.
También puedes lanzar un once.
All right. If that's the way it's to be played.
Muy bien, si esta es la manera en la que quieres jugar.
All right, if that's the way you want it, you leave me no recourse.
Correcto, si así lo quieren, no me dejan remedio.
All right. If that's what it'll take to get you sentimental Sallies off the dime, fine.
Si es lo que hace falta para que se os quite la vena sentimental.
I want you to know that if you're in love, it's all right with me.
Quiero que sepas que me parece bien que te hayas enamorado.
- Well, is it all right if I call you George? - That's nice.
- Sí, llámame así, estupendo.
If your papers say you're Albanian, that's all right by me.
Si tu documentación dice que eres albanés, a mí me basta.
If my little fullback wants to surprise me that's all right with me.
Mi corredorcita me quiere dar una sorpresa perfecto.
I'm gonna set up a physical for you, if that's all right.
Voy a hacer que te examinen, si está bien para ti.
Merry Christmas, if it's all right to say that.
Hola, Feliz Navidad, si está bien que lo diga.
She's never met him, never seen him If you consider that all right
Nunca lo conoció, ni lo vio. Si crees que eso es estar bien...
If you're all right with "Gotcha" as tomorrow's headline... that's what it's gonna be.
Si no te molesta el titular de mañana : "¡ Agarrados!"...
All right, then, I tell Dylan by myself, if that's what you want.
De acuerdo, se lo diré a Dylan yo mismo, si eso es lo que quieres.
Look, I know I did not cause Mr. Feeny to get sick... but it would make me feel a heck of a lot better... if you would just give me... some sort of sign that he's gonna be all right.
Mira, sé que yo no causé que el Sr. Feeny se enfermara, pero me haría sentir muchísimo mejor si me dieras algún tipo de señal de que va a estar bien.
I mean, that's all right because if it would make you uncomfortable because it's, you know, it's...
Está bien, porque si te hace sentir más incómodo... Como hace...
All right, gentlemen, if that concludes the day's reports.
Bien. Eso es todo por hoy, caballeros.
If that's what you want, I'm fucking out of here. All right?
Si eso es lo que quieres, me marcho.
All right, Terry, if that's the way you want it,
- Bien, si eso es lo que quieres.
I think if you... assure her that she's gonna be all right, she'll come back.
- Creo que si le aseguras que no va a pasar nada, volverá.
I think the feeling is, if two women are together... then it's probably experimental or some kind of phase... and if the right guy came along that would all change.
Creo que la sensación es que si dos mujeres están juntas probablemente es experimental o algún tipo de etapa y que si aparece el tipo correcto eso va a cambiar, así que es algo
Sarah, if you want to bring a friend home, that's all right.
Sarah, si quieres traer a una amiga a casa, está bien.
That's how they can look down and see if we're all right.
Así es como ellos pueden miran y ven si estamos bien.
All right, Miss Bennett, now that I know where you are... let's see if we can get you away from your machine.
Srta. Bennett, ahora que sé dónde está... veamos si puedo alejarla de su máquina.
Jane wanted to ask you some questions, if that ´ s all right.
Jane quiere hacerte algunas preguntas, si te parece bien.
If that's what you got to do... All right.
si esto es todo lo que tienes.... esta bien
If your father's capable of throwing that boy out... he's got no right having Christ hanging all over his walls.
Si tu padre es capaz de tirar ese chico a la calle sin dinero... No creo que tenga el derecho de tener a Cristo colgado por todas las paredes.
if that's all right with you 57
if that's the case 340
if that's okay with you 90
if that's true 357
if that's okay 223
if that's what you want 359
if that's what you're asking 120
if that's what you mean 217
if that's ok with you 18
if that's alright 17
if that's the case 340
if that's okay with you 90
if that's true 357
if that's okay 223
if that's what you want 359
if that's what you're asking 120
if that's what you mean 217
if that's ok with you 18
if that's alright 17