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If that's all right with you перевод на испанский

241 параллельный перевод
Well, if you enjoy that sort of thing, it's quite all right with me.
Bueno, si le gustan esas cosas, por mí está bien.
That's quite all right if you'll get into line with the rest.
Está bien si se ponen en la fila con los demás.
- That is, if it's all right with you, sir.
- Bueno, si le parece bien, señor.
Honey, if that's what you believe, it's all right with me.
Cariño, si eso crees, no tengo problema.
That is, if it's all right with you, Jake.
En fin, si te parece bien, Jake.
- That is if it's all right with you, sir.
- Si le parece bien a Ud.
All right. If that's all the appreciation you've got of what your customers want... - it's jake with me.
Si así valora lo que sus clientes quieren, me parece bien.
It's all right with me if you want to interpret your life through fingernail parings, but that's got nothing to do with me.
Me parece bien que quiera interpretar su vida... según las uñas, pero eso no tiene nada que ver conmigo.
She'll have to leave town. You can say you suspected all along and that's why you broke off with me. Forrest is all right if you like people like that.
Deberá irse de la ciudad... pero al menos puedes decir que sospechabas... y que por eso rompiste conmigo y te casaste con Forrest... que está bien si te gusta esa gente.
If I get casually beat up along the way, that's all right with you, isn't it?
Y si me dan una paliza, no le importa, ¿ verdad?
Well, of course, if that's the way you feel about her, it's all right with me.
Por supuesto, si es lo que sientes por ella, de acuerdo.
Oh, well, of course if that's the way you feel about him, Carol it's perfectly all right with me.
Desde luego, si eso es lo que sientes por él, Carol estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
Okay. If that's all right with you.
¿ No hay inconveniente?
Put him in the car and I'll drive him straight to the hospital. If that's all right with you.
Muy bien, lo meteré en el coche y le llevaré al hospital, si no le importa.
All right, if that's the way you want it, I'll ride with you.
Bien, si eso quieres, iré contigo.
Oh, that's all right with me if you take her shots.
A mí me parece bien.
Uh, that is, if it's all right with you.
Es decir, si te parece bien.
That's all right with me, if that's the way you want it.
Por mí está bien, si así lo quieres.
I'm sick of it, if that's all right with you.
Yo ya me he cansado de hacer de sirvienta. Si os va bien, perfecto y si no, adiós muy buenas.
I'll send it along later, if that's all right with you?
- Le enviaré las señas desde allí. - Muy bien.
I suggest we split everything right down the middle, if that's all right with you.
Le sugiero que lo dividamos todo por la mitad, si le parece bien.
That hat and suit of clothes you picked out on my birthday, well, instead of this cowboy hat I'd like to have this one, if it's all right with you, sir.
Ese sombrero y esa ropa que eligió en mi cumpleaños... en vez de este sombrero de vaquero... me gustaría usar este, si le parece bien, señor.
I'd like to take him to my office at the university if that's all right with you.
Me gustaría llevarlo a la universidad si le parece.
If that's all right with you, I'll confirm it.
Si quieres, la confirmaré.
- If that's all right with the both of you?
- ¿ Les parece bien?
If that's all right with you, you'd be a great help.
Si estás de acuerdo, serás de mucha ayuda.
I'm not taking a thing, apart from my books, if that's all right with you.
No me llevaré nada, salvo mis libros, si tú estás conforme.
If that's all right with you, huh?
Si no le importa.
In that case, sir, if it's all right with you, we thought that young Torrington...
En ese caso, señor, siempre con su consentimiento, hemos pensado en el joven Torrington.
I'd very much like to be allowed to compare... this key with the keys of your rooms, if that's all right with you.
Deseo comparar esta llave con las de sus habitaciones, si no tiene inconveniente.
That's what I get paid for. And I'll handle it, if it's all right with you, mr. Norliss.
Me pagan para eso y me encargaré de todo si usted está de acuerdo, señor Norliss.
We're going to put the blankets on the horses, if that's all right with you.
Sólo iremos a cubrir los caballos con mantas... si te parece bien.
You just, uh, finish the resection you're working on... and I'll suture the other areas primarily. That is, if it's, uh, all right with you?
Termine la resección que está haciendo... y suturaré las otras zonas... claro, si le parece bien.
Here, if it's all right with you.
Bueno, aquí, si that'sall derecho con usted.
If that's all right with you?
¿ Está todo bien contigo?
I'll sit on the floor, if that's all right with you?
Pues me sentaré en el suelo.
If that's all right with you.
Si es que no te molesta.
If that's all right with you.
Sí. Si a esa hora va bien.
I'll leave those with you till tomorrow, if that's all right?
- Se las dejaré hasta mañana. - Gracias.
6 : 30, if that's all right with you and Mama?
¿ A las 6 : 30 estaría bien para ti y mamá?
- If that's all right with you.
- Si te parece bien a ti.
We can get you in day after tomorrow before Judge Garrison, If that's all right with the state?
Podemos darle la audiencia pasado mañana con el Juez Garrison, si la oficina del fiscal esta de acuerdo.
I mean, if that's all right with you, Miss Howe.
Quiero decir, si eso está bien con usted, señorita Howe.
She named him Martin, if that's all right with you.
Se llama Martin, si te parece bien.
But I didn't get shot, if that's all right with you.
Pero no me mataron, si no te importa.
I would like Agent Cooper to take me home if that's all right with you.
Prefiero que me lleve el agente Cooper, si no te importa.
If that's all right with you.
Si eso está bien con usted.
Then we'll just make it one quickie little verse, if that's all right with you.
Entonces, haremos una estrofa rapidita, si no le importa.
If you couldn't crack it with all your years of experience it's impossible to conceive that I might have something to offer, right?
Si no puedes pillarlos con tus años de experiencia es imposible pensar que yo pueda hacer algo.
If that's all right with you.
Si a ti no te molesta.
If that's all right with you.
Si te parece bien.

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